Samsat KOTAWARINGIN TIMUR is a local government office, located at Mentawa Baru Hulu, Mentawa Baru/Ketapan, Mentawa Baru Hulu, Kotawaringin Timur, Kabupaten Kotawaringin Timur, Kalimantan Tengah 74312, Indonesia
" Bad service, very very slow, arrived at half past 9 and then told to enter, which requires us to stand 1 hour 30 minutes. we just want to pay taxes, the requirements are difficult if we don't pay taxes, we are fined. There is no other solution if we pay taxes and don't bring the original KTP even though I still have a copy of the KTP that has it, the problem is if we buy it myself it's okay if we buy the same person and haven't changed the name then we want to pay taxes must bring the original ID card have while the owner has moved where we have to find the person. The solution is just being asked to return the name, it's free in Kira if it's free, it's okay. Consider again people who already want to pay taxes in an orderly manner and time has been wasted, not to mention, for example from outside the city that requires leave so we don't go back and forth to Samsat, where we are tax-compliant people. "
24 August 2020
Prasojo Sayekti
" Located on Jalan Jenderal Sudirman, Sampit city, the direction to Pangkalan Bun, serves tax payments for motorized vehicles, both two-wheeled and four-wheeled, especially in the Central Kalimantan area, "
19 August 2020
Rezafahlevi Alayubi
" Cuma melakukan cek fisik motor bayar 50rb,pas diminta kwitansi gk ada. Sesuai dengan Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) Nomor 60 tahun 2016 tentang Penerimaan Negara Bukan Pajak di Lingkungan Polri (Pengganti PP nomor 50 tahun 2010), cek fisik kendaraan sebenarnya tak dipungut biaya. Samsat yogya gratis, samsat magetan gratis, samsat wonogiri gratis. Hmm ada apakah gerangan... "
24 June 2020
Taste Rasa
" Sudah baik, tp msh perlu peningkatan "
19 February 2020
Yua Nita
" Pelayanan oke... teratur .. "
25 July 2019
Yua Nita
" Pelayanan oke... teratur .. "
25 July 2019
Ali Rosyadi
" Dulu nga mau ngurus sendiri, tapi sekarang ngurus sendiri nga masalah, pelayanan cepat, nga bolak balik kaya dulu.. Semoga makin baik pelayanannya "
22 May 2019
Ali Rosyadi
" Dulu nga mau ngurus sendiri, tapi sekarang ngurus sendiri nga masalah, pelayanan cepat, nga bolak balik kaya dulu.. Semoga makin baik pelayanannya "
22 May 2019
Hendra Santoso
" Tempat pelayanan sudah representatif, hanya ketepatan jam layanan saja yg perlu ditinggkatkan. Jam 8.30 berkas masih numpuk dan belum ada petugas yg datang "
04 October 2018
Mohammad Mukhlis
" Lumayan cepat pelayanannya "
20 September 2018
Herdi Dwi Asmoro
" Cukup bagus "
29 July 2018
Yugo Wharno
" Tempat tunggu yang sudah diperbaiki, dan pelayanan 1 atap yang ringkas "
31 May 2018
Roni Setia
" Berbelit-belit dan ada beberapa oknum nakal yg seharusnya tidak ada. "
08 February 2018
Uddinverin Verin
" Tempat lahir saya "
01 January 2018
Trizza .
" Perlu pembenahan birokrasi dalam negri karna msh bnyk petugas berkedok calo yg membuat hal mudah jd berbelit-belit#semoga kedepan lebih baik "
Roby Spt
" Bad service, very very slow, arrived at half past 9 and then told to enter, which requires us to stand 1 hour 30 minutes. we just want to pay taxes, the requirements are difficult if we don't pay taxes, we are fined. There is no other solution if we pay taxes and don't bring the original KTP even though I still have a copy of the KTP that has it, the problem is if we buy it myself it's okay if we buy the same person and haven't changed the name then we want to pay taxes must bring the original ID card have while the owner has moved where we have to find the person. The solution is just being asked to return the name, it's free in Kira if it's free, it's okay. Consider again people who already want to pay taxes in an orderly manner and time has been wasted, not to mention, for example from outside the city that requires leave so we don't go back and forth to Samsat, where we are tax-compliant people. "
24 August 2020Prasojo Sayekti
" Located on Jalan Jenderal Sudirman, Sampit city, the direction to Pangkalan Bun, serves tax payments for motorized vehicles, both two-wheeled and four-wheeled, especially in the Central Kalimantan area, "
19 August 2020Rezafahlevi Alayubi
" Cuma melakukan cek fisik motor bayar 50rb,pas diminta kwitansi gk ada. Sesuai dengan Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) Nomor 60 tahun 2016 tentang Penerimaan Negara Bukan Pajak di Lingkungan Polri (Pengganti PP nomor 50 tahun 2010), cek fisik kendaraan sebenarnya tak dipungut biaya. Samsat yogya gratis, samsat magetan gratis, samsat wonogiri gratis. Hmm ada apakah gerangan... "
24 June 2020Taste Rasa
" Sudah baik, tp msh perlu peningkatan "
19 February 2020Yua Nita
" Pelayanan oke... teratur .. "
25 July 2019Yua Nita
" Pelayanan oke... teratur .. "
25 July 2019Ali Rosyadi
" Dulu nga mau ngurus sendiri, tapi sekarang ngurus sendiri nga masalah, pelayanan cepat, nga bolak balik kaya dulu.. Semoga makin baik pelayanannya "
22 May 2019Ali Rosyadi
" Dulu nga mau ngurus sendiri, tapi sekarang ngurus sendiri nga masalah, pelayanan cepat, nga bolak balik kaya dulu.. Semoga makin baik pelayanannya "
22 May 2019Hendra Santoso
" Tempat pelayanan sudah representatif, hanya ketepatan jam layanan saja yg perlu ditinggkatkan. Jam 8.30 berkas masih numpuk dan belum ada petugas yg datang "
04 October 2018Mohammad Mukhlis
" Lumayan cepat pelayanannya "
20 September 2018Herdi Dwi Asmoro
" Cukup bagus "
29 July 2018Yugo Wharno
" Tempat tunggu yang sudah diperbaiki, dan pelayanan 1 atap yang ringkas "
31 May 2018Roni Setia
" Berbelit-belit dan ada beberapa oknum nakal yg seharusnya tidak ada. "
08 February 2018Uddinverin Verin
" Tempat lahir saya "
01 January 2018Trizza .
" Perlu pembenahan birokrasi dalam negri karna msh bnyk petugas berkedok calo yg membuat hal mudah jd berbelit-belit#semoga kedepan lebih baik "
14 July 2017Irwan Felani
" Semoga pelayannya terus ditingkatkan "
15 June 2016