LAZZAP DURIAN PANGKALANBUN is a restaurant, located at Jl. Sutan Syahrir, Sidorejo, Arut Sel., Kabupaten Kotawaringin Barat, Kalimantan Tengah 74112, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 821-5307-4748 for more detailed information.
Erna Pbun123
" Lazzao bener duriannya "
28 April 2018Rosita Ambarsari
" Lazzap durian Pbun. Salah satu tempat para pecandu durian parkirin mood nya nihh. Aq sih baru sekali ke sini, belinya jg dibawa pulang lagi, wkwkkwk. Jadi review tempatnya kurang ya guysss. Cuma agak nyelip aja sih lokaisnya. Kebetulan waktu itu lg ada diskon pancake durian gitu. Langsung belilah aq, mumpung murcek sih $_$ 😝. Tapi utk rasa pancake aslin enak kok. Recomended pokoknya lah. 🤘😇👍 "
22 January 2018Veda Santiaji
" Mencari lokasi agak membingungkan. Alamat tepatnya Jalan Padat Karya. Tapi upaya mencari sebanding dengan rasa Sop Durian yg dimakan👍 "
21 January 2018Masdhanimotovlog V2.0
" M.A.N.T.A.P "
27 December 2017Stevanus Rendy
" Just visited this small cafe, they have a lot of King Fruits (Durian) ice variation, or if you want just eat the fruit they provide here.
01 October 2017The price are reasonable, big bowl of durian ice around IDR 15.000 - IDR 25.000.
Nice taste and experience.
Recomended ! "