About KAMPUNG LAUK Restoran
KAMPUNG LAUK Restoran is a restaurant, located at Jl. Bukit Rawi Km.2, Pahandut Seberang, Pahandut, Pahandut Seberang, Pahandut, Kota Palangka Raya, Kalimantan Tengah 74874, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 851-0032-6253 for more detailed information.
Raymond Adiwicaksana
" Makanan khas kalimantan enak. Tp servisnya lama ....agak lama..... dan lama buangeth... bettwr bawa cemilan dulu . "
02 June 2018Mukti Bisri
" Best fish culinary in town, but dont go at night, you have no scenery "
09 May 2018Pernak Empat
" Makanan khas kalimantan tengah dengan hidangan berbagai ikan air tawar/sungai, tempat makan luas dan dekat dengan sungai, makanan lumayan, harga bersahabat, tempat parkir luas. "
07 May 2018Sastra Atmaja
" Nice place,nice food "
04 April 2018Nazda2007
" Good view of kahayan river but the foods are very limited "
30 March 2018Aris Zuniarto
" Good resto and recommanded "
19 March 2018Mok Pak Hong
" Well known restaurant for seafood in palangkaraya. Mostly serves sungai (river) fish. If U there for dinner, do wear long as the place is infested with mosquitoes.... "
01 March 2018Ridho Azka
" The food were delicious and the price is proper. "
24 February 2018Kris Rasta
" Great atmosphere, have your meals while enjoying the view by the river. Excellent dishes of any local fish and vegies (you can only find them in borneo) "
12 December 2017Agung Pradjoko
" The price is great "
10 December 2017Elis Ratna Wulan
" The menu is varying. Many kind of fish. Very delicious "
28 November 2017Awankolosta Stargazer
" Makanannya enak, sedap, nikmat. Nice place to hang out, having formal meeting, etc. View nya sungai, sehingga hawanya sejuk. "
11 November 2017Mia Purwandari
" Slow service... good food... "
29 October 2017Ade Kristanto
" Masakan ikan nya gurih2 sedap "
20 October 2017Junsca WCD
" makanannya enak dan nyaman untuk tempat bersantai "
11 October 2017Muhammad Kholilullah
" Ikan patin bakarnya maknyuss "
10 September 2017Master Dugong
" Suasana sungai yang menenangkan, menambah kenikmatan saat menyantap makanan. Pilihan masakan ikan yang banyak dan rasanya maknyus. Sangat disayangkan pelayanan disini cukup lama. Bagi anda yang ingin menikmati suasana sungai dan berkumpul bersama kerabat, tempat ini sangat pas untuk anda. Tetapi jika hanya untuk makan dan sudah kelaparan, sangat tidak di sarankan. "
22 August 2017Jefrey Zakharia
" Nice food but too much time taken for the food to be served "
21 August 2017Agus Reman
" Makanannya enak, tempatnya nyaman tapi pesanannya lama datang. Mungkin waktu itu datangnya pas lagi rame makan siang "
11 August 2017Aemon Targaryen
" Overrated and the service is poor and slow af. Make no mistake, you have to book the table beforehand. "
13 July 2017Kurniawan Arif Maspul
" Best restaurant in town, especially for fish option. "
11 July 2017Bartolomeus Purba
" Makanannya enak, dan pemandangan bagus. "
23 June 2017Yani Monica
" Good, but need to book if not you will wait for long time "
18 June 2017Stevin Carolius
" Already few times went here. The fishes's taste not really fresh somehow, sometimes there's wild cat asking for food even jump up to ur table and you commonly see cat going into kitchen. So.... kinda dirty as food court but nice and beautiful place to relax "
09 June 2017#Ariel_Sk8 Azharie
" Mantap "
25 May 2017Arief Setiyanto
" a delicious river fish menu.. a nice place for lunch.. a riverside location near of city center of Palangkaraya "
09 May 2017Rizkan Maulidi Ansyari
" Its means "Fish Village". A fish based restaurant by Riverside Its a good place for weekend and having a lunch with Kahayan River view. They serve good fish Bbq with sambals. "
05 May 2017Fandi Sulistiyo
" Tempatnya asik, luas, dan sejuk..
25 April 2017Masakannya enak, beragam dan juga terjangkau harganya.. "
Sybro Mullisie
" Sore syahdu "
03 April 2017Rudy Hilkya
" You must take group visit and see the view of side Kahayan's river "
24 March 2017Tiena Sari
" Good place for every moment "
17 December 2016Tommy Tri Saputra
" Long to wait the food, but it's ok. The food was nice.. "
01 December 2016Betley Heru Susanto
" Nice view, good food, but lil bit dirty "
29 November 2016M Zainal Arifin
" Luar biasa..makan diatas sungai kahayan "
06 November 2016Arif Syachroni
" Ketika weekend ramai dan nunggu makanya lama sekali sampe kepaleran "
07 September 2016M Bahrun I Chourmain
" nice place
13 August 2016large capacity
river side
many choice of local food, good taste "
Ajie Prahasto
" Local delicacies. Fresh fish, despite the mosquito. Don't forget to bring mosquito repellent. "
07 July 2016PSR Daily Vlog
" Rasa mantap
14 June 2016Lokasi nyaman
Pelayanan buruk "
Achmad Yudha
" Really nice view and tasty food "
26 December 2015Hendra Utama
" So looooong.. "
11 June 2015