" The place is actually so strategic, I think that place is clean or hygiene enough. I found my table was cleared up, tissue box fulled, and clean floor. About the food itself, I think the taste is OK. It's all helped by the sambal. which known as a food paradise distric, this chain resto served chicken with chilli and cheese , they got chilli level from 1 to 10, I try level 1 and my friends order 2 portion at level 2 and 3. Damm hot, even we order more rice to reduce the heat. Price is cheap and the chicken portion is generous. Lots of people queuing for take away. "
08 March 2019
Iin Sintya
" The place is actually so strategic, I think that place is clean or hygiene enough. I found my table was cleared up, tissue box fulled, and clean floor. About the food itself, I think the taste is OK. It's all helped by the sambal. which known as a food paradise distric, this chain resto served chicken with chilli and cheese , they got chilli level from 1 to 10, I try level 1 and my friends order 2 portion at level 2 and 3. Damm hot, even we order more rice to reduce the heat. Price is cheap and the chicken portion is generous. Lots of people queuing for take away. "
" Tempat yang enak buat makan. Decent taste. Tapi terlalu kemahalan untuk Rasanya yg biasa aja dan Porsi nya kecil.
Masih kalah sama tempat Geprekan kecil yg menawarkan rasa yang kurang-lebih sama dengan harga lebih murah "
30 October 2018
Dewi Sakunta
" Lumayan suka nasi ijo ayam sambal matah, tapi kmren dapetnya nasinya agak kurang matang dan terlalu berminyak "
26 October 2018
Setyono Kurniady
" Great spicy fried chicken. Need more drinks to balance it spiciness "
18 September 2018
Blabla Bla
" Love the spiciness "
23 July 2018
Edison Panjaitan
" Sepertinya ini KW bukan @geprekbensu punya ruben onsu. -_-. Soalnya di list outlet punya ruben onsu gak ada palangka raya. "
14 May 2018
Puput Anisa
" Pelayanannya kurang memuaskan wajahnyaa tidak menunjukan senyuman ramah, gepreknya enak pedas nya mantap kurang menarik dalam penyajian makanannya tq :) "
04 May 2018
Cici Astri A
" Ayam geprek yang enak, saya suka yg Mozarella, tetapi tempat kurang luas jadi agak sempit. dan ini seperti nya punya Artis Ruben Onsu... "
02 May 2018
Maichel Alfredo
" Ayam geprek ini enak dan cocok bagi yg lagi bosen sama makanan manis karena rasanya gurih dan sedap, tapi harganya agak mahal. Seporsi sama minum sekitar 35 ribuan kalo yg pake mozarela yak. "
25 March 2018
Bayu Frassetyo
" Untuk tempat nyaman, harga makanan standart, untuk cita rasa menurut saya pada umumnya ayam hanya ditambahkan cabe saja selebihnya 👌 "
Renny Sitorus
" I love the cash back actually... ???? "
11 October 2019Krisman Siahaan
" Best "
12 July 2019Dewa Gede Putra Angga Pradnyana
" Good place if you want bang for bucks "
22 June 2019Iin Sintya Ferenanda
" The place is actually so strategic, I think that place is clean or hygiene enough. I found my table was cleared up, tissue box fulled, and clean floor. About the food itself, I think the taste is OK. It's all helped by the sambal. which known as a food paradise distric, this chain resto served chicken with chilli and cheese , they got chilli level from 1 to 10, I try level 1 and my friends order 2 portion at level 2 and 3. Damm hot, even we order more rice to reduce the heat. Price is cheap and the chicken portion is generous. Lots of people queuing for take away. "
08 March 2019Iin Sintya
" The place is actually so strategic, I think that place is clean or hygiene enough. I found my table was cleared up, tissue box fulled, and clean floor. About the food itself, I think the taste is OK. It's all helped by the sambal. which known as a food paradise distric, this chain resto served chicken with chilli and cheese , they got chilli level from 1 to 10, I try level 1 and my friends order 2 portion at level 2 and 3. Damm hot, even we order more rice to reduce the heat. Price is cheap and the chicken portion is generous. Lots of people queuing for take away. "
08 March 2019Mukhammad Yogiantoro
" Nasi hijau sambal teri is the best "
16 January 2019Mukhammad Yogiantoro
" Nasi hijau sambal teri is the best "
16 January 2019Anis Nur Yasmine
" Enak... tapi syg tempatnya panas hehehe... mesti ngadem kalau makan yg pedas. Recomanded Nasi hijau. Kayak nasi hainan enakkk "
03 November 2018Sagard
" Tempat yang enak buat makan. Decent taste. Tapi terlalu kemahalan untuk Rasanya yg biasa aja dan Porsi nya kecil.
30 October 2018Masih kalah sama tempat Geprekan kecil yg menawarkan rasa yang kurang-lebih sama dengan harga lebih murah "
Dewi Sakunta
" Lumayan suka nasi ijo ayam sambal matah, tapi kmren dapetnya nasinya agak kurang matang dan terlalu berminyak "
26 October 2018Setyono Kurniady
" Great spicy fried chicken. Need more drinks to balance it spiciness "
18 September 2018Blabla Bla
" Love the spiciness "
23 July 2018Edison Panjaitan
" Sepertinya ini KW bukan @geprekbensu punya ruben onsu. -_-. Soalnya di list outlet punya ruben onsu gak ada palangka raya. "
14 May 2018Puput Anisa
" Pelayanannya kurang memuaskan wajahnyaa tidak menunjukan senyuman ramah, gepreknya enak pedas nya mantap kurang menarik dalam penyajian makanannya tq :) "
04 May 2018Cici Astri A
" Ayam geprek yang enak, saya suka yg Mozarella, tetapi tempat kurang luas jadi agak sempit. dan ini seperti nya punya Artis Ruben Onsu... "
02 May 2018Maichel Alfredo
" Ayam geprek ini enak dan cocok bagi yg lagi bosen sama makanan manis karena rasanya gurih dan sedap, tapi harganya agak mahal. Seporsi sama minum sekitar 35 ribuan kalo yg pake mozarela yak. "
25 March 2018Bayu Frassetyo
" Untuk tempat nyaman, harga makanan standart, untuk cita rasa menurut saya pada umumnya ayam hanya ditambahkan cabe saja selebihnya 👌 "
07 March 2018