Amanda Brownies Palangka Raya
About Amanda Brownies Palangka Raya
Amanda Brownies Palangka Raya is a cafe, located at Menteng, Jekan Raya, Palangka Raya City, Central Kalimantan 74874, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 22 87308212, visit their website for more detailed information.
Ari Hawino
" Ok "
10 April 2019Imran Troncelliti
" These are yummy cakes, not brownies. The Choco Marble is wonderfully dense and melts in your mouth. The Brownies Bakar is exotic, light and airy with its slivers of toasted almonds and strands of cheese and then you bight into a raisin, moistening the cake and your mouth. I’m not usually a fan of raisins but the Brownies Bakar would be drier without them. Brownies Kukus Original not so dense but delicious all the same. It’s perfect when you’re in the mood for something plain and simple. "
02 April 2019Aulia Aina
" Very popular brownie shop around it. Brownies amanda is very tasty, the texture of the brownies is soft, the sweetness is also right, brownies are good to eat when relaxed and anytime. and also has many variants of taste "
09 March 2019Aulia Aina
" Very popular brownie shop around it. Brownies amanda is very tasty, the texture of the brownies is soft, the sweetness is also right, brownies are good to eat when relaxed and anytime. and also has many variants of taste "
09 March 2019Virma
" Yummy and Cheap👌 "
21 November 2018Syahrul Ibad
" My favorite brownies is original "
01 October 2018BORNEO INDAH
" Enak.klo bisa ada yg mini harga satu kalimakan.klo segede itu maka. Sendiri gak habis.klo buat besok2 gak ada yg buat nyimpan.maklum anak kos gak punya kulkas "
04 September 2018Rudy Hilkya
" Toko kue khusus kue bantat alias brownies tapi tidak semua brownies warnanya coklat sekarang ada semua varian berbagai rasa dan aroma, harga terjangkau apalagi tiap 3 hari ada diskon bahkan promo harga, sering seringlah cek ke Toko ini supaya selalu dapat kejutan dari yang biasa biasa saja hingga luar biasa sekotak biasanya seharga 35 rb sampai 50 ribu tergantung kelangkaan produksi saja "
19 August 2018Muhammad Wahid
" Desain oke, karyawan ramah, Harga sesuai rasa & gak bkalan nyesal "
09 May 2018Cici Astri A
" Kue nya enak, harganya terjangkau pokok nya recommended lah ya, hehe "
02 May 2018Anya Anya
" Enak tapi lama2 eneg. Mungkin gulanya dikurangi lagi. Paling suka yang bakar karena pahitnya mengatasi manis "
22 March 2018Endang Arman
" Ga harus terbang lagi nyarinya, malah lebih murah karna dpt discount... "
17 March 2018Imam Mustofah
" Browniesnya nyaman banar... "
10 February 2018Thonny Christiantho
" The best pack and go brownies in Palangkaraya so far. Ideal place to get quick souvernir or gifts. "
23 January 2018Ridwan Ahmed
" A good deal of variant brownies "
20 January 2018Ria Marpaung
" Kue nya enak "
08 November 2017Novprida Aulina
" Kue brownies yg dijual ada beberapa jenis, rasanya enak "
07 November 2017Abdul Halim
" Tempatnya bersih, lokasi mudah dilihat, macam rasanya lumayan komplit. "
07 November 2017Hilkia Daratista
" Aku suka "
19 October 2017Putera Palangka Raya
" Mantap, varian rasa kadang suka kosong, karena ngambil stok dari banjar, mudahan nanti langsung d olah d palangka raya "
04 September 2017