" It's good to have a public space, open air and accessible
Perhaps locals hangout here in the afternoon or night where the sun isn't scorching hot.
There should be more trees here
The man made pool should be maintain and cleanse
The park itself is easy to spot from the road
It's not a big park though but has children playground "
10 May 2018
Mas B
" My country "
22 June 2017
Zidoel Cahkeb
" Top "
28 May 2017
Rieffa Ahmad
" Good "
27 March 2017
Ruman Rumansyah
" Ok tmptnya "
28 February 2017
Nurdin Kc19
" Ad wifinya "
03 January 2017
Nizarul Adam
" Coffe Time "
01 January 2017
Rahmat Muliawan
" Enak ada wifi nya "
09 July 2016
Burhan Sidqi
" Theres no many places around Paringin city may be visited, no special here. But like I said before, we have little choices here. "
Widya WW
" It's good to have a public space, open air and accessible
10 May 2018Perhaps locals hangout here in the afternoon or night where the sun isn't scorching hot.
There should be more trees here
The man made pool should be maintain and cleanse
The park itself is easy to spot from the road
It's not a big park though but has children playground "
Mas B
" My country "
22 June 2017Zidoel Cahkeb
" Top "
28 May 2017Rieffa Ahmad
" Good "
27 March 2017Ruman Rumansyah
" Ok tmptnya "
28 February 2017Nurdin Kc19
" Ad wifinya "
03 January 2017Nizarul Adam
" Coffe Time "
01 January 2017Rahmat Muliawan
" Enak ada wifi nya "
09 July 2016Burhan Sidqi
" Theres no many places around Paringin city may be visited, no special here. But like I said before, we have little choices here. "
05 July 2016Yopi Fh
" Balangan city "
26 October 2015