Jelita Tanjung Hotel-Tanjung Kalimantan Selatan
About Jelita Tanjung Hotel-Tanjung Kalimantan Selatan
Jelita Tanjung Hotel-Tanjung Kalimantan Selatan is located at Tanjung, Kalimantan Tengah, Indonesia
Rehattt semlm, besok lanjut Mahakam Balikpapan
Prio - S
" less than 200rb you can sleep well with aircon, clean bed, bath room, and get bf. "
08 April 2019Agung Hernawan
" A nice place to stay with a good price "
06 December 2018Muhamad Yusuf
" This not bad hotel with standard facilities but if compare with the price is not balance... "
27 May 2018Erma Emmita
" Good service "
27 May 2018Ardi Dita
" Ga ada lift haha berjuang dl untuk sampai ke kamar atassss "
27 May 2018M Bahrun I Chourmain
" common hotel.. but expensive "
20 May 2018Marcel Tirtodarmono
" Haih... receptionistnya ngeyelan "
12 May 2018Sutadi Badri
" D'sini aqhu merasa nyaman aqhu bebas brakti fitas "
19 April 2018Yogi Iswara
" Suasana vintage,kamar bersih,harga bersahabat "
14 April 2018Renandika Galih
" Good hotel and the architectur was good. "
13 April 2018Jeffry Tesisco
" Disediakan makan malam dan pagi, jd g repot cr makan "
09 April 2018Ana Nirwana
" Pintu ga bisa di kunci,airnya Kotor sama dekorasi Dan bangunannya belum diupdate. "
04 April 2018Yusup Marwan
" Good for sleep. "
30 March 2018Noviani Prayetno Wijaya
" Cheap hotel for backpackers. If you're not looking for luxury and as long as there's roof pver your head.. this one is ok. "
15 March 2018Ferry Andriawan
" Good place.. recommended "
13 March 2018Yulia Damayanti
" It's located on the traffic road, you can access the main of the city, easily from here... the front-view of hotel is vintage-old-style. But UNFORTUNATELY you may not find the similarity between the pictures (on internet or another web promotion) with the realty (T_T). The WiFi couldn't reach the higher floor moreover if you were in the room (on bed or chair), like the 3rd floor... the room were not really clean, you may smell some dust that might cause sneezing... the bedcovers were not really clean too... what a pity... IMHO, I wish the hotel may have some corrections and improve to be better... "
27 February 2018Ali Ahmad
" Saat nya pulang "
20 February 2018Dinar Wirantika
" Not good "
02 February 2018Wulungwengi Waskitowicaksono
" Cukup menyenangkan untuk ostirahat "
29 January 2018Fajar Wirawan
" Limited breakfast option, quite yummy 'tho. Reasonable price in strategic location "
06 January 2018Zamyl Bey
" Inexpensive, neat 'n clean "
22 December 2017Edi Wahyu Widodo
" Dpt makan malam "
15 December 2017Shafwan Hamidi
" Free breakfast + dinner
26 November 2017Free wi-fi
Food taste average
Spacious parking lot
Short distance to Local Government Office "
Tofan Tri Oktora
" Bad hotel "
13 November 2017Burhan Sidqi
" Rate per room IDR 700K-800K, way too expensive regards to facilities provided by hotel "
11 November 2017Mbay Yohanes
" Menyenangkan "
09 November 2017Sarjono Bregas
" More effort for more clean and more friendly. "
02 November 2017Asnawar Asx
" Verry good.. "
02 November 2017Senthil Kumar
" Good hotel and location. People are friendly. "
22 October 2017Didik Kiswoyo
" water on the batroom awful.... cos i'm on the 3rd floor, light bulp at room not to bright "
09 October 2017Condor Condor
" Small hotel "
05 October 2017Rainer Jehl
" Old style hotel, but all well maintained and fairly clean. The deluxe rooms are a bit small, but sufficient. They have working hot water. Budget and busy.
15 September 2017Due to classic asian layout round the courtyard the rooms are a bit noisy.
Guarded carpark. "
Hendro Jio
" awesome "
12 September 2017Viary Ktp
" Aphee "
10 September 2017Rika Latief
" The bathroom isn't good, no remote TV and AC "
04 September 2017Wenda Christiyanto
" Old hotel "
30 August 2017Saraz Wati
" Kurang memuaskan "
26 August 2017Najib KA
" First class hotel with dinner services "
04 August 2017Davy Richard Kennard
" Nice hotel "
26 July 2017Ucok Uje
" penginapan yg nyaman & bersih harga standart "
29 June 2017Fitri Mulyati
" I paid for VIP room for 4 people n I got mini bar working properly, hot shower, tv. However, cleanliness here is not that sufficient. I found some kind of stain or spots on the bedcovers. It was quite disgusting for such a VIP room. "
27 June 2017Ghanank Jatmiko
" Lumayan untuk istirahat sejenak, walaupun tidak nyenyak karena suara out door ac masuk kedalam kamar "
26 June 2017Hario Purbaseno
" The tagline of this hotel is " the safe hotel. ." You know what i mean. π "
22 June 2017Adin Mustofa
" Wifi lancar "
24 May 2017Imam Sholahudin
" Airya macet. "
18 May 2017Gyllian Russel F
" ok "
16 May 2017Wafirun Sofinindyo
" Good place to stay at Tanjung "
04 May 2017Agustinus Herdayana
" Lumayan sih hotelnya tp kq sepi yah hehe "
24 April 2017Chandra Silaen
" nice hotel with dinner facility, really comfort to live here for several days "
24 April 2017Madcat Miaw
" Vintage small hotel, clean and comfy, but smoke from people smoking outside tend to flow into the room "
11 February 2017Firdha Windya
" Seremm tempatnya, airnya ketika malam gabisa, trs banyak nyamuk :( "
24 January 2017Imran Hemuto
" Enak untuk tempat nginep "
14 January 2017Wiwied F Priyadie
" Sip "
09 January 2017Anugrah Izati
" Lumayan nyaman, tp sy dpt kamar yg AC ny agak rusak dan tdk sejuk, kekuatan wifi nya sgt kecil, tdk ada sikat dan pasta gigi pd bath kit nya. "
08 January 2017Ubaidah Nn
" Air ny mati , rusak malahan... "
30 December 2016Aditya Warman
" Cocok untuk liburan disurabaya . Harga terjangkau dan pelayanan yg bagus "
27 December 2016Odie Zainal
" Retro "
25 December 2016Indah Safitri
" Hotel nyaman...Pelayanan oke...Sarapan enak...Ramah...Murah .
24 December 2016. VIP room cm 330 RB...Bangunan khas vintage jaman Belanda...Kyk di rumah...Recommended banget "
Asis Rauf
" Sederhana "
16 December 2016Ian Supriyanto
" Hotel bernuansa pantai, sayang ruangannya kurang nyaman. "
11 December 2016Wendy D
" jaringan wifi nya rendah kalo di kamar jd otomatis koneksi jd lemot, trus siaran tv kabel nya cmn lokal aja. jd suntuk di kamar malah. "
04 December 2016Pras Pribadi
" Buat sales2 yg cari hrg murah cocok bgt economi room jg ada "
30 November 2016Rina Irnawati
" Tempat untuk mencariq "
28 November 2016Rika Lailatul
" πππ€π©π€π‘π£π‘ππβ¨πππππππ΅πππ’π·π΅π΅πππππππππππππ·πππ―ππ―πππππ―ππππππππππ "
23 November 2016Andri Wijaya
" Hotel untuk sales. Kamar besar. Tarif murah tapi bangunan model lama. "
12 October 2016Welly Wibisono
" Murah meriah "
09 October 2016Kristanto Wibowo
" air gak lancar,sebagian toilet dan wastafel rusak,sebagian ac berisik dan ga ada remote.nya "
06 September 2016R Wulandana
" Beautiful view and nice food "
02 September 2016Ismed Syahrul
" Below standard "
27 August 2016Rawins Mumet
" Untuk level Kalimantan okelah, tapi kalo dibandingkan hotel di Jawa, bintangnya harus diturunin. Ruangannya sempit dan suka bau rokok.
25 July 2016Kurang menarik sebenarnya, tapi nilai kenangannya luar biasa, makanya ingin ke sana lagi "
Erika Chen
" Hotelnya klasik, dg bentuk bangunan jaman kolonial, water heater tidak panas, kamarnya cukup luas, kasurnya lumayan lebar ukuran 120x200cm, AC dingin, tempat parkir cukup, dekat dgn pusat kota "
04 July 2016Muhlis
" Lumayan lah "
25 May 2016K Takei
" Good "
24 May 2016Hatno Wiyanto
" Hotel pavorit di tulungagung "
22 May 2016Siti Hamidah
" Aku suka "
15 May 2016Wahyu Setiawan
" Small hotel in small town Tanjung.
14 May 2016The public rate is too high. "
Rahendra Ida Bagus
" Comfortable Hotel "
27 April 2016Agus Setiwan Agus
" Hotel nya bagus banget "
15 April 2016Septinus Manggaprow
" Very small parking area "
23 March 2016Nabil Prasojo
" Mohon di perbaiki fasilitas nya "
18 September 2015Rachmad Sambodo
" Lumayan buat weekend "
11 April 2015Nanang Hidayatul Fuad
" Semangat pagi di sini "
05 September 2014Ihsan Tondong
" Bolehlah tuk jd t4 nginap murah dtengah kota, pelayanan jg bgs "
11 November 2012