About Hotel Victoria River View
Hotel Victoria River View is a cafe, located at Jl. Lambung Mangkurat No.48, Kertak Baru Ilir, Banjarmasin Tengah, Kota Banjarmasin, Kalimantan Selatan 70111, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 511 3360111, visit their website www.victoriabanjarmasin.com for more detailed information.
Anton Gendut
" Comfortable place, spacious parking, free WiFi, warm shower, which is definitely an economical price, for sales there is a discount "
30 September 2020Arifvpoel
" The place is strategic ...
05 September 2020Parking area ..
The service is satisfying "
Victor Boni
" Strategic location on the national road jogja solo, spacious parking.
03 September 2020Comfortable. Recommended "
Rio Monangan Tarihoran
" Sangat bagus dalam pelayanannya dan tempatnya bersih, semoga ditingkatkan terus dan menjadi tempat nomor 1 untuk penginapan bagi para wisatawan "
27 May 2020Ammy Arane
" ok "
06 April 2020Ndaa Heindraa
" Lokasi strategis tapi kualitas pelayanan kurang + kamar nya kurang bersih "
24 February 2020Wahid Suromenggolo
" Bjoku suka...cm plyanannya krg ramah... "
29 December 2019Exta Indra
" Hotel nyaman yang berada di jalur Solo menuju Klaten. Cocok buat istirahat sejenak melepas lelah abis dari perjalanan jauh. "
08 December 2019Indriani Ramadhan
" Lokasi strategis,tepi jalan raya solo Jogja, area parkir luas. "
30 August 2019Muhammad Arifin
" Belum tau dalam nya "
15 August 2019Hanum Nabillah Khairun A
" Sumpah tempatnya jorok bngt banyak nyamuknya, gaada selimutnya katanya habis😌 padahal rombongan kita banyak. Yg lain dper selimut yg lain ga "
12 April 2019Anang Krongko Portnoy
" Nice "
15 December 2018Handoyo
" cukup bersih "
26 October 2018Abu Ali
" Deket rumah ortu "
08 September 2018Mahendra Putra
" Hotel Victoria yg berada di Jl. Raya KM Solo -Jogja ini tidak memenuhi ekspektasi. Dgn rate per night seharga 150.000 rupiah, kamar yang ditawarkan cukup luas, namun kasur tidak empuk dan agak keras karena terasa sekali papan di bawah kasur. Lalu remote AC kurang berfungsi dgn baik karena sudah lama digunakan dan baterai belum diganti. selain itu, remote tv jg tidak berfungsi, sehingga harus manual menggunakan tombol analog yg ada di bawah tv.
08 September 2018Selanjutnya, kamar mandi jg kurang terawat meskipun debit air kencang dan cukup bersih. Secara keseluruhan butuh banyak perbaikan dan improvement. "
Michael Yosua
" Pelayanan yang kurang ramah + kondisi kamar yang kurang bersih "
05 September 2018Mario Christian Sumampow
" A hotel that has place right beside river. So you can enjoy the river view and there ia a package trip from the hotel that allow you enjoy the river with "klotok" (a little ship). "
06 May 2018Urban Planner
" 3 stars hotel, Riverview, best spot, excellent and romantic place, could be for tennage too to hang out of just have a cup of coffee. Great facility, bicycles are available, drop off airport at 12 am, in the centre of the city, near the biggest market of kalimantan, near local govn district office of banjarmasin. Many bank near here. Rent car also available, enough parking space, meeting rooms are available. You can ask for river visit n tour here. Recommended hotel at banjarmasin city. "
04 May 2018Galih Jati
" Hotel singgah paling pass di antara 2 kota besar Jogja dan Solo "
01 May 2018Andreas Aditya
" tempat terbaik untuk menginap dengan harga sangat murah "
23 April 2018Suprapto Prapto
" This hotel is right placed by the river of martapura south kalimantan.It means that while you are there you can see the river transportation pasding the river like small boats.This place can be reached easily from the town of banjarmasin. "
22 April 2018Imanuel Ima
" Gone kanca Dewe ...sip lahh "
16 April 2018Anggarawoyo
" yang penting happy "
22 March 2018Hani Dian
" Nice place beside the river, room is clean n cozy
07 March 2018They have small balcony
Haven't try the food
Only stay 1 night "
Hany Sausan
" I enjoyed the breakfast, because i can sit and enjoy the view of Martapura river. I'm craving for its porridge, served with the chicken broth.. the room i stayed is cozy but, the cleanliness not really supported because i found insects like ants, and several times found lizzard on the wall. But all the service given is pretty good with humble and heart warming gesture from the waiter waitress receptionist and the room boys "
03 March 2018Adira Setyadi
" The place was nice and cozy. Be sure to get a room with the view to the river. There is a balcony, even though it's tiny, it will allow you to view the river directly and snap some photos. Or just sit there and relax. The vibe is relaxing though sometimes there will be noises from local boats. But those are not to be worried and should be considered as a plus during your stay in this hotel and Banjarmasin overall. "
31 January 2018Bams Pi
" Lumayan bersih "
30 January 2018Agung Prijanto
" Selamat siang "
17 January 2018Entop Topan
" river view, humble staff "
11 January 2018Trilara Prasetya Rina
" Clean and in good area, nice furniture, wonderful view river balcony, good staff. Menu food from restaurant is damn good. Breakfast is ok. Silly me, I think its better they take off the indoor plastic grass decoration at restaurant entrance. Hehe it just me. "
11 January 2018Febri Kamelia
" Nyaman bgtt "
27 December 2017Syahdu Hilal
" Even counted as old hotel but still comfort to stay for business trip. Could get good sleep with water flow sound on the background when small boat pass "
05 October 2017Sayid Hasanul
" The service and staff is really nice, need a lot of maintenance for the room. I was stay in the room with a bad smell coming from the toilet and the air conditioner was broken too. Luckily they move us to the other room after complaining. "
03 September 2017Akhyar Fathur
" Pilihan tempat menginap murah di klaten agak minggir "
24 August 2017Agus Pramono
" Pindahan yg lama "
20 August 2017Jessica R Devin
" All is fine but the problem is the parking lot. Its too crowded. "
01 August 2017Sunhadi Hare
" Great view great river "
24 July 2017Zatil Ishak
" Basic necessity is great have kettle n toothbrush... Hv easy access to sg. Martapura.. "
19 April 2017Arie Anggara
" Nice view'... "
17 April 2017Risyad Kharisma
" Clean, polite and easy to access everywhere "
19 March 2017Suryono Bin Iksan
" Cek No handphone hotel victoria, yg punya. Prepare , mau reserpasi, tks "
23 February 2017Piyanz Supri
" Per malem nya brpa to "
25 January 2017Anang Rahmat
" Tempat yang nyaman untuk liburan akhir tahun "
11 January 2017Angga Pratama
" Overall good but wifi in here is so bad "
07 January 2017Anastasiia Ciimut
" Bersih rapi indah "
22 December 2016ARIEF DARMAWAN
" It's very good Hotel... "
29 October 2016Jas San
" It's a nice view if you get the river view. Restaurants are downstairs, which convenient. The AC works well, but the wifi is almost non-existent, that is if you can log in at all. There is smoking in many places, so beware. Overall fairly nice. "
18 October 2016Rizqi Mulyantara
" nice "
15 September 2016Feynix Light
" Clean, river view, and standard rate "
07 August 2016Budi Santoso
" Cukup nyaman....... "
30 July 2016Achmad Yudha
" Tempatnya enak (sebelahan langsung sama sungai), sore2 enaknya nongkrong di pinggir sungai deket hotel. Pelayanan oke, breakfast mayan lah. "
26 December 2015Ilham Ozan
" Not bad lah.. "
04 December 2015Arry Setiawan
" Hidup Baru "
03 December 2015Irwan Widiantoro
" Good "
19 July 2014Lucky Heryanto
" Good hotel "
17 January 2013