" It's a comfortable enough building for musical concerts located on a boulevard. "
02 August 2019
Rully Rozhani
" One of the best buildings in Banjarmasin for doing many kinds of activities "
09 December 2018
Cahya Budi
" Wisuda "
01 December 2018
Gt Rifky
" Big event "
17 November 2018
Fahri Bahtiar
" Great place it' fits nicely for people who want made a program like a prom, wedding party etc "
12 September 2018
Hera Zahara Maxoom
" Mu nephew's wedding here couple months ago "
24 May 2018
Wahyunah Redha
" Gedung Sultan Suriansyah is a big building which place in Kayutangi Banjarmasin. Banjarmasin people call Gedung Sultan Suriansyah as Gedung Susu. Susu mean is Sultan Suriansyah not milk. 'Cos milk in Indonesia also mean susu.
Gedung Susu is one of the biggest hall in Banjarmasin which often use for state events, weddings event and even often use for theater. "
25 April 2018
Ary Wibowo
" Multi function hall "
13 April 2018
Regina Thania
" The biggest in Banjarmasin, capacity up to 3000 person "
21 March 2018
Risa Mawarni
" Ok "
25 February 2018
" It's ACs seem to be overwhelmed by the crowd and the volume of the building. "
10 December 2017
Sasaq Faza
" Nice "
24 November 2017
Barmawi Aza
" Ok "
12 November 2017
Syahquitta Nor Ramadina
" Besides for wedding or concert,it is usually use for graduation events. "
14 October 2017
Putra Susanto
" I dont care "
03 October 2017
" too crowded to turn "
30 August 2017
Ersyad Borneo
" Not bad "
17 August 2017
Julio Adam Pratama
" A very big hall, usually for big events such as wedding, concert, or festival. "
09 August 2017
Eki Putri Andira
" Cocok untuk acara perkawinan dan acara2 besar lainnya "
03 July 2017
Fahriah Joseph
" Nice place for mini concert or conventions "
20 June 2017
Bahruddin SH
" Ok "
15 June 2017
Andhy Dwi Marwan
" Gedung terbesar se Kalimantan Selatan, tempat wisuda semua kampus di banjarmasin, tempat parkir kurang luas "
27 April 2017
Roisa A
" Big and good for big event "
14 April 2017
Ahmad Mujahid Algampayi
" Sering macet apabila ada acara,
Apakah ada solusinya??? "
11 February 2017
Fajar Fajar101071
" Salah satu plihan tempat untuk menggelar acara besar "
08 February 2017
Iqbal M
" Ikonnya banjarmasin "
21 August 2016
Radhea Permata Dewi
" Basically it is a good building in the city. I often see garbage everywhere. The manager needs to do some improvement, especially things that are related to cleaning service. "
13 July 2016
Qori Reader
" This is one of local landmark building called Gedung Susu by local people. There are some events that hosted by building such as traditional performance show, music concert and graduation ceremony. It has beautiful landscape for taking iconic picture if you are visiting Banjarmasin. "
06 July 2016
Red Droid
" Nice :D "
13 June 2016
Rahmat Ansyari
" Sering disebut gedung SuSu, dulu saya pikir disiebut gedung susu karena bentuknya .... tapi ternyata singkatan Sultan Suriansyah ;) "
Mulyadi Alvaro59
" Good and big building .. "
12 August 2020Mocha D'Ya
" nice "
13 January 2020Kayu Tangi
" Ok "
31 October 2019RHT SE
" Ok "
01 September 2019Leonard Oley
" It's a comfortable enough building for musical concerts located on a boulevard. "
02 August 2019Rully Rozhani
" One of the best buildings in Banjarmasin for doing many kinds of activities "
09 December 2018Cahya Budi
" Wisuda "
01 December 2018Gt Rifky
" Big event "
17 November 2018Fahri Bahtiar
" Great place it' fits nicely for people who want made a program like a prom, wedding party etc "
12 September 2018Hera Zahara Maxoom
" Mu nephew's wedding here couple months ago "
24 May 2018Wahyunah Redha
" Gedung Sultan Suriansyah is a big building which place in Kayutangi Banjarmasin. Banjarmasin people call Gedung Sultan Suriansyah as Gedung Susu. Susu mean is Sultan Suriansyah not milk. 'Cos milk in Indonesia also mean susu.
25 April 2018Gedung Susu is one of the biggest hall in Banjarmasin which often use for state events, weddings event and even often use for theater. "
Ary Wibowo
" Multi function hall "
13 April 2018Regina Thania
" The biggest in Banjarmasin, capacity up to 3000 person "
21 March 2018Risa Mawarni
" Ok "
25 February 2018WeisSchwarz
" It's ACs seem to be overwhelmed by the crowd and the volume of the building. "
10 December 2017Sasaq Faza
" Nice "
24 November 2017Barmawi Aza
" Ok "
12 November 2017Syahquitta Nor Ramadina
" Besides for wedding or concert,it is usually use for graduation events. "
14 October 2017Putra Susanto
" I dont care "
03 October 2017Ara
" too crowded to turn "
30 August 2017Ersyad Borneo
" Not bad "
17 August 2017Julio Adam Pratama
" A very big hall, usually for big events such as wedding, concert, or festival. "
09 August 2017Eki Putri Andira
" Cocok untuk acara perkawinan dan acara2 besar lainnya "
03 July 2017Fahriah Joseph
" Nice place for mini concert or conventions "
20 June 2017Bahruddin SH
" Ok "
15 June 2017Andhy Dwi Marwan
" Gedung terbesar se Kalimantan Selatan, tempat wisuda semua kampus di banjarmasin, tempat parkir kurang luas "
27 April 2017Roisa A
" Big and good for big event "
14 April 2017Ahmad Mujahid Algampayi
" Sering macet apabila ada acara,
11 February 2017Apakah ada solusinya??? "
Fajar Fajar101071
" Salah satu plihan tempat untuk menggelar acara besar "
08 February 2017Iqbal M
" Ikonnya banjarmasin "
21 August 2016Radhea Permata Dewi
" Basically it is a good building in the city. I often see garbage everywhere. The manager needs to do some improvement, especially things that are related to cleaning service. "
13 July 2016Qori Reader
" This is one of local landmark building called Gedung Susu by local people. There are some events that hosted by building such as traditional performance show, music concert and graduation ceremony. It has beautiful landscape for taking iconic picture if you are visiting Banjarmasin. "
06 July 2016Red Droid
" Nice :D "
13 June 2016Rahmat Ansyari
" Sering disebut gedung SuSu, dulu saya pikir disiebut gedung susu karena bentuknya .... tapi ternyata singkatan Sultan Suriansyah ;) "
21 February 2016Adny Nizomi
" Gedung SuSu (Sultan Suriansyah). "
28 December 2015Aidil Rizki
" Wisuda kakak "
10 March 2015Naufal Yaasir
" Gedung Oppai (Oppai Building) "
27 October 2013