Depot Sari Asih is a restaurant, located at Kawasan Wisata Mandiri, Jalan Jendral Sudirman No. 29, Kertak Baru Ulu, Banjarmasin Tengah, Kota Banjarmasin, Kalimantan Selatan 70234, Indonesia
" Nice place to get a quick bite and the taste is great "
27 September 2020
Wahyu Jaya
" Nice fried chicken "
30 August 2020
Bagus Prasetyo
" Great menu and price ... Perfect !! "
16 July 2020
Kelinci Kecil
" okey food with very cheap price "
28 December 2019
Jack Kriwul
" Many menu of food and cheap "
12 December 2019
Sandi Ci
" fried chicken is their main menu. it is so delicious. but their service is not very good. cleanliness is their main issue. "
18 November 2019
Fathol Arifin
" Ok "
10 November 2019
Taufik Mahlan
" This is a local eatery, fast food style. You pay, food is served. Despite the generous portion, quality (taste) is on the low side. Popular with the locals, especially the fried chicken. "
20 October 2019
Tri Jauhari
" Cheap n delicious fried chicken in Situbondo "
26 May 2018
Dony Pentol
" No review "
20 April 2018
Muhammad Fahri Priambudi
" Budget meals with above average taste. Must try their crunchy and hot ayam goreng (fried chicken). They also offers quite wide range of Indonesian delicacies. But somehow if you want to dine-in, especially during lunch or dinner hours, please bear the humid and less comfortable room. "
12 April 2018
AdStuff Ru
" Wow, so tasty warung! Just have a great lunch here by the way to Surabaya. Soto ayam sup and crispy chicken awesome! 👍👍👍 "
16 March 2018
Dhirta Adhyatma
" Enak nyam-nyam "
07 February 2018
Yusuf Adi S
" Nice place, good food, low cost "
26 January 2018
Yves Frombelgium
" Cheap local food, very popular, always busy "
05 January 2018
Erfan Febriantoro
" Tetep rame tapi nggak bosen "
23 November 2017
Andika Febri
" Rf "
17 November 2017
Dhavia Filla Resandy
" Nice taste.. "
10 November 2017
Anjar Kusuma
" enak asli dan makannya murah cuman 8000an aja "
01 October 2017
Jenry Jaya
" yummy "
05 August 2017
Lailiyah Khairun Novia
" Cheap but classt "
22 July 2017
Alikha Zafira
" murah, cepat soalnya pelayannya banyak. pernah mau beli tapi gak boleh bungkus, harus makan ditempat. loh heran deh "
09 July 2017
Windy D
" Pilihan menunya banyak. Tempatnya ramai, karena harganya yang murah. Namun terlihat kurang bersih (dari segi lantai dan meja). Tapi makanannya lumayan kok.. "
16 June 2017
Gusty Budi
" Very cheap "
07 June 2017
Berliana Bertha
" Tersedia banyak menu dan enak, cuma tidak adanya terpat parkir yang luas. Untuk pengendara mobil susah mencari tempat untuk parkir "
23 April 2017
" Rumah makan sari asih di Situbondo sangat terkenal dengan berbagai menu yang sesuai selera masyarakat khususnya kalangan menengah ke bawah,selain rasanya yang sesuai selera pasti la harganya sangat murah dan ramah di kantong, rata - rata menu di rumah makan sari asih berkisar antara 6 rb rupiah sampai dengan 15 ribu rupiah. Sangat murah bukan. Jadi jgn ditunda lage kalau mau makan dengan menu yang sesuai selera masyarakat. Dan harga bersahabat datang saja ke Rumah makan sari asih jln Sucipto Situbondo "
28 March 2017
Asa El-Mu'tashim
" Murah dan enak "
27 March 2017
Kang Dafi
" Enak cepat saji "
13 March 2017
Wahyu Nusamba
" Wuih rame banget "
26 February 2017
Iskanadar Zulkarnaen
" Murah meriah layanan cepat rasa lumayan harga anak kost "
17 February 2017
Setiya Budi
" Murah enak bersih "
12 January 2017
Yves Frombelgium
" Cheap, always busy "
22 December 2016
Benoit Bilodeau
" Good food and excellent place for meeting local and enjoy with them.😉 "
Lita Safitrin
" Tasted good, but limited place to eat "
04 November 2020Day Zero
" Nice place to get a quick bite and the taste is great "
27 September 2020Wahyu Jaya
" Nice fried chicken "
30 August 2020Bagus Prasetyo
" Great menu and price ... Perfect !! "
16 July 2020Kelinci Kecil
" okey food with very cheap price "
28 December 2019Jack Kriwul
" Many menu of food and cheap "
12 December 2019Sandi Ci
" fried chicken is their main menu. it is so delicious. but their service is not very good. cleanliness is their main issue. "
18 November 2019Fathol Arifin
" Ok "
10 November 2019Taufik Mahlan
" This is a local eatery, fast food style. You pay, food is served. Despite the generous portion, quality (taste) is on the low side. Popular with the locals, especially the fried chicken. "
20 October 2019Tri Jauhari
" Cheap n delicious fried chicken in Situbondo "
26 May 2018Dony Pentol
" No review "
20 April 2018Muhammad Fahri Priambudi
" Budget meals with above average taste. Must try their crunchy and hot ayam goreng (fried chicken). They also offers quite wide range of Indonesian delicacies. But somehow if you want to dine-in, especially during lunch or dinner hours, please bear the humid and less comfortable room. "
12 April 2018AdStuff Ru
" Wow, so tasty warung! Just have a great lunch here by the way to Surabaya. Soto ayam sup and crispy chicken awesome! 👍👍👍 "
16 March 2018Dhirta Adhyatma
" Enak nyam-nyam "
07 February 2018Yusuf Adi S
" Nice place, good food, low cost "
26 January 2018Yves Frombelgium
" Cheap local food, very popular, always busy "
05 January 2018Erfan Febriantoro
" Tetep rame tapi nggak bosen "
23 November 2017Andika Febri
" Rf "
17 November 2017Dhavia Filla Resandy
" Nice taste.. "
10 November 2017Anjar Kusuma
" enak asli dan makannya murah cuman 8000an aja "
01 October 2017Jenry Jaya
" yummy "
05 August 2017Lailiyah Khairun Novia
" Cheap but classt "
22 July 2017Alikha Zafira
" murah, cepat soalnya pelayannya banyak. pernah mau beli tapi gak boleh bungkus, harus makan ditempat. loh heran deh "
09 July 2017Windy D
" Pilihan menunya banyak. Tempatnya ramai, karena harganya yang murah. Namun terlihat kurang bersih (dari segi lantai dan meja). Tapi makanannya lumayan kok.. "
16 June 2017Gusty Budi
" Very cheap "
07 June 2017Berliana Bertha
" Tersedia banyak menu dan enak, cuma tidak adanya terpat parkir yang luas. Untuk pengendara mobil susah mencari tempat untuk parkir "
" Rumah makan sari asih di Situbondo sangat terkenal dengan berbagai menu yang sesuai selera masyarakat khususnya kalangan menengah ke bawah,selain rasanya yang sesuai selera pasti la harganya sangat murah dan ramah di kantong, rata - rata menu di rumah makan sari asih berkisar antara 6 rb rupiah sampai dengan 15 ribu rupiah. Sangat murah bukan. Jadi jgn ditunda lage kalau mau makan dengan menu yang sesuai selera masyarakat. Dan harga bersahabat datang saja ke Rumah makan sari asih jln Sucipto Situbondo "
28 March 2017Asa El-Mu'tashim
" Murah dan enak "
27 March 2017Kang Dafi
" Enak cepat saji "
13 March 2017Wahyu Nusamba
" Wuih rame banget "
26 February 2017Iskanadar Zulkarnaen
" Murah meriah layanan cepat rasa lumayan harga anak kost "
17 February 2017Setiya Budi
" Murah enak bersih "
12 January 2017Yves Frombelgium
" Cheap, always busy "
22 December 2016Benoit Bilodeau
" Good food and excellent place for meeting local and enjoy with them.😉 "
08 November 2016Setio Lukman
" Nyanan dan murah "
05 November 2016Viga Natasa
" Makanan oke, lantai kurang bersih "
08 October 2016Ardi Aman Jaya
" Murah nya dan juga enak "
27 July 2016