Depo Gemilang Banjarmasin
About Depo Gemilang Banjarmasin
Depo Gemilang Banjarmasin is a home goods store, located at Teluk Dalam, Central Banjarmasin, Banjarmasin City, South Kalimantan 70115, Indonesia. Visit their website for more detailed information.
Urban Planner
" Great building material store, open on holiday, till can count on..when the others closed...depo was open. Many equipment refferences...many level of price, from low budget to expensive...just chose and pick it. It's has two entrance, one at the front on sutoyo street and the others from kinibalu street. ATM centre are available, coffee shop the backyard. Even little playlands for your kids..many tools, equipment, n building material you can find here....mostly recommended. "
20 May 2018Arif Nugfat
" Ok "
14 May 2018Marcus Bura Harry
" Bagus buat belanja aksesoris rumah dan bahan bangunan "
29 March 2018Marivany Alwi
" Lengkap tapi kadang kadang kalo mau belanja harus diikuti pelayannya bikin risih dan tidak bebas "
25 January 2018Muhammad Rizqi Mulyanto
" Not All Brand available. But its there, enough for homebuild. "
04 January 2018Muhammad Yasier
" home decor one stop shopping "
23 November 2017Sukarmawan DNA
" Lengkap pokoknya "
" Perlengkapan peralatan dan bahan bangunan cukup lengkap "
09 September 2017Riezka Astatin
" Lumayan lengkap untuk peralatan bengkel & rumah tangga "
19 August 2017Mahlupi Pang
" Solusi kebutuhan bahan bangunan,, sd pernak pernik kebutuhan rumah "
21 July 2017Neri Willis
" Kalo ke sini paling suka ke bagian lampu-lampu. "
15 July 2017Kharta Kata
" Well, you can almost find everything for your house here. "
21 March 2017