About Toko Buku Ketapang
Toko Buku Ketapang is a book store, located at Jl. Brigjend. Katamso No. 6A, Sukaharja, Kab. Ketapang, Kalbar, Ketapang, Sukaharja, Delta Pawan, Ketapang Regency, West Kalimantan 78813, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 812-5701-3406, visit their website www.intanonline.com for more detailed information.
Bangrudi Rtiga
" mantapppp disana "
04 July 2020NOTE A
" Bikin pinter "
08 October 2019Awang Soirwan
" Susah dicari..tidak ad plang namanya "
15 May 2019Agus Supriadi
" Sangat berguna di masa depan nya "
09 April 2019Rustanto Anto
" Mau beli buku , disini boleh. "
21 January 2019Aan Loves Bird
" Kurang terlihat "
28 December 2018Aan Loves Bird
" Kurang terlihat "
28 December 2018Jatmiko Setyo Jati
" List kategori Toko Buku kok Foto2nya Cafe ?? "
11 November 2018Agasuraa A
" Buku buku yang sangst bagus untuk di bacaaa "
23 July 2018Aheron Yaarif
" Nihil "
23 April 2018Kris Tina
" Carilah buku yang bermutu untuk mendampingi anak belajar. Belum tau tempatnya ? tinggal klik Intanonline Toko Buku Ketapang....semua tersedia disana....belanja online jadi lebih mudah...... "
28 May 2016Akbar Stone
" Sukses untk TB Ketapang "
28 May 2016Suko Prianto
" Sukses TB ketapang "
24 May 2016Dyah Puji
" recomended banget, kalau mau cari buku disini aja lengkap (y) "
19 May 2016Suyita Itok
" IQRO '!!! READ !!! Provision of the best for children is a provision of knowledge, get used to from childhood fond of reading, fond of reading will improve the ability to respond to life, Congratulations on the availability of school and office needs in Ketapang, hopefully give color to us ... "
04 May 2016Pranowo
" Ilmu bisa di dapat karena belajar....untuk ini cari Buku yg jaminan mutu yaaa....di intanonline ...jangan lupa hanya di intanonline "
04 May 2016Hari Yatno
" Do you need school supplies or office furniture in the form of furniture?
04 May 2016Now it's easy to get it and DELEVERY again. Don't bother coming to the store, don't believe it? Prove yourself ... "
Makruf Am
" Membaca..membaca..membaca...
04 May 2016SELAMAT & SUKSES ... utk Intan Pariwara Ketapang Kalbar...
SEMOGA menjadi tempat nongkrongnya Buku2 dan Sarana Pendidikan yg berkualitas.. "