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About Rumah Sakit Mitra Medika

Rumah Sakit Mitra Medika is a hospital, located at Jl. Slt. Abdurrahman No.25, Sungai Bangkong, Pontianak Kota, Kota Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat 78113, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 561 584888, visit their website for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 25

Francis Wong Foodie & Traveler

" This hospital has a good service. This is the newest and the most advanced hospital in Pontianak. They have so many an advanced medical equipment and some of the mechine have not operated yet. This hospital has a good maintenance and very clean. But they less at their pharmacy, they provide the medicine too slow. This hospital fee are an expensive but it worthed with their services. "

27 April 2018

Erna Lily

" All the staff that i met.... was friendly and kindhearted. Keep up a good work to help people 😇 "

17 April 2018

Tyas Hunny

" RS itu mengedepankan pelayanan apalagi ini RS swasta, antri sejak 3 jam yang lalu, urutan no 1 yang dipanggil malah yang dibawahnya, untuk apa ada nomor antrian kalau dilalaikan, tolong manajemennya lebih ditingkatkan lagi "

03 April 2018

Francis Wong Foodie & Traveler

" This hospital has a good service. This is the newest and the most advanced hospital in Pontianak. They have so many an advanced medical equipment and some of the mechine have not operated yet. This hospital has a good maintenance and very clean. But they less at their pharmacy, they provide the medicine too slow. This hospital fee are an expensive but it worthed with their services. "

01 April 2018

Suyanto Cf

" One of the new Hospital in this place, this hospital has become the first hospital with more complete facility. the room is good, the doctor still use the available doctor at pontianak, there is no new specialist doctor from outside city,.. for the administration, there is a problem, you should wait for long process administration, and must be patient. the others, there is good.... "

09 March 2018

Madethz Youman

" Good security "

02 March 2018

Dini Feni

" Fasilitasnya bagus "

18 February 2018

Faizatul Aini

" Good "

28 January 2018

Rofi Rastaman

" Rumah sakit swasta. Pelayanan bagus fasilitas lumayan lengkap "

18 November 2017

Eko Ferdi

" Tempat berobat swasta di kota kelahiran "

08 September 2017

Teguh Annuri

" Rumah sakit terdekat dari rumah... "

02 September 2017


" Good servz ice and not money friendly "

18 July 2017

Erwindo Octadinata

" Nice and clean room, and quiet, big parking lot "

10 July 2017

Mujiono Mujiada

" Good service and fast respons "

08 July 2017

Rommy Yang

" The best looking with adequate equipment hospital in Pontianak, along with facilities inside, a place to consider for your health needs. "

23 June 2017

Eddy Setyawan

" Rumah sakit termodern di Pontianak ? Pernah sekali jenguk teman di sini "

11 May 2017

Andru Alexander

" Average service but quite expensive "

18 March 2017

Herdianto Purba

" Service Excellence
Suatu pengalaman yang menarik ketika memberikan training Service Excellence di beberapa rumah sakit. Rumah sakit yang baru saja diberikan training Service Excellence di salah satu RS di Medan. Waktu itu, di tengah-tengah training kami juga langsung melakukan survey lapangan, mendiskusikannya di ruang kelas, memberikan konsep Service Excellence dan langsung melakukan praktek di ruang-ruang pasien dan lingkup kerja para petugas rumah sakit.

Service Excellence, sudah menjadi keharusan bagi setiap rumah sakit yang ingin memberikan layanan yang optimal bagi para pasien serta keluarga pasien. Sayangnya memang dalam praktek keseharian, masih banyak hal-hal yang harus dan terus diperbaiki dalam perbaikan dan peningkatan Service tersebut. Beberapa masalah service yang sering terjadi di rumah sakit antara lain adalah: kecepatan dalam pelayanan oleh para front liner (sejak mulai kedatangan pasien dan keluarga pasien ke RS). Penangan pasien mulai dari IGD sampai ke ruang perawatan (jika rawat inap). Pada saat/masa perawatan pasien selama berada di RS (mulai dari pergantian petugas/perawat, visite dokter, layanan makan dan obat). Begitu juga ketika pasien menyelesaikan administrasi dan kepulangan. Begitu banyak/panjang proses layanan yang terjadi, masing-masing proses dan prosedur mengandung banyak potensi untuk tidak dilaksanakannya service yang memadai.

Banyak factor

Untuk informasi dan training dapat menghubungi kami di:
Cluster Cimanggu Hejo Blok B No. 6, Lantai II Bogor, 16163
Tlp: 0896-1805-5208 (Lastri), 0812-9003-0928 (SMS/WA), 0821-1252-0684 (SMS/WA)
Email :,
Facebook: "

13 February 2017

Mully Endah

" Pelayanan baik "

30 January 2017

Juliawati Ptk

" RS yg lengkap "

07 December 2016

Wahyu Maulana

" The service was good "

07 October 2016

Fahmi Luthfillah

" Rumah sakit baru tapi pelayanan oke "

06 September 2016

Wahyu Waskito

" Great hospital 🏥 "

22 August 2016

Ukhti Kholifah

" nurs "

01 July 2016

Hafid Hendra

" Pelayananxa baik n ramah.. "

07 March 2016

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