About Roemah Eyang
Roemah Eyang is a restaurant, located at Jl. Moh. Sohor No.60, Akcaya, Pontianak Sel., Kota Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat 78113, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 896-7346-9161, visit their website twitter.com for more detailed information.
Anggi Pertiwi
" Have many delicious foods in there "
22 January 2018Paulus Paul
" Cozy place to gather , have an outdoor place , serve various spicy level , the place is easy to reach "
10 January 2018H Kartika
" Good for lunch "
30 December 2017Elicia Javiera
" I tried the opor and I loved it. It has a great taste and you should try it. "
05 December 2017Muhammad Fasih Mubarrok
" The food is okay and it has very easy access "
10 September 2017Carollin Seran
" Low price but yummy "
05 September 2017Hi Shanty
" If you Guys looking for massive spicy dish for lunch n dinner,thse place is highly recomended. "
18 August 2017Stevanie Valentina Bonaviva
" Good food low price .. yummy "
28 July 2017Hartan Xia
" good place, good food "
12 July 2017Budi Syahputra
" Layanan cepat,,tempatnya ok,makanan nya enak, pelayan nya ramah. "
05 July 2017Alina Angelina
" Makanan lumayan enak. Serve cepat dan pas di kantong "
01 July 2017Arliyan Andi
" Makananya dan minumannya enak2, banyak pilihannya, ada tempat makan diluar ruangan, ada lesehan, suasana disini nyaman dan santai 👍 "
18 May 2017Giselle 88
" Ayam gepreknya enak. Nasi uduknya juga enak banget. Harga pas di kantong. Top "
06 April 2017Andru Alexander
" Great foods with low price "
18 March 2017Wompy Pratomo
" Makanannya enak.
02 August 2016Tempat cukup nyaman.
Sekarang ada tempat makan di taman. "
Maximillian Nugroho
" Ayam gepreknya enak. "
03 March 2016Wompy Pratomo
" Makanan sih oke, tempatnya perlu di tata ulang "
16 June 2015