About PPKS substation parindu
PPKS substation parindu is located at Kantor cabang PPKS substation parindu kotak pos 02 sosok. Ds Binjai. Kec Tayan Hulu. Kab Sanggau Kalimantan barat, Sanggau 78562. They can be contacted via phone at 081250118860, visit their website www.iopri.org for more detailed information.
PPKS substation parindu unit usaha Medan
MELAYANI,MENDIDIK,MENDAMPINGI masyarakat petani kelapa sawit.
Menyediakan bibit Kecambah kelapa sawit unggul DxP
Untuk pemesanan bibit kecambah kelapa sawit unggul PPKS parindu hubungi:
Wan rizki fauzi (Ka.kebun) 081250118860.
Marcelius (staf pemasaran) 082251216008.
Baharudin (staf pemasaran) 081257662307.
Atau via email: ppks_parindu@yahoo.com
Fakhri Marzuqi
" I love this Substation! You can customize your own food with your own taste. The price is not so bad. It costing less than $10 for the higher price. But you can get less than $5 price depending on ehat ingredient you want. Substatikn is very similar with SubWay in the USA. This restaurant sometimes get so packed with customer. Also offer table service witch let you get rest inside of this restaurant. Enjoy your meal!! "
07 March 2018Travel And Food
" Very similar to subway subs. Bread patties sauce all similar. Service is fast. Not very crowded. "
19 August 2017