Matahari Borneo City Mall Ketapang Kalbar
About Matahari Borneo City Mall Ketapang Kalbar
Matahari Borneo City Mall Ketapang Kalbar is a shopping mall, located at Payah Kumang, Delta Pawan, Ketapang Regency, West Kalimantan 78811, Indonesia. Visit their website for more detailed information.
Eddy Santoso
" Just cinemax "
26 May 2018Misrani Ajha
" tempat belanja "
14 May 2018Putra Ariyadi
" Just standard "
12 April 2018Maria Ina
" Not bad hehehe "
03 April 2018Winny Yap
" One stop shopping "
15 March 2018Kuliner Ketapang
" Kalo hujan bocor karyawannya pada ngepel "
14 March 2018Austin Hill
" Big. Cold. Has more complete groceries than the other shops around Ketapang. But located far away from the town. Located near the airport and ship docks. "
13 March 2018Fransisco Wijaya
" Pretty decent place. "
07 March 2018Jansudin Saragih
" Hyper market, good store. "
23 February 2018Adoenk Median
" Somehow, my salary in a month runs out well here😞 "
10 February 2018Rian Tan
" Salah satu department store retail yg fashion dibilang bagus walau kadang kurang up to date. Tapi dengan promosi dan diskon ditiap harinya. Okelahh. Pilihan banyak jadi jangan lupa sering tanya dengan petugas SPG/B di area "
24 January 2018Agustinus Eko
" The one and only mall at ketapang "
06 January 2018Meliana Liu
" First mall ever in Ketapang, but the design not that attractive enough. They had big parking lot, but it was very hot at afternoon. Easy to notice from the street "
03 January 2018Meliana Liu
" Cabang matahari department store pertama di ketapang. Jika dibandingkan dengan matahari di kota lain, di sini tidak terlalu besar. Namun cukup luas dengan tawaran berbagai jenis busana. Produk yang ditawarkan bermacam-macam yaitu pakaian, sepatu, sendal, kosmetik, tas dan lain lain. Tidak hanya produk pakaian untuk wanita, matahari juga menyediakan untuk pria. Tempat ini terletak di lantai 1. "
03 January 2018Ridwan Arief
" Masih soft launching, mungkin grand launching bakal lebih rame... "
18 December 2017Yunda Wiyadi
" The only shopping mal in town, hope it everlasting "
15 December 2017M. Hasanudin Mamat
" Menyenangkan sejuk "
13 December 2017Tohap Hutauruk
" Mudah dijangkau "
27 November 2017Sahdani 2018
" Good job "
26 November 2017Tibok Passaribu
" Klo sdh masuk hypermart ketapang pasti pulang dgn kantong tipis. Belanjanya baru berhenti setelah kaki pegal tp sgt menyenyangkan. "
14 November 2017Imat Rahman Wyana
" Antri sdh panjang tapi kasir yg buka cuma 3 "
29 October 2017Siswanto Sarbini
" Spending free time to windows shopping or catch up with friends "
25 October 2017Mandus Berek
" Saya merasa senang dan puas belanja dimatahari "
" Tempatnya terlalu kecil "
07 September 2017Meliana Liu
" First mall ever in Ketapang, but the design not that attractive enough. They had big parking lot, but it was very hot at afternoon. Easy to notice from the street "
06 September 2017Fedian Syah
" Hypermart bagi-bagi hadiah untuk Pemenang Lucky Draw Sinar Dunia "
07 August 2017Udhe Asri
" Gajian belanja , belanja..kerja lagi, gajian ya belanja lagi.. haduh uang ny habis habis gitu.. wahhh gmn ni "
21 July 2017Monika Ruwaimana
" Good and cool. The hypermart is awesome "
09 July 2017Theodora Vinnie Chandra
" The place was good but the bathroom wasn't good "
05 July 2017Rudy Susanto
" The one and only shopping mall in Ketapang. "
24 April 2017Hendra Sukarsa
" If they have a cinema, it would be better, but now it was look like a big department store "
19 April 2017Astri Yanto
" The only mall in Ketapang
29 March 2017Suitable for shopping n relaxing 👍 "
Kangmasboy Eko Sarjono
" the only one mall on ketapang "
09 February 2017Adhitya Teguh Nugraha
" The only place to shop in modern way in town. Have wide parking area. "
08 February 2017Stevanus Rendy
" Nice shoping center "
19 January 2017Róbert Szűcs
" Best place to shop in town. You'll find most things western. "
30 December 2016Riduan Marbar
" City Mall "
08 August 2016Yahya Imron
" Ok banget n keren. "
24 June 2016Alfi Pratama
" Not so crowd. "
28 May 2016Rakhmadi Kusumo
" Not bad lah. "
20 May 2016Riduan Muhammad
" Mall kebanggan warga Ketapang "
26 December 2015Ilana Aninditya
" Currently the biggest supermarket in the city. "
14 December 2015