About tokobabymurahonline.com
tokobabymurahonline.com is a shopping mall, located at Jl. Dharma Husada Indah I Blok C-36 No.16, Mulyorejo, Kota SBY, Jawa Timur 60115, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 31 5950337, visit their website www.tokobabymurahonline.com for more detailed information.
The A Lister Family
" Second to none in town! Their price range is incredible, even more affordable than the wholesale shop! No need to hassle, haggle, and get sweat. They do have an extensive full set of baby and maternity's products from local sources, as well as imported ones, such as from the "non GMO corn" baby teether and (if Im not mistaken) to Baby Doona carseat. The place is pretty packed and narrow, but overall it is indeed the very best baby and maternity's store in Surabaya! Have a lot of patience to find gems in haystacks ;) "
28 April 2020Ahmad Rikza Muslim
" Beberapa produk lebih murah dari tempat lain.. diskon dengan kartu kentul sekarang jadi keju, barang jadi murah banget.. barang juga lengkap disini "
31 January 2020Elisafiatul Jannah
" Harga lumayan murah, bisa dapet diskon utk yg punya member. 2x beli disini, hipseat dan babywalker. Pegawai ramah. Layanan tlp gak diangkat yaa, mending wa aja. "
24 January 2020Yeni Damayanti
" Harga rata2.. staf ramah.. cm tolong fasilitas kamar mandi diperbaiki segera.. krn slalu dibilang rusak tp tidak.diperbaiki.. "
19 November 2019Astrid Ardyanti
" Tempat belanja nyaman untuk kebutuhan anak dari newborn sampai toddler. Tapi ada beberapa harga yg lebih mahal dari kompetitor meskipun sudah didiscount. Pelayanan juga cukup ramah. "
08 November 2019Andrew Julianto
" the price displayed on the shelf is the price of the member, while the original price is affixed to a small sticker sometimes it is hard to find the price sticker, the item I have to go back and forth takes a long time, my advice if the owner wants every person who visits here to be a member just make a magnetic card or member card the one with the chip, so if we buy the data, it has already been recorded in the database server and the chip on the member card, for some types of items the price is normal than the price of the competitor's store. "
14 September 2019Virna Agustin
" Lokasi ga sesuai dg google map🙄 pelayanan bagus,tokonya terlalu kecil,barangnya banyak jd sempit...kmrn wkt kesana ada 1lorong tdk bisa dilewati krn mbak2nya lg bongkar+nata barang😌 "
13 August 2019" "
17 March 2019Sumito Sumito
" G jauh beda dgn tbmo blok d, cm kena parkir tanpa tiket, terlalu berbahaya no tiket "
22 May 2018Abdul Charis
" Semoga semakin banyak dibuka cabang baru,makin banyak promo makin banyak pengunjung,klo bisa promonya ditambah lgi,biar makin betah belanjae hihihi "
13 January 2018Retno Handayani
" Murah lengkap pelayanan memuaskan "
08 January 2018Maman Rq
" Toko baby "
06 December 2017Ewin FW_
" Good Reason "
28 November 2017