" All you need for your little angels with reasonable priced products, but parking your car is a challenge.. "
03 January 2018
Hermin Irawati
" The best place for my little boy "
25 December 2017
Retno Arini
" It has complete stocks and there's a small couch on the corner of second floor so we can take a rest for a while and see a good view from above. "
21 December 2017
Erika Somya Dewi
" Good store for baby and kids' stuffs with affordable price. And plus special disc if you have wijaya member card. "
14 December 2017
Hani Klafrina
" If you have a card member Will be so great "
04 December 2017
Didot Banyumas
" nice place "
21 September 2017
Galih Prima
" Good shop for baby "
21 August 2017
Ida Nurcemploek
" The nice place to look for stuff for babies, with the cheap price and variative goods "
16 August 2017
Aprianto Saptha
" Cheap with good quality and better place to find baby suite "
02 August 2017
Asrul Pandu
" Pelayannya ramah dan harga terjangkau "
14 July 2017
Gladiodio Ftf
" Baby's Paradise "
24 June 2017
Muhammad Rheza Gradiyanto
" You could get cheap price if you buy a lot "
22 May 2017
Hanzka Vlog
" nice store for baby stuff "
18 April 2017
Kisah Alam
" Baju dan kelengkapan bayi lainnya lengkap.. mainan anak2 dan balita juga lengkap.. "
01 April 2017
Aam Krisnadi
" Toko Perlengkapan bayi lengkap. Dari pakaian, mainan, dan pernak pernik lainnya..
Lebih menyenangkan karena di sampingnya ada toko perlengkapan pancing..
Jadi ya Ibu Senang, Ayah Senang, Uang Melayang~ "
19 March 2017
Iyok Hidrologi
" Complete baby shop.. For the mother and also the infant. "
08 March 2017
Siti Zulaikha
" Belanja kelengkapan calon baby.. gak tau jatuhnya murah apa mahal yak?? "
06 March 2017
Ahmad Yusup's
" Komplit plit.. Harga aman. Dikantong "
07 January 2017
Riyadi Budi
" Barang bagus dan member dapat potongan harga all item.. "
11 December 2016
Adhitya Eka
" Baby shop with a cheap prices "
22 October 2016
Zakiyah Arrohmah
" lengkap, lumayan murah dan yang jelas pegawainya ramah banget dah. top :D "
13 October 2016
Servicecell Network
" Tempatnya tidak sempit dan bersih selain itu barang barangnya lengkap dan murah. "
08 September 2016
One Hermanto
" Lengkap..rata2 murah.. Tp ada jg yg lebih mahal dibanding lainnya. Bisa untuk perbandingan "
08 September 2016
Irwan Revanda
" Sera "
20 April 2016
Agus Winarto
" Sell any item in here. And Many produce comsumption. This store is compliment from AHM Sampoerna when it join the Sampoerna Retailer Club in 2008.
The Public Service in Year 2013, this store have open the WARNET (The goodest Warnet in here) ^_^ although small but this Warnet have a nice machine and service (smoke-free area).
This store have warnet which only one that can playing the online game in area Wongsorejo. "
Wahyuningsih Wahyuningsih
" cheap price. good deals for baby product "
05 February 2018Nanda Pradhana Suprapto
" All you need for your little angels with reasonable priced products, but parking your car is a challenge.. "
03 January 2018Hermin Irawati
" The best place for my little boy "
25 December 2017Retno Arini
" It has complete stocks and there's a small couch on the corner of second floor so we can take a rest for a while and see a good view from above. "
21 December 2017Erika Somya Dewi
" Good store for baby and kids' stuffs with affordable price. And plus special disc if you have wijaya member card. "
14 December 2017Hani Klafrina
" If you have a card member Will be so great "
04 December 2017Didot Banyumas
" nice place "
21 September 2017Galih Prima
" Good shop for baby "
21 August 2017Ida Nurcemploek
" The nice place to look for stuff for babies, with the cheap price and variative goods "
16 August 2017Aprianto Saptha
" Cheap with good quality and better place to find baby suite "
02 August 2017Asrul Pandu
" Pelayannya ramah dan harga terjangkau "
14 July 2017Gladiodio Ftf
" Baby's Paradise "
24 June 2017Muhammad Rheza Gradiyanto
" You could get cheap price if you buy a lot "
22 May 2017Hanzka Vlog
" nice store for baby stuff "
18 April 2017Kisah Alam
" Baju dan kelengkapan bayi lainnya lengkap.. mainan anak2 dan balita juga lengkap.. "
01 April 2017Aam Krisnadi
" Toko Perlengkapan bayi lengkap. Dari pakaian, mainan, dan pernak pernik lainnya..
19 March 2017Lebih menyenangkan karena di sampingnya ada toko perlengkapan pancing..
Jadi ya Ibu Senang, Ayah Senang, Uang Melayang~ "
Iyok Hidrologi
" Complete baby shop.. For the mother and also the infant. "
08 March 2017Siti Zulaikha
" Belanja kelengkapan calon baby.. gak tau jatuhnya murah apa mahal yak?? "
06 March 2017Ahmad Yusup's
" Komplit plit.. Harga aman. Dikantong "
07 January 2017Riyadi Budi
" Barang bagus dan member dapat potongan harga all item.. "
11 December 2016Adhitya Eka
" Baby shop with a cheap prices "
22 October 2016Zakiyah Arrohmah
" lengkap, lumayan murah dan yang jelas pegawainya ramah banget dah. top :D "
13 October 2016Servicecell Network
" Tempatnya tidak sempit dan bersih selain itu barang barangnya lengkap dan murah. "
08 September 2016One Hermanto
" Lengkap..rata2 murah.. Tp ada jg yg lebih mahal dibanding lainnya. Bisa untuk perbandingan "
08 September 2016Irwan Revanda
" Sera "
20 April 2016Agus Winarto
" Sell any item in here. And Many produce comsumption. This store is compliment from AHM Sampoerna when it join the Sampoerna Retailer Club in 2008.
29 May 2013The Public Service in Year 2013, this store have open the WARNET (The goodest Warnet in here) ^_^ although small but this Warnet have a nice machine and service (smoke-free area).
This store have warnet which only one that can playing the online game in area Wongsorejo. "