About Warung Pring Pethuk
Warung Pring Pethuk is a restaurant, located at Jl. Cemara Kipas Dalam, Sidomulyo, Batu, Sidomulyo, Kecamatan Batu Sidomulyo Kecamatan Batu, Sidomulyo, Batu Sub-District, Kota Batu, Jawa Timur 65317, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 341 5025806, visit their website www.waroengbamboe.com for more detailed information.
Anis Lotus
" Tempat nyaman banget untuk makan bersama teman atau keluarga. Ada binatang2 dan ayunan sembari menunggu teman atau makanan datang. Masakannya juga enak... apalagi cumi asam manisnyaa. Endeus "
02 June 2018Ronny Christian Maliangkay
" If u want to fishing, u can, or just take a break and eat, u can, or u want to stay i or 2 night, u can, this is so fresh place and good for your family "
30 April 2018Agustina Dewi
" Nice place, the food are ok, there is a mini zoo & fishing pool "
29 March 2018William Edson Wijaya
" It has good surroundings, all of the waiter is very polite, it has very good service but not fast enough, and all of the food is very savory and good to eat "
16 February 2018Santi Rahayu Sulistyani
" So cooooollld here, peaceful, you have to wait for couple minutes before eating because they need to catch the fish from the pond "
21 December 2017Frank G.J Silitonga
" nice place and reasonable price. the fish is fresh and yummy... "
13 December 2017Zahria Zuchrie
" I like it, we were enjoying the beautiful panorama... "
22 November 2017Primasari Wardhani
" comfortable and good place but the taste is so so "
22 November 2017Sefiana Budiarti
" it's ok just fishing.. the meal so expensive but not really good enough "
12 November 2017Recycle Man
" I really like this place, highly recommended for food lovers. "
05 November 2017Tujuhtujuhjaya Team
" Tempatnya bagus ada kolam pemancingannya cm agak jauh masuk k lokasi warungnya jlnan kecil "
18 July 2017Ferry Kurniawan
" Good atmosphere. The food is standard and the place is quite difficult to find "
26 June 2017Ye Rachma
" Good for having large meal with your friends
18 June 2017Nice ambience. "
" A cozy place to go. You can fishing there and they ll cook your fish. Enjoy their tasty foods. "
16 May 2017Revan Diananta
" Good food and good scenery "
07 May 2017Faisal Alrogi
" Very good quality, taste and view, I really like it. "
25 February 2017Sonny Muljadi
" nice place to eat javanese foods, children can ride a horse, and play with fishes in pond "
14 December 2016Hendar Fasholly
" Good place to hangout with familly. Lets visit this place. There are a cozy and nice place. But, i wait myorder for a long time "
10 December 2016Maok010
" Nice place and the Koi. My Son like fishing, Cooking time bit slow "
10 September 2016Hervy Aria Putra
" lumayan dapat traktiran tmn kantor istri, "
07 September 2016Puspita Didik
" Good place "
11 July 2016Hendro Martono
" Tempat nyaman.. rasa makanan oke lah.. "
09 July 2016Donny Firnanda
" Rumah makan bagus "
02 July 2016Hendri Miftachul Ulum
" Enak makanannya "
24 June 2016Brilliant Matriwiria
" Bad experience , i've been here with my family from surabaya, and then we go to fishing pool, great fishing experience we got 1 catfish 2,6 kg, and 25 cat fish, after that bad experience , we move to gasebo for eating our catfish, we wait until 1 hours and our 25 cat fish is gone, not serve to us , and the waiters blame us to move from fishing pool to gasebo its ridiculous, and gave reason our catfish have been delivery to our table... until the manager come and apologize to us, as apologize the manager cancel 25 catfish witch not delivery to our table and only give 10%diskon, we still pay our order food at conditions we lost our catfish and lost apetite... "
08 May 2016