About Warung Nelayan Blambangan
Warung Nelayan Blambangan is a restaurant, located at Jl.Raya Situbondo Km 4, ketapang, kalipuro, Ketapang, Kalipuro, Kabupaten Banyuwangi, Jawa Timur 68455, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 333 511123, visit their website www.facebook.com for more detailed information.
Jonas Angga
" Nice food good place "
11 April 2018I Dewa Putu Indrawan
" Nice place, good food and chip price, recomended for lovalmpeople and tourism. And for driver allways have a free ice tea and freed nodles "
05 March 2018Surya One
" Good restaurant, nice place and beautiful view. You can see Bali strait here "
26 December 2017Bebby Diandriani
" The restaurant have a good view but the food is not good enough "
" Foods are nice but a bit pricey and needs to wait for a very long time to serve. The view is nice "
05 October 2017Reni Sartina
" Good sea food with sea scene. Nice place to visit in the afternoon "
17 September 2017Glenn Harold
" Nice food and nice restaurant to stop by "
22 August 2017Hutomo Fidianto
" I like the view from here. We can see Bali from here and it can be great place to see sunset in proper time. "
21 July 2017Kiki Andrean
" Good place for group, very huge place with all good options you can eat "
18 July 2017Aroel Alfaeel
" Nice food and ver affordable "
09 July 2017Listyawati Sandra
" Taste of foods are delicious. I like the fried noodle. You can also have a sea view while eating here. "
26 June 2017Kiki Wendra Gunadjaja
" Breakfast with sunrise on the beach view.. 👌 "
15 May 2017Gogol Jánoš
" I like this place, it's close to the sea with good view. And I really like their healthy soup. "
25 April 2017Rizky Yogatama
" Good taste, niicceee place n view "
09 April 2017Gusti Putu Kurniawan
" If you like Chinese food, you can try here 👍👍👍 "
07 February 2017Kelik Purnomo
" Nice view sunrise "
19 January 2017Windu Wahyudi
" Good place "
09 January 2017REZA DASANGGA
" The view is good "
12 December 2016Achmad Eldien Rafiandra
" Enak "
31 October 2016Rahman Hidayat
" Mantap tempatnya.... makanan n minuman biasa aja. "
08 October 2016Aji Erlangga
" Best view to Bali island "
17 September 2016Pandit J Sayekti
" Bagus, ada menu kepiting "
28 July 2016Rehan Anto
" Seafoodnya mahal. Harga tidak masuk di akal. Apalagi dekat pantai harusnya murah. Selain itu View nya bagus. "
08 July 2016Dodik Adhitama
" Pesanan datang lama, sering habis "
11 June 2016Nia Faidah
" Mantap. "
22 May 2016Nyoman Puja Pradnyana
" Kakap Merah di bilang Rp. 15.000,-/ons. Begitu Bayar Rp. 35.000,-/ons. Begitu ditanyakan kok beda harga ? Harga 15 yg mati, kalo yg hidup 35 ribu. Hmmm hati2x ya, tanya yg detail di Resto ini, kejadian kami terkesan Resto ini menjebak kami. "
13 March 2016