About Warung Apung Rahmawati
Warung Apung Rahmawati is a restaurant, located at Jl.Veteran No. 7, Sukorejo, Bojonegoro, Sukorejo, Kec. Bojonegoro, Kabupaten Bojonegoro, Jawa Timur 62115, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 353 889912, visit their website warungapung.com for more detailed information.
Heldy Sandro Wimana
" I think the taste is not good enough with higher price and so many flies everywhere...
10 June 2018The toilets are disgusting and should be kept as well as Customer standard. Should be good perfumed smell, cleaned and NOT dirty with trashes.
And the Wudlu place is dirty.
Warung Apung Rahmawati management should be seeing on 3 points :
- Clean Condition and Hygiene of dining rooms (no flies) also toilets (gents & ladies). And musholla with wudlu place
- The taste of foods
- Parking management "
Bakhtiar Jauhari
" Food taste just average but the price above the average "
24 May 2018Bakhtiar Jauhari
" Food taste just average but the price so above the average "
24 May 2018Ar Edz
" took a long time 2 serve the menu "
23 May 2018Ari Eko Prasethio
" Nice place to hangout,
15 May 2018❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
my friend recommended to eat here
✅ i love seafood
✅ fish pond is very good
✅ easy to find
✅ staff is polite
✅ menu is interesting
⛔️🙏a little bit dusty
⛔️🙏 we want to eat in bigger space but the staff is not allowed us "
Deval Agrifarman
" the food and place are great. they serve traditional javanese food and more. the place are clean.
30 April 2018be careful for they have small indoor pond below some of the seatings and table. my colleague tripped once.
the waiters is kind and respectful. "
Edy Setiawan
" Getting worse over time, not-so-fresh ingredient, needs major upgrade "
19 April 2018Hans Inay
" cozy place..and there is fish pond..kid will like it.. "
08 April 2018Rigen Mandegani
" Nice indonesian food "
06 April 2018Moh Solichudin
" Variety of cuisine sold here "
01 April 2018Danang Surendra
" Little bit pricey restaurant "
31 March 2018Diar Riztiardhana
" Good food, good place, good people "
22 March 2018Permana Prasetya
" Nice place, good taste, reasonable price "
21 March 2018SR GUIDE
" Good place "
21 March 2018Herman Susanto
" Quit a place in small town. The menus are delicious with lake view. The price worth the taste. "
20 March 2018Brenda Delelle
" Ok "
17 March 2018Fauzip
" Spacious children playground okayish food not cheap though "
14 March 2018Gatra Wikan
" Need more refreshment on menu and portion. The place is to small for family dinner and hard to notice from main road. "
14 March 2018Muhammad Syafii
" Selalu ramai , tempatnya enak buat ngumpul bareng kluarga dan teman,lokasi juga enak "
09 March 2018Yopie Anggara
" Good place and good food. "
09 March 2018Denen Davinelya
" The service could be better. The waiters and waitresses could be more friendly. "
09 March 2018Nanang Arianto
" Not too expensive but delicious "
02 March 2018Tatika Tat
" Good food but not good service. Little bit dirty "
01 March 2018Fauzziyah Wahyu Aprilia
" Makanannya enakk2, good for family "
19 February 2018Dani Kurniawan
" Nice place for launch with my lovely... "
16 February 2018W Carenza
" Good place. i loved to have lunch with my fam there "
12 February 2018Masfufatul Qibtiyah Yuliarti
" Please provide menu for small family. Your package menu is too much and isn't affordable "
07 February 2018Enggar Tri Anggoro
" Nice place to have dinner "
26 January 2018Gussaini Sujono
" Food is OK, Price Same as the taste. Good for All "
24 January 2018Muslihun Muslihun
" Ok "
03 January 2018Ardian Riftha Dhuha
" It's a nice place for having lunch with family, the menu's Indonesian favourite culinary like "ayam bakar bumbu rujak, ikan bakar, etc" "
31 December 2017Erwin Manggala
" Nice place, good food but litte bit narrow "
25 December 2017Hakiki Rahmansyah
" not bad but not pretty good "
25 December 2017Wahyu Widodo
" Taste fantastic, cozy place but the price is premium class "
04 December 2017Yenny Puspita
" Nyaman makan sama keluarga disini "
21 November 2017Agus Murdianto
" Food ia feeling good, but service very slowly, beras kencur recommended "
18 November 2017M Ridwan
" Good food, But for me is expensive. "
17 November 2017Dicka Saputra
" Tempat nyaman, masakan enak, harga diatas rata rata, bisa pesan tempat dan makanan lebih dulu untuk ultah atau reunian...maknyuzzz... "
28 October 2017Anto Maliki
" rumah makan bersih, pelayanannya bagus, harga MAHAL BANGET untuk ukuran rumah makan sejenis... pernah juga makan disitu nasinya setengah matang... jadi kapok deh... "
26 October 2017Suster Sinta
" makanan Lezat. bisa reservasi untuk acara ulangtahun atau rapat bisnis. pemandangan bagus. parkir luas dengan pengamanan satpam. Wajib dikunjungi "
10 October 2017Pras Etyono
" Ok "
17 September 2017Afrian Danny Santoso
" chiken is good, but kepiting soka is average. and they use very fragile spoon, not worth by the price. "
14 September 2017Edwin Azmiramdhan Sulaiman
" Good food. Good place. Good services. Good price. "
29 August 2017Gus 2asuun
" The Best place for Ikan Bakar, Coconut juice.. "
27 August 2017Lina Martono
" Nice place good food "
18 August 2017Lina Masruuroh
" Utk makanan lamongan harga termasuk diatas rata2, secara sama dg rahmawati disurabaya yg beraroma telur asin seperti ayam telor asin dan cumi telur asin ttp menjadi juara dilidah saya "
16 August 2017Ika Mahanani
" Nice ambience.. "
" Food is just so so, great service, middle expensive "
13 August 2017Alexander Rizki
" Great taste and place, but please improve service to customers.
09 August 2017Overall recommended. "
Steven Tantra
" Great interior design and nice food, too bad the sweet and sour fish was too salty "
26 July 2017Erik Setiawan
" Great food good price "
19 July 2017Wahyu Damayanti
" good food but general service "
13 July 2017Denny Tan
" If I come to gresik, i always take a time to lunch here.
12 July 2017The taste is good "
M. Luthfi Yasin
" Nice spot for lunch/ breakfast with friends n fams "
12 July 2017Raden Pramudhiya Ath Thaufiq Prawirasoebrata
" Delicious meal. Large-enough parking lot. "
10 July 2017Linda Yulianti
" Tempatnya bagus co2k untuk makan brg keluarga,masakanya lumayan enk n hrganya standart,tp dr segi kebersihan kurang,bnyak lalatnya,sya mkn jd kurang nyaman..... "
04 July 2017Deviana Margarani
" Good price n enjoy live music so much "
01 July 2017Nia Ariningtyas
" Easy to reach, large parking area, friendly waitress, nice food, affordable... "
01 July 2017Roshif Syamsuddin
" Makanan nya super enak , tempatnya nyaman banget , rindang penuh pohon2 , ada VIP room nya , cocok buat seminar ataupun wedding 😉 "
27 June 2017Raden Wahyu Hary Susetyo
" 1. The taste is good.
24 June 20172. The price is competitive with others.
3. There are "saung" and you can find many "ikan mas" around the "saung".
4. Safe parking area (even part in the main road). "
Vonny Rafikasari
" Delicious meal, large parking lot, but the place is too hot, less fan "
21 June 2017Awan Ureh
" Rumah makan ini cukup baik digunakan utk makan bersama dgn keluarga, apalagi utk saat ini moment ramadan. Menu makanan yg bervariasi berberikan keleluasaan utk memilih menu dan rasanya juga cukup enak. Saran saja, musholanya kurang bersih dan terlalu kecil kalo luasnya tdk bisa diapa2kan lagi yg penting kebersihannya terjaga "
19 June 2017Yuli Arti
" nice place to eat, fast service, delicious food "
19 June 2017Callixtus Putra
" Harga menu mahal tidak sesuai dengan penyajiannya.pelayanan kurang profesional banyak lalat.ayam bakarnya katanya paling nikmat sedunia...tidak tebukti.tempat strategis hanya makanan,pelayanan dan penyajiannya kurang siip "
16 June 2017Samsu Hidajat
" Nice restaurant to be visited and enjoy all delicious foods and beverages "
04 June 2017Rizal Baktiar
" That take too long to serve... it take 1 hour and the food didn't coming yet.. My friend only eat rice and ketchup cz her fish didn't coming yet after 1 hour more waiting.... "
03 June 2017Rizal Khanafi
" it's Ramadhan and we are inviting guest from abroad. our food is not even served after 2 hours (this is the worst), just some rice and fried chicken. this is very unpleasant. I don't normally do negative feedback, but sorry, this is super bad. they don't even sorry or hurry when we complaint about that. "
03 June 2017Tamara Audrey
" Good food, good beverages, good vibes of place, suits best when you bring your family, some workers are unfriendly but thats fine. "
29 May 2017Salsa Fahmi
" Kepiting soka kok kayak makan tepung krispi aduh kecewa "
29 May 2017Andi Danial
" The food is delicious, but the serving is long to wait. Need to improve "
21 May 2017Sukron Ma'sum Kamil
" That's delicious food in the right place "
21 May 2017Nyong Grandong
" Untuk wilayah Lamongan harganya di atas rata-rata, tempatnya luas untuk makan berdua atau rame rame, pilihan menu banyak, sayang menu sayuran kurang banyak pilihan, untuk rasa tidak terlalu istimewa, standart, cuma menang nama. "
14 May 2017Harry Wirahman
" Superb, great food, good scenery "
13 May 2017Arief Setiyanto
" varities of Indonesian cuisine are available in this restaurant.. it's comfortable and affordable "
09 May 2017Iwan Badawy
" Good food. I like it. "
08 May 2017Steffanus Jeffry
" Good place for family and fun fishing. Hope improve facility such as fish rot should more better "
05 May 2017Mendy Audian
" Tempat nya klo siang panas banget, harga dan masakan nya gak seimbang :( "
01 May 2017Henry Liwe
" Nice place to eat and good food "
29 April 2017Fely Ulya
" Nice place
18 April 2017Nice food specially ayam bakar bumbu rujak
Actually all food is very tasty
I like it very much
There is a live music too "
Pij Sugab
" Delicious menu but not with their service "
15 April 2017Malinda Silvya
" Good place "
14 April 2017Ulet Natalius
" Very spacious lesehan restaurant. The chicken and fish are both good. "
14 April 2017Ashari Yanto
" Ok "
11 April 2017Rosyd Fender
" Ok "
04 April 2017Dick Gentong
" Elegant "
30 March 2017Dewi Purwanti
" Bgs "
27 March 2017NurAini Ciproet
" Ada live music....Lumayan pilihan menunya....ikan bayarnya gede....rsanya kurang pedes kalau yg suka pedes....menu ringannya jg bnyak "
27 March 2017Naufal Aziz
" damn good "
27 March 2017Pratista Shafa Brillian
" Nice place for lunch with family. Delicious foods and drinks. There are lots of choices of foods and drinks. Also there are outdoor seats for better view. "
19 March 2017Wadung Dung
" Mahal tak sesuai dg harga...makanannya...masakan yg sangat mengecawakan "
11 March 2017Akhmad Zaenudin
" Good taste restaurant "
06 March 2017Joedana Djaja
" Masakan enak. Tp sayang blm bisa auto debet "
" Warung LAMONGAN ms gito
18 February 2017BUNDARAN
Kawangkoan baru
TUTUP JAM 11 MALAM/23:00.kecuali habis mungkin agak cepet...
Nasi Ayam goreng lalapan Rp 20.000
Cuma depe ayam 16.000.
Nasi soto ayam Rp 13.000
Cuma soto ayam 10.000.
Nasi goreng 13.000
Mie bakso 11.000
Ketoprak 11.000
aneka gorengan
lima ribu ampa(4biji 5Rb)
Tahu isi
Tempe goreng lamongan
Pisang goreng
Untuk menu kentaki fried chikennya sementara tidak jualan dulu...
TERIMA PESANAN nasi kotak "
Fathu Bahy
" Masakannya enak, namun saat weekend atau lagi ramai kalau pesan makanan kita harus menanyakan berapa menit makanan siap supaya tidak terlalu lama menunggu "
04 February 2017Arif Al Hazmi
" Bumbu makanan yang sangat pas disertai dengan nuansa yang asri, bikin makan semakin lahap. "
02 February 2017Mahar Juna
" Tempat asik "
02 February 2017Song Ji Hyun
" jeongmal masisseo "
27 January 2017Yudho Hadianto
" Makanan enak plus ada live music...
19 January 2017Bukan main deh... "
Ichwan Haniifa
" Enak dan murah "
14 January 2017Miftahul Arif
" Good food Good Taste "
06 January 2017Masrhezq Sukses
" Sudah lama ndak makan disini. Pas lagi makan, menemukan banyak hal yg gak menyenangkan. Mohon kebersihan lebih diperhatikan, waktu penyajian lebih dimaksimalkan. Biar ndak nunggu kelamaan. "
01 January 2017Lanang Bagus Runanditya
" Pernah kesini waktu ada acara buka puasa bareng temen-temen satu kantor. Parkir luas, tempat nyaman, pelayanan asik, masakannya juga enak, dengan harga yang ga terlalu nguras kantong. "
30 December 2016Endro Yulianto
" Lebih mahal disini daripada di rumah makan gama atau kampung laut semarang, disini es teh manis 9rb, nasi putih 6500, kalau di gama semarang, es teh 5000, nasi putih 5rb.., maaf saya bicara apa adanya.. "
24 December 2016Martin Kolondam
" Nice place and good food "
23 December 2016M Sochip
" Tempat lumayan
23 December 2016Utk acara komunitas ada ruang VIP yg terpisah .
Masakan juga ok
Tempat bersih.cuman toilet hanya 2.kebersihan kurang maksimal... "
Ridlo Dwi Susanto
" Some food is good "
22 December 2016Reni Handuweni
" Nice food and price is reasonable but not cheap "
19 December 2016Cahya Buana
" Good place "
17 December 2016Attich Ula
" Too silence to spend your meal time. But if you like quite place, So here the right place. It's quite expensive too "
16 December 2016Hadi Saputra
" Good food "
09 December 2016Novan Cn
" enak, tempat bersih "
06 December 2016Martinus Aer
" Excellent!!! "
03 December 2016Yunia Damayanti
" Seafood yang disediakan, enak di lidah.
29 November 2016Tempat lumayan cozy.. Sore-sore sambil menunggu makan malam, cocok jika mengunjungi tempat ini. "
Made Kade
" Lunch "
22 November 2016Pudjo Buntoro
" Nice place ... but the food is not enough nice.. "
21 November 2016Avinia Aisha Widhesaputri
" Tempat makan lesehan nyaman dengan lampu temaram dan iringan lagu tradisional, bagus untuk foto2. Halaman parkir luas dan mudah dijangkau dari pusat kota Jombang. Harga makanan standar dan terjangkau. Rasa biasa saja tidak ada yang istimewa. Porsi setiap makanan kecil, nasipun sangat sedikit, kecuali sayuran yang berporsi besar. Pelayanan tidak profesional, semua pelayan terkesan sibuk dan bingung sendiri. "
13 November 2016Handy Sutrisno
" Untuk memanjakan perut atau hanya sekedar mengisi perut yang sedang kosong. Warung Apung Rahmawati Lamongan salah satu tempat yang patut dicoba.🙌🙌 "
12 November 2016Vanni Ika
" Udang telur asin!
30 October 2016Favorit "
Prast Tya
" Warung LAMONGAN mas gito
20 October 2016Bundaran perum
Nasi Ayam goreng lalapan Rp 20.000
Cuma depe ayam 16.000.
Nasi soto ayam Rp 13.000
Cuma soto ayam 10.000.
Nasi goreng 13.000
Mie bakso 11.000
Ketoprak 11.000
Sedia gorengan
Rp 5000/4biji
Tahu isi
Tempe goreng
Pisang goreng
Untuk kentaki fried chikennya sementara tidak jualan dulu. "
Alid Abdul
" Mahal dan tidak ada yang spesial di tempat ini. Cah kangkung di tempat lain sekitar 7500, di sini 15000. Tiga kali makan di sini dan pesan gurame dan tiga kali juga guramenya bau tanah. Kalau bukan karena undangan saya lebih baik ke tempat lain yang lebih terjangkau dan rasanya lebih enak. "
17 October 2016Nurul Lutfiah Septianingrum
" Enak "
11 October 2016Hasan Muda Afgani
" Masakan nya murah, enak, lesehan, free wifi "
07 October 2016Humada Alfian
" Pros
21 September 20161. The original places to get original recipe of *Ayam Bakar Bumbu Rujak
2. Well prepared design places, for family gathering, business meeting, reunion meet up is fine
3. More than enough parking slot*
1. Doesn't clean well toilet and hand washing places
2. Slow response and need more train for waitress
3. The parking slot full on Ramadhan
4. AC not available, fan doesn't make fresh air anymore "
Puguh Dwi Kristanto
" Good place "
14 September 2016Endro Buncit
" Makanan lumayan enak, ada live music saat weekend. "
11 September 2016Albion Savero
" Decent food taste "
03 September 2016Luthfia Hajar
" Ada tempat lesehannya, asik buat kumpul keluarga. Makanan enak dan harga relatif terjangkau. "
01 September 2016Local Folk
" Pinggir sawah kayak ubud "
29 August 2016Kuliner Gresik
" nyaman dan enak "
29 August 2016Lutfy Talker
" Suasana bagus pilihan makanan juga banyak "
25 August 2016Jalal Jombang
" Nikmati hidangan dg nuansa klasik "
23 August 2016Anwar Yazid
" Warung Apung Rahmawati "
22 August 2016Luqmanul Hakim
" Good "
20 August 2016Febri Ariska
" Pelayanan oke. Harga bersahabat. Tempat parkir luas. Ada musholla juga. Bersih tempatnya. "
19 August 2016Winda Setyarinata
" Food are okay sometimes, sometimes bad. Not so great service "
07 August 2016Kristian Candra
" Ayam Bakar Terdahsyat Di Dunia "
05 August 2016Eric Soojaekhu
" Ayam bakar rujak is the best "
25 July 2016Phernadi Cipotilokyou
" pingin nyoba... "
25 July 2016Putri Rizky Wulandari
" I've visited Warung Apung Rahmawati as a place for my big family's open fasting together there at July 2016. In my opinion, the taste of the food is not too special. But, I love the place and its name. Yap. Not for the interior or even the structure how the table placed. Why I am giving only 2 stars for rate the restaurant, just because I've got a bad experience with the service. May the restaurant can improve the services better ^^ "
11 July 2016Rony Yudianto
" Tempat makan "
10 July 2016Nita Indriani
" Unique experience to eat in 'gubukan' with actual fish pond below you. The fishes help my kids eat more, seriously. "
30 June 2016Hasan Sakti
" Makannnya enak dan variatif . Bisa reservasi. Cocok utk buka bersama dan acara keluarga "
28 June 2016ANANTA YUDHI
" suasan nyaman "
28 June 2016Ahmad Hasan Muthohar
" Pelayanan cepat... "
22 June 2016Sutaji Saja
" Pngen nyoba ksini "
20 June 2016Yulius Digdo Hanggoro
" Makanan enak.. "
19 June 2016Tito Sudiono
" Makanan enak, parkir tanpa tips "
19 June 2016Hatno Wiyanto
" Makanannya enak "
30 May 2016Nindya Tandanya
" Mantappppppp.......coooooy "
27 May 2016Mochammad Irsyad Nasrullah
" menu masakan beragam pilihan
12 May 2016rasa enak
harga wajar
pelayanan cepat
parkir luas
suasanya nyama "
David Christian Junior
" Good food and good test, the service was magicly fast "
20 March 2016Febri Asmara
" Nyaman, parkir luas, sedap :D "
19 March 2016EKO PURWANTO
" Tempat yang nyama "
06 March 2016Nanang F. Rozi
" Ini resto utk > 2 org. Bs kekenyangan kalo dipake utk kencan cuman berdua, hahaha "
20 February 2016Hengky Irawan
" Menu nya enak2 & porsinya besar.. recommended place to eat. "
22 January 2016Musthovi Mtv
" nice "
26 December 2015Muhammad Farizh
" Tempat bagus, ditengah kota juga, makanannya juga beragam, bisa milih lesehan apa ala meja makan restoran. Favorit sih ayam bumbu rujak, hajeeb banget. "
16 December 2015Mario Purwanto
" Tasty. Spacious parking space. "
19 October 2014Masfulatul Lailiyah
" Temu kangen . . . . Warung Apung Rahmawati "
24 October 2013