Toko Plastik "CENDRAWASIH"
About Toko Plastik "CENDRAWASIH"
Toko Plastik "CENDRAWASIH" is a home goods store, located at Jl. Setiabudi No.79, Mojorejo, Taman, Kota Madiun, Jawa Timur 63139, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 851-0600-6263 for more detailed information.
Dwiwahyu Yhanie86
" Shopping here is very complete "
31 October 2020Nopa Google
" It's good to add more space for the warehouse, so that the queue is not crowded, hehehe
13 September 2020.
The shop is Kompit, the brothers are friendly, the price is right, it is also suitable for culinary businesses with various variants of containers and decorations. "
Yudi Yuand
" Complete "
13 September 2020Haddy Brad
" Plastic "
04 September 2020Ferida Ugi
" The shop looks small from the front, but the items are complete. Plastics, bottles, cake wrappers ... examples are installed at the front, so it makes it easier to choose. "
05 August 2020Satrijo Arif Wibowo
" Barang lumayan komplit "
14 January 2020Gunadi Wibisono
" Ok "
06 November 2019Kristiadi Prihatwan
" Lengkap dan murah "
01 November 2019Aning Idris
" Plastik paling lengkap di Madiun 😍😍😍 "
10 September 2019Ivanno Bangley
" Paling lengkap, barang berkualitas. "
23 August 2019Michael Liegantara
" Plastiknya kuat dan awet "
26 June 2019Mbois Chanel
" Lumayan lengkap "
23 May 2019Yollanda Alshafa
" Aneka macam alat buat bikin kue lengkap, banyak hiasan2 buat birthday cake juga. Pelayanannya memuaskan "
14 March 2019Yollanda Alshafa
" Aneka macam alat buat bikin kue lengkap, banyak hiasan2 buat birthday cake juga. Pelayanannya memuaskan "
14 March 2019Setyo Nur Susilo
" Toko plastik yang sangat komplit untuk kebutuhan rumah tangga atau usaha kecil. Dari plastik kemasan, botol, kardus, dll. Harga sangat kompetitif. Kalau yang ga paham ukuran ukuran plastik kemasan, mending bawa contoh agar tidak salah beli karena ukuran sangat beragam "
14 February 2019Setyo Nur Susilo
" Toko plastik yang sangat komplit untuk kebutuhan rumah tangga atau usaha kecil. Dari plastik kemasan, botol, kardus, dll. Harga sangat kompetitif. Kalau yang ga paham ukuran ukuran plastik kemasan, mending bawa contoh agar tidak salah beli karena ukuran sangat beragam "
14 February 2019Indar Nurwigati
" Barang-barang lengkap, harga paling murah dimadiun "
18 October 2018A Siswantono
" Murah.lengkap.good service. Sukses untuk cendrawasih. "
04 August 2018Putri Pho
" Lumayan lengkap "
04 March 2018Pendik Hadi Suyono
" Toko platik hampir lengkap semua ada. Asal g yg nyeneh² hehe "
02 March 2018Milona Shoper
" Mau cari kardus, mika kue, aksesories kue yang cendrawasih aja....😍😍😍😍😍 "
15 February 2018Andy Wijaya
" Wow keren "
31 January 2018