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About Telaga Warna. PD

Telaga Warna. PD is a home goods store, located at Jl. Kopi No.3, Bongkaran, Pabean Cantian, Kota SBY, Jawa Timur 60161, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 31 3551134 for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 42

༺ KoKo AsMarA ༻

" 🍀 ☀
🎁 Have a
nice weekend! "

25 May 2018

Elfiandy Djambak

" Telaga warna at Dieng is very beautiful if seen it from Batu pandang "

26 April 2018

Marry Kusuma

" Telaga means Lake and Warna means Color.
Like its name, this lake can have different color from time to time from blue, light green or dark green.
It can be reach within 10min drive from Kawah Sikidang.
Some of the path still not paved but its easy trekking into the forest, no need for a guide to go around the area. Some spot has story board but it is all in Bahasa.
Beautiful and peaceful lake to enjoy, many attractive spot to take pictures.
Deep into the forest, you will find a meditation area and you may need to organized this with the staff when you want to enter the place "

20 April 2018

Gan Cassidy

" Don't go there! It's not worth it. It's a less than 5 minutes walk up the hill and to look down. Most of the time the colour you can see from the top is a few shades of green. No other color. Worst still the entrance charged for Foreigner is IDR150,000 equivalent to US$12.00 for the "view". It's a bummer. A daylight robbery. Total Ripped off. You can get a better, cheaper and much more satisfacting view from a short distance away, near Dieng Plateau Theater called "Batu Pandang Ratapan Angin". Translation of the name, "Lamenting Wind of the Viewing Rock" The price is only a fraction IDR10,000 = US$0.75. Your choice. "

19 April 2018

Micky Kie

" Amazing view, thanks GOD for everything (^_-) "

31 March 2018

Tanto Gunawan Halim

" Great view but dirty "

21 February 2018

Rizcy Hp

" Nice place to visit around Puncak, bogor. You can go to the location by motorcycle. Avoid to come on the weekend because the traffic jam. The entry fee is cheap. You can rent a boat to sightseeing around the small lake with a little bit high price. Rp.100.000. There are an outbound or homestay on the lakeside. There are monkeys that stay in this area. Be careful of your foods and belongings. haha. "

28 January 2018

Edho Fernando

" Worth to visit, good place to take a photo. Make sure to bring your best camera "

25 January 2018

Andre Pierre

" nice place to relax..
to bad i'm here to work 😂😂
#construction "

18 January 2018


" Very good especially when its foggy "

17 January 2018

Georgina Jeanette

" Beautiful, quite, relaxing place with affordable price. You'll meet little monkeys if lucky. Please keep the environment clean, because there's no many people maintaining this place. "

15 January 2018

Sukma Toto Wibowo

" Tempat yang bagus buat menghilangkan penat, bersih dan rapi. Akan lebih bagus lg bila di lihat dari puncak bukit. Sayang belum kesampaian untuk liat dari puncak. "

21 November 2017

Ifana Azi

" You can take a good photos here, they accommodate visitors to take a great photos at different spot. "

15 November 2017

Ahmad Zainal

" Good view from other side of telaga warna "

07 October 2017


" Great view, nice weather, don't forget to buy souvenir "

31 August 2017

Supriadi Hadi Mulyono

" Beautiful colored lake above the mountain region of Central Java. "

24 August 2017

Alfade Hidayatulloh

" Dulu (2th yg lalu) waktu kesini, bayar cuma sekali IDR3000/orang.. sekarang masuk bayar 2 kali...pas diawal bayar 11rb/org, trus di dalem bayar lagi 8500/org...belum lagi bayar parkir 5rb/mobil, dan 3rb/motor...hhhhrrgghhh...payah payah payah... Pemda Bogor harus menindak nih..!

Padahal kesini cuma mampir, dan gak banyak yg bisa dinikmati..aneh "

06 August 2017

Maula Zahara

" It's a beautiful greenish-bluish lake and one of mystical Dieng's landmark. It's the place where the hair of Anak Gembel being floated during Dieng Culture Festival. "

05 August 2017

Akhmad Khahlil Gibran

" Nice experiencess here with some friends "

02 August 2017

Firman Gunawan

" Nyesel jauh2 kesini... gaada yang bisa dinikmati! "

03 July 2017


" Very beautiful scenary and very nice place... "

27 June 2017

Christavia Ayunda

" Like what it's own name said, this place is basically a pond with various colors on it; an effect of sulphures contained in the water. The color can get from deep blue, moss-green, to a dark yellow when sunshine fall on the pond, and it's beautiful. The massive trees give us shade when we walked around the pond.
This place is clean "

26 June 2017

Salsabila Barata

" Easy to find, need more maintenance, "

17 June 2017


" Nice view from up there, it take a while to go up there. Beware of the crowded when it's holiday season "

13 May 2017

M. Rizal Ridhal Malik

" Beautiful and mistic Talaga Warna Lake. Sometimes you can see the water lake changing colour depend on weather state. "

23 April 2017

Aqmarina Rasika

" the lake color is beautiful. you must do a bit hiking to see the view from higher place. but it's worth trying! "

29 March 2017

Fikri Wicaksana

" Tempatnya cukup susah dicari, plang namanya juga kecil. Objek utama di sini adalah telaga yang biasa saja. Ada penginapan juga di sekitar telaga. Wahana rekreasi lain ada flying fox, foto di perahu.

Yang cukup mengganggu adalah banyaknya monyet di dalam objek wisata telaga warna dan juga tiket masuk yang dikenakan 2x, di awal masuk perkebunan teh dan saat mau masuk ke telaga warna "

28 March 2017

Puput Riani

" Very very beautiful scenery! Dont forget bring raincoat or umbrella maybe rain infect you !😀😁😊 "

24 March 2017

Antonius Budi Poedjoharsono

" Good view. Too much trash, uneducated visitors. "

24 February 2017

Steven Lee

" One of the best tourism attraction in Dieng. It's a good place to enjoy the beauty of nature. You can climb one of the hill around the lake to see to whole area. "

20 February 2017

Mohammad Anggi Nugroho

" The spots are breathtaking, yet it requires holistic improvement on the services, infrastructure, and advertising. "

05 February 2017

Dovian Emely

" Beautiful scenery, need to improve some spot to get the best view. Don't forget to bring mask because of the smelly gas "

05 February 2017

Dirmawan Hatta

" Ancient spooky lake. Woods on its side. There is a cave in the wood which serve as worshipping place for old pre-Islamic tradition. For one and another reason, the famous colors of the lake (as suggested by its name) have been fading from year to year. "

05 November 2016

Fadhil Nur Mahardi

" Mantep bos "

29 September 2016

Sekar Citra

" My favorite place in Dieng plateau! Come here and you will know why.. "

06 August 2016

Robbe Vangheluwe

" Worth seeing while you're in Dieng. If you just want a view of the lakes don't enter the park, just walk a little further left from the entrance and enter under the Pentak 9 gate, climb up and have a free view ;-) "

19 July 2016


" The scenery of this lake is awesome. I hope it will get more improvement. "

17 July 2016

Albert J.O

" Its have a two lake that have two colour blue and green so came to this place amd enjoy a great view pf dieng "

24 June 2016

Suyandi Liyis

" Summer time the lake will dry up almost half "

15 May 2016

Arief Rachman Ashar

" Literally means the color lake. It's very beautiful lake, as you can see the colors gradation, thus the namesake. But little disappointed when seeing it closed by. Try to look it from above, it's way better. "

30 December 2015

Henry Setiawan

" Nice place with beautiful lake "

29 December 2015

Evita Primiari

" Beautiful little late. Worth seeing while in Dieng. "

04 December 2015

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