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About Singha Merjosari Park

Singha Merjosari Park is a park, located at Jalan Mertojoyo Selatan No.7, Merjosari, Kecamatan Lowokwaru, Merjosari, Kec. Lowokwaru, Kota Malang, Jawa Timur 65144, Indonesia



Item Reviews - 32

Yafi Dwika

" Tempat nya enak apalagi banyak fasilitas olahraga yang bermacam macam, cocok banget bagi orang yang ingin berolahraga atau sekedar bersantai di sana. Disekitaran taman pun terdapat para penjual makanan yang beragam dan terjangkau. "

05 June 2018

Faizal Yogaswara

" Tempatnya bersih dan nyaman. Banyak warung yang enak dan murah di sebelah taman. Fasilitas lengkap, ada gazebo, ada tempat gym, lapangan olahraga, dan Wi-Fi publik yang super cepat. "

01 June 2018

Daning Hera

" good city park with many tenants who sell cheap and good food. various facilities for all age, those gym stuff and jogging track and also skateboard arena. and also it's clean. "

03 May 2018

Iwan Tantomi

" Salah satu taman terbuka dan gratis di Malang. Lokasinya depan bekas pasar Merjosari (sekarang Pasar Dinoyo yang gabung jadi satu menjadi Mall Dinoyo City). Fasilitasnya sangat lengkap, dari taman hijau, kamar mandi, toilet, tempat bermain skateboard, lapangan basket, amphitheater, jogging track, taman bermain anak-anak, juga berbagai fasilitas gimnasium untuk berolahraga khususnya mengolah tubuh. Semua tersedia di Taman Singha Merjosari. Kalau malam tempatnya sangat ramai, karena ada gazebo, juga kedai-kedai kopi di sekelilingnya. Selain itu kalau lapar juga tak perlu khawatir, karena juga banyak penjual makanan, dari lalapan, soto ayam, sate ayam dan sate daging, kemudian ada mie instan, juga ada tahu telur. Oiya, jangan coba² berbuat kriminalitas di sini, ya, karena Taman Singha Merjosari dilengkapi satpam yang berjaga selama 24 jam. Sementara untuk parkir ditarif Rp2 ribu per motor, dengan jam maksimal jam 11 malam. Lebih dari jam itu juru parkir akan meminta nomor parkir, dan mau tak mau motor harus kita awasi sendiri jika ingin di sana sampai dini hari. "

03 May 2018

Aripriharta St

" You can exercise here. Kids will enjoy play around "

24 April 2018

Iftitah Regina

" Cheap and lovely place to go!!!! My fav when i just wanna sit and share some stuffs together with my friend. "

20 April 2018

A Google User

" Public space with a new sport area such as mini gym station, basketball, skateboard pool. Crowded in the morning and evening with jogging people around it. "

09 April 2018

A Google User

" Nice place to hangout with ur kids..and it is all free no charges at all except parking "

02 March 2018

Oindah Kintan

" The city park of malang near uin maulana malik ibrahim malang. And many tree here "

11 February 2018

Josephine Angelica

" Beautiful place, open for 24 hours. Many facilities such as playground for kids, gym and sports area, clean bathrooms, gazebos. There are a lot of little shops next to the parks that sells various food and drinks. Beautiful at night with the flowers lights and beautiful at daylight with real flowers. "

07 February 2018

A Google User

" A great park to relax
There are sport facilities you can use for free, a Lot of seats.. there are also some shelters to seat in group. A good place to have a evening walk or do jogging.
The skybike currently not avaible.
there are 98 seeds planted from various city at this park, planted by the Mayor of every city it come from. "

19 December 2017

Unyis Kalimetro

" Kalau ke taman singha jangan lupa beli penyetan duo mak mak yang lekoh sambalnya, dipadu sama cilok buk bro juga oke! "

19 November 2017

Dendhy Wahyu

" Good place for family with kids, there are several manual game and gym equipments. The greenery part should be improved. "

22 October 2017

Fadillah Ramadhan

" If you want to jog, this place is a perfect place for you. It's quite big and good for holding the meeting here. "

07 October 2017

Avia Torina Wiracandy

" A good place to refresh and exercise without spending any money (except for the parking lot) "

01 September 2017

Ar Wic

" Nice place to have some body excercise, take a walk, or simply to get some rest. You can ride its skybike at evening.
Restroom here, kids playground. "

31 August 2017

Novika Sastriani

" Near from my home. Having nice facilities for adult and kids. "

26 August 2017

Rahmad Ramdhani

" nice place to spend your time. "

05 July 2017

Evan Prajongko

" This place is so sporty. You can do some exercise here. Beside that, near by this place you can find several coffee shop. "

22 June 2017

Novanda Indra

" A good place to hang around and take a brake. It have a joging track and many more "

19 June 2017

Rizqi Zufar Rizaldy

" Great place for everbody "

23 May 2017

Fahriza Fahriz

" Other places to get exercise and refreshing "

03 May 2017

Aryo Mob

" Good place for jogs n chillin.. "

05 April 2017

Muhammad Nur Hafid Hidayatullah

" Bagus. Meski kadang ada yang suka buang sampah sembarangan. "

24 February 2017

Nenez Sykes

" Nice public place. "

08 February 2017

Hanan Handiman

" Rest Area anda playground "

07 February 2017

Dita Yudhiswara

" So green, there is gazebo where we can chatting with friend, discussion and there is park where we can physical exercise. "

13 October 2016

Sani Kudri

" Beautiful "

27 August 2016

Fathin Naufal

" Nice park for the kids arround Merhosari "

14 July 2016

Laili Isna Safitri

" Best wifi spot yuhuu "

11 July 2016

Khoirur Roziqin

" Good place to spend weekend or just to refresh our mind with jogging arround and had some fresh cofee. "

17 June 2016

Septian Gusonela

" Baguss.. "

28 May 2016

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