About Super Indo Singosari
Super Indo Singosari is a supermarket, located at Jl. Raya Singosari, RT 003 / RW009,, Kel. Pagentan, Kec. Singosari, Pagentan, Singosari, Malang, Jawa Timur 65148, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 341 453886, visit their website www.superindo.co.id for more detailed information.
Rifki Adi Laksana
" Kurang lengkap "
07 May 2018Antonius Sumitro Harso Utomo
" If you buy fresh fish here, they will fried or grill it for free. "
25 March 2018Brian Rahardi
" quite complete and it opens realy early at morning, something you can count on. "
05 March 2018Dian Indrianto
" Modern market, you can find all you need here. "
06 February 2018Abdul Jabbar
" This place is awesome, more choices and best prices... Overall best deal "
21 December 2017Hendra Wijaya
" My wife favourite place to go buy daily food stock. The price is not to much different with the ordinary market. The food is fresh. "
20 December 2017Mitha Patrikha
" Once of one stop shopping...great place "
29 November 2017Berny Riberu
" Good place for daily needed "
16 November 2017Daniel Supit
" Nice place for every day needs "
27 October 2017Bagus Suharjono
" Easy and economic shooping "
17 September 2017Teguh Arifyanto
" Lumayan lengkap,sayur,ikan dan daging msh segar,sarana bermain anak jg tersedia "
03 August 2017Dimas Wijaya
" The supermarket is clean, and complete. You can find start from fruit to clothes "
03 August 2017Fajar Nurhadi
" Lumayan lengkap "
15 July 2017Yang LydiaEnrica
" A nice supermarket for buying daily necessity but the quality of sea food is not good. "
05 July 2017Sarlita Darmasari
" Fresh fruits and vegetables are available here... "
28 June 2017Mahendra Wedastama
" Tempat berbelanja kebutuhan sehari hari "
19 June 2017Meilani Mei
" Best place to shop our daily need... Have a lot parking space... 😊 "
09 June 2017Leha Ha
11 May 2017Morning Dews
" Good for shopping, complete places to find something "
28 April 2017Khoirul Setiawan
" Tempat luas dan nyaman serta lumayan lengkap barangnya👍 "
25 April 2017Eko Ririn Ardianto
" Nice place , near home "
28 March 2017Suci Satri
" They offer special price on weekend "
11 January 2017Nia Nirmala Sari
" Good n fresh n cheap "
21 December 2016Galuh Rediyanto
" Comfort,clean,fresh fruit,strategic place "
13 December 2016Handrawan Zainal Totong
" Place to buy your groceries and daily needs "
04 November 2016Panti Karya Asih
" Toilet available. Good for weekly shopping. Spacey parking area. "
14 July 2016Galih Riatma
" Parkir motor diluar? Ditarik tarif parkir 2.000 rupiah. Mobil bisa parkir masuk. "
12 July 2016M.Bambang Irianto
" Convenient store "
07 July 2016Roy Wijaya
" Good place to suply daily needs "
05 June 2016Bimo Syahputro
" Okeyy.. "
20 November 2015