" Tidak melayani pembelian tiket kereta karena bukan stasiun penumpang😀 "
07 February 2018
Antok Frans
" ...Its' main locomotive and train depot of SDT (SIDOTOPO)... "
22 August 2017
Argya P. Budihandojo
" You used to be able to bribe the security guards to enter the location. It is a train "graveyard". However, now security is way more strict since there was a fire in the location "
13 August 2017
Mossad Aja
" Big station but only employe in here.. "
04 August 2017
Bagus Setiawan
" This place is a train workshop, locomotive or train carriage are maintenance here. "
07 May 2017
Ronny Hidayat
" Bukan stasiun penumpang "
16 April 2017
Riz Han
" this place is very good for lessons how to assembly the train "
11 April 2017
Renny Setiowati
" Amazing "
26 March 2017
" Kicked out by security immediately. Sorry, man. "
29 January 2017
Rendra Budi Hutama
" Need permission from Gubeng office to enter and took photos here "
24 January 2017
Rere Darmawan
" nice place to hunt a picture of train. "
18 January 2017
Saiful Haris
" Hati2 foto disini karena kadang area ini dilarang, harus minta izin dlu.. okee "
23 December 2016
Elzara Mosi
" Karna banyak kereta😀 "
13 October 2016
Kathleen Malay
" a unique place to hangout in Surabaya "
11 September 2016
Joane Priskila
" An unique and good place to take a photo-shoot here "
10 September 2016
Mansur Setiawan
" Tempat berkumpulnya gerbong2. "
15 May 2016
" Kicked out by security immediately. Sorry, man. "
Hiroshi H
" Kicked out by security immediately. "
29 May 2018Stefanus Shanny Kallawat
" Tidak melayani pembelian tiket kereta karena bukan stasiun penumpang😀 "
07 February 2018Antok Frans
" ...Its' main locomotive and train depot of SDT (SIDOTOPO)... "
22 August 2017Argya P. Budihandojo
" You used to be able to bribe the security guards to enter the location. It is a train "graveyard". However, now security is way more strict since there was a fire in the location "
13 August 2017Mossad Aja
" Big station but only employe in here.. "
04 August 2017Bagus Setiawan
" This place is a train workshop, locomotive or train carriage are maintenance here. "
07 May 2017Ronny Hidayat
" Bukan stasiun penumpang "
16 April 2017Riz Han
" this place is very good for lessons how to assembly the train "
11 April 2017Renny Setiowati
" Amazing "
26 March 2017Hiroshi
" Kicked out by security immediately. Sorry, man. "
29 January 2017Rendra Budi Hutama
" Need permission from Gubeng office to enter and took photos here "
24 January 2017Rere Darmawan
" nice place to hunt a picture of train. "
18 January 2017Saiful Haris
" Hati2 foto disini karena kadang area ini dilarang, harus minta izin dlu.. okee "
23 December 2016Elzara Mosi
" Karna banyak kereta😀 "
13 October 2016Kathleen Malay
" a unique place to hangout in Surabaya "
11 September 2016Joane Priskila
" An unique and good place to take a photo-shoot here "
10 September 2016Mansur Setiawan
" Tempat berkumpulnya gerbong2. "
15 May 2016Hiroshi
" Kicked out by security immediately. Sorry, man. "
07 May 2016Probo Sutejo
" Nice place to see the train "
13 April 2016