Stasiun Lawang is a train station, located at Jalan Thamrin, Lawang, Malang, Jawa Timur 65211, Indonesia|Jalan Thamrin, Lawang, Malang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
" This place never disappoints. The architecture is amazing, the dining concourse is pretty good and claims to have all local fare, purchasing subway tickets is easy via online, and it's clean and attractive. Restroom were clean. We had no problem getting back and forth to Surabaya via the Jayabaya Train. Surabaya Station is another story...confusing and much less attractive. "
11 April 2018
Rendy Kharisna
" The biggest train station in North Malang "
08 March 2018
Darius Zulkarnain
" Although this is a small station, all trains stop here. Unfortunately there are still a lot to improve:
- only one ticket counter both for go show and reservation despite there being 2 counters available, making a long queue during rush hour.
- no self-printing boarding pass machine which makes boarding pass printing done at that 1 only counter that opens.
- no monitor display information for departing and arriving train.
- old building needs refurbishing
Meskipun stasiun ini terlihat kecil, semua kereta berhenti di sini. Sayangnya banyak yang masih harus ditingkatkan:
- Konter pelayanan tiket hanya ada 1 yang buka baik untuk pembelian go show maupun reservasi walaupun sebenarnya ada 2 konter. Hal ini membuat adanya antrian panjang di jam-jam sibuk.
- Tidak tersedia mesin cetak boarding pass mandiri, sehingga mengharuskan cetak boarding pass via satu-satunya konter yang buka tadi sehingga ikutan antri dengan yang mau beli tiket.
- Tidak ada display monitor informasi kereta yang datang dan berangkat
- Gedung sudah tua dan perlu penyegaran "
31 August 2017
Hutahaean Ray
" Small train station at Lawang.
Quite small but relatively clean "
" Lawang Station (LW) is a class I train station located in Mulyoarjo, Lawang, Malang and is the most northern and eastern station as well as the largest in Malang regency. This station is a station located at the highest altitude in the Operation Area VIII Surabaya, which is +491m above sea level. "
31 May 2017
Nagi Sanzenin
" Its small rail station "
21 May 2017
Bakhtiar Jauhari
" Three stars for getting better on the place. It is more tidy, organized and clean now on the station. But the public service needs to be improve also for the train schedule which still coming late as always. "
20 April 2017
Okne Putri Armadana
" Surabaya-Lawang cuma 12ribu, sama kaya harga tiket ke Malang. Stasiunnya meskipun kecil tapi bersih. Kalo mau sholat, izin dulu sama petugas. Jangan berlama-lama di Mushola, nanti dikira tidur sama petugas terus ditegur deh. "
20 March 2017
Nurtjahja Nurcahyo
" Sudah mulai dijaga kebersihannya "
19 March 2017
Adi Pratama Anwar
" Passed by this station while riding Mutiara Selatan train bound to Malang "
25 February 2017
Catur Ismi Wahyuni
" Disini awal perjalanan "
24 January 2017
Djulianto Julian
" Tidak ada penitipan sepeda motor. "
22 January 2017
Rizki Ria Amalia
" Meski cuma sub stasiun karena induknya ada di Stasiun Malang, tapi kereta kereta besar macam eksekutif dan bisnis selalu berhenti dan juga menaikkan penumpang distasiun ini "
20 January 2017
Wanto Alam
" Good "
30 December 2016
Guntur Doddy Putra Wiyadi
" Tiket cm bs dipesan 7hr sbelum brgkat. Giliran 7hr sbelumx qt beli tiket, eh malah gada seat. Disuruh beli eksekutif. Piye jal..?!! Gmn mo maju kl rakyat kecil ky qt ga diperhatikan?! "
16 December 2016
Hanafi Mubarok
" Stasiun Kecil Rasa Stasiun Kota... Layanan KAnya Lengkap.. Sering Rame, Viewnya Klasik, Strategis Dekat Pasar, Ada Indomaret juga "
27 October 2016
M.Bambang Irianto
" Small , clean and friendly "
12 August 2016
Maman Paman
" aku pernah kesana harus mengantri saat boardes ka 😄 "
09 July 2016
Ken Maharani Maharani
" Belum pernah kesana "
29 December 2015
Bimo Syahputro
" Good "
29 November 2015
Aurel Naterop
" They closed earlier than supposed. I was there 5 min before closure and it was tutup already.. "
Iwan Kristianto Nugroho
" clean & nice station...
27 May 2018heritage "
Jefri Tamba
" This place never disappoints. The architecture is amazing, the dining concourse is pretty good and claims to have all local fare, purchasing subway tickets is easy via online, and it's clean and attractive. Restroom were clean. We had no problem getting back and forth to Surabaya via the Jayabaya Train. Surabaya Station is another story...confusing and much less attractive. "
11 April 2018Rendy Kharisna
" The biggest train station in North Malang "
08 March 2018Darius Zulkarnain
" Although this is a small station, all trains stop here. Unfortunately there are still a lot to improve:
31 August 2017- only one ticket counter both for go show and reservation despite there being 2 counters available, making a long queue during rush hour.
- no self-printing boarding pass machine which makes boarding pass printing done at that 1 only counter that opens.
- no monitor display information for departing and arriving train.
- old building needs refurbishing
Meskipun stasiun ini terlihat kecil, semua kereta berhenti di sini. Sayangnya banyak yang masih harus ditingkatkan:
- Konter pelayanan tiket hanya ada 1 yang buka baik untuk pembelian go show maupun reservasi walaupun sebenarnya ada 2 konter. Hal ini membuat adanya antrian panjang di jam-jam sibuk.
- Tidak tersedia mesin cetak boarding pass mandiri, sehingga mengharuskan cetak boarding pass via satu-satunya konter yang buka tadi sehingga ikutan antri dengan yang mau beli tiket.
- Tidak ada display monitor informasi kereta yang datang dan berangkat
- Gedung sudah tua dan perlu penyegaran "
Hutahaean Ray
" Small train station at Lawang.
05 August 2017Quite small but relatively clean "
Christine Purbosari
" It's nice for stopping the local trains "
24 July 2017Arya Dega
" Nice place for stopping by using local train "
16 July 2017Ananta Kharismadi
" Beautifull station,old facade, easy transit access "
18 June 2017Fajar Rubianto
" heritage place 👍👍👍 "
02 June 2017Kiki Wendra
" Lawang Station (LW) is a class I train station located in Mulyoarjo, Lawang, Malang and is the most northern and eastern station as well as the largest in Malang regency. This station is a station located at the highest altitude in the Operation Area VIII Surabaya, which is +491m above sea level. "
31 May 2017Nagi Sanzenin
" Its small rail station "
21 May 2017Bakhtiar Jauhari
" Three stars for getting better on the place. It is more tidy, organized and clean now on the station. But the public service needs to be improve also for the train schedule which still coming late as always. "
20 April 2017Okne Putri Armadana
" Surabaya-Lawang cuma 12ribu, sama kaya harga tiket ke Malang. Stasiunnya meskipun kecil tapi bersih. Kalo mau sholat, izin dulu sama petugas. Jangan berlama-lama di Mushola, nanti dikira tidur sama petugas terus ditegur deh. "
20 March 2017Nurtjahja Nurcahyo
" Sudah mulai dijaga kebersihannya "
19 March 2017Adi Pratama Anwar
" Passed by this station while riding Mutiara Selatan train bound to Malang "
25 February 2017Catur Ismi Wahyuni
" Disini awal perjalanan "
24 January 2017Djulianto Julian
" Tidak ada penitipan sepeda motor. "
22 January 2017Rizki Ria Amalia
" Meski cuma sub stasiun karena induknya ada di Stasiun Malang, tapi kereta kereta besar macam eksekutif dan bisnis selalu berhenti dan juga menaikkan penumpang distasiun ini "
20 January 2017Wanto Alam
" Good "
30 December 2016Guntur Doddy Putra Wiyadi
" Tiket cm bs dipesan 7hr sbelum brgkat. Giliran 7hr sbelumx qt beli tiket, eh malah gada seat. Disuruh beli eksekutif. Piye jal..?!! Gmn mo maju kl rakyat kecil ky qt ga diperhatikan?! "
16 December 2016Hanafi Mubarok
" Stasiun Kecil Rasa Stasiun Kota... Layanan KAnya Lengkap.. Sering Rame, Viewnya Klasik, Strategis Dekat Pasar, Ada Indomaret juga "
27 October 2016M.Bambang Irianto
" Small , clean and friendly "
12 August 2016Maman Paman
" aku pernah kesana harus mengantri saat boardes ka 😄 "
09 July 2016Ken Maharani Maharani
" Belum pernah kesana "
29 December 2015Bimo Syahputro
" Good "
29 November 2015Aurel Naterop
" They closed earlier than supposed. I was there 5 min before closure and it was tutup already.. "
27 November 2015