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About Sate Ayam Ponorogo Pak Siboen

Sate Ayam Ponorogo Pak Siboen is a restaurant, located at Jalan Panglima Sudirman, Kampung Dalem, Kec. Kediri, Kp. Dalem, Kec. Kota Kediri, Kota Kediri, Jawa Timur 64126, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 354 682843, visit their website for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 34

Ade Permana

" Nice place good food need to wait a bit long though "

16 May 2018

Gisella Muthia Monika

The place is really clean and comfy, and really close with the city hall and the main street.
"Tidak buka cabang." ONLY IN KEDIRI YA GUYS! RECOMMENDED👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻 "

12 May 2018

Luis Andrew

" The best chicken satay. Little bit expensive but worth it with the taste "

02 May 2018

Deddy Taufik Hidayat

" This is old resto at Kediri, they sell Sate Ayam, very tasty. The resto already modern with aircon, but they have also outdoor area. Seating area outdoor and indoor is about 100 seats. Parking area only for 5 cars. "

25 April 2018

Han Han

" Nahhhh ini dia jagoan

Sate hits di kediri

Satenya ini unik di bagian bumbu
Bisa digolongkan bumbu kacang berat
Karena bumbunya unik dr segi rasa itu kacang murnig yg di blender

Saya makan 20 tusuk sama lontong 1 porsi udah kenyang lohh

Kalau kesini saran aja dehh jangan naik mobil
Susah parkir "

13 April 2018

Cahyadi Prabowo

" Cozy little place.. A legendary satay restaurant in Kediri.. Tenderly sliced satay with delicious peanut sauce.. "

31 March 2018

Andi Purnomo

" Even thought people like it. Imho it just ok. And too expensive "

16 March 2018

John Simon

" The satay is delicious. Many satay options they have from chicken meat, chicken skin, and brutu (chicken ass). The price is quite cheap compare to other restaurant in town. However, nothing special with the restaurant ambience. "

10 March 2018

Deavita Dinari

" Amazing satay,very tender,located at the downtown of kediri town, good place to have lunch, definitely a great food to bring back to your home if you go to kediri since they have no branch (as i know) "

05 February 2018

Setyobekti Prihatno

" Enjoy sate ayam pak siboen
The Great Taste "

04 November 2017

Aswahyuddin Hasanuddin

" Masakan nya enak, gedung baru, lebih nyaman, lantai 2 sebetulnya bagus, hanya saja meja di lantai atas tersebut harus sering dibersihkan karena debu area terbuka "

19 September 2017

Robertus Agus Harjadi

" The Taste of the satay is different. Not to good anymore "

17 September 2017

Diana Wahyuni

" They have many choices of satay however the taste are just so so "

05 August 2017

Soffian Joyopranoto

" Not expensive and delicious old Javanese recipe "

23 July 2017

Aprita Primayuda

" Open 24 hours. Great taste "

02 July 2017

Mohammad Kahfianto

" Good enough "

27 June 2017

Rendy Bagus Irawan

" Not recommended for hungry tummy! Very Slow service! 2 hours for only waiting ice tea? For real? "

27 June 2017

Eka Pratiwi

" Old time favourite in Kediri. "

25 June 2017

Soffian Joyopranoto

" Not expensive and delicious old Javanese receipt "

20 June 2017

Babah Boim

" Tempat yang cukup terkenal dari jaman dahulu.. skr direnovasi dan lebih luas.. "

05 May 2017

Ariawan Wangsa Seputera

" Rasa satenya enak "

05 January 2017

Aldilatama Hs

" Best sate ayam from Kediri "

25 November 2016

Danny Setiawan

" Very nice and famous satay at Kediri. "

09 November 2016

Nekodeman Ade

" Sate ayam legendaris yang ada dikediri
Rasa bumbunya enak, persis yang ada di ponorogo
Tapi sayang ukuran potongan daging ayamnya beda dengan yg di ponorogo "

01 November 2016

Edi Susanto

" Sate enak tapi agak alot, di jalan besar harga standart "

29 October 2016

Frans Hermanto

" Mak nyuzz "

22 October 2016

Ferri Apriyandi

" Buka 24 jam "

18 September 2016

Riza Wibowo

" Delicious satay "

08 July 2016

Hillary Kevin

" This place sell chicken satay with peanut sauce.. "

24 May 2016

Ari Nugroho

" Daging keras, garang asem kurang panas.... "

12 February 2016

Danang Saputra

" Enaaaak...bumbunya lembut "

05 February 2016

Bagus Suro Taruno

" Sate nya empuk n maknyus, rasa bintang lima "

20 December 2015

Bhoga Lacon

" Pertama pesan gule panas & sop panas, yang dikasih gule & sop dingin !!! Shocked. Minta dipanaskan, pelayannya balik lagi ke dapur. Akhirnya dpt yg panas. Hadeuh gak sesuai judulnya. Sate lumayan walau ada daging sate yg keras. "

02 January 2014

Dian Primata Cabicuu

" Siank2 maem sateee with my mom hmmmmm nikmat "

15 August 2013

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