Prigen Indonesia Safari Park
About Prigen Indonesia Safari Park
Prigen Indonesia Safari Park is a zoo, located at Desa Jatiarjo, Prigen, Jatiarjo, Prigen, Pasuruan, Jawa Timur 67157, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 343 6743000, visit their website for more detailed information.
Arina Nur Alia
" Wahana permainan nya seru Dan harga nya terjangkau. Pengalaman yg fun bgt utk anak2 saat berkeliling Taman Safari melihat binatang2 Dr Dalam Mobil. Binatang2 nya terlihat terawat, bersih lingkungan nya.petugas juga ramah 👍 "
01 June 2018Andri Anto
" Loved to be here with my family...full of entertainment and education. My kiddos love it. From morning to evening your children get a lot activities here. "
26 May 2018Flowscent
" It's really fun having a close interaction with animals. There's a lot of animal show that well arranged and scheduled to entertain also educate us to love animals. The place is clean and shady.. "
14 May 2018Iqbal Maulana
" Area parkir sangat luas, bagi pengunjung yg mengendarai motor terdapat area parkir tersendiri di dekat gerbang masuk tiket dan disediakan shuttle bus gratis di gedung dekat area parkir untuk melalui kawasan hutan, driver ramah dan bersedia memberikan info mengenai kawasan yg dilewati juga tentang hewan2 yg terlihat. Bagi yg membawa mobil pribadi bisa lanjut menuju kawasan hutan dan disarankan untuk mematuhi semua peraturan yg terpasang di sepanjang kawasan. Setelah melewati kawasan hutan shuttle bus akan berhenti di halte depan bagian informasi. Di sini anda bisa mendapatkan brosur yg berisi jadwal show, peta area Taman Safari, dll. Untuk kembali ke tempat parkir motor anda bisa kembali ke halte dan memberitahukan pada bagian informasi, setelah itu menunggu sampai shuttle bus datang, karena jika berjalan kaki lumayan jauh.
12 April 2018Lahan Taman Safari sangat luas, wahananya sangat banyak, ada jadwal show setiap harinya, tidak akan cukup waktunya kalau hanya sehari untuk mencoba semua wahana dan menonton semua show. Saran saya jika ada rencana berkunjung lebih dari sekali, lebih baik ambil tiket basic (termurah) dulu dg tujuan berkeliling taman safari dan menonton setiap show sesuai jadwal, untuk itu sebaiknya anda datang pagi sebelum pkl. 11.00, kunjungan kedua silakan ambil tiket yg full wahana dg tanpa berkeliling atau menonton shownya lagi. Tersedia layanan berfoto bersama satwa seperti singa, orang utan, burung, dll dengan dikenakan biaya.
Fasilitas toilet tersedia di beberapa titik, kondisinya cukup bersih dan baik, juga terdapat musholla. "
Titim Nuraini
" Seru banget Savari Journey meneglilingi lereng Gunung Arjuna ketemu sama hewan-hewan mulai dari yang jinak sampai yang buas. Sayangnya pas nyampek di sana hujan, jadi kurang maksimal. Wahana permainannya juga banyak ditutup sementara karena hujan. Nyobain bumpercar seru banget tabrak-tabrakan. Kalau foto-foto sama hewan tertentu juga bisa. Show terakhir Temple of Terror recommended banget untuk ditonton. Alur cerita, atraksi para stuntman, sound effect dan property yang digunakan jadi satu kesatuan pertunjukan yang sangat menghibur. Show ini juga melibatkan beberapa koleksi satwa yang ada di Taman Safari Prigen membuat pertunjukan jadi lebih istimewa. Tapi sayang banget jam setengah 5 udah tutup padahal menjelajah tempat ini gak cukup kalo cuma sehari. Coba bukanya sampek malem hari. "
11 April 2018Prahesty Hana Pertiwi
" Educated place to children. Our child learn and have fun so much offer here. Wild animals and water world is the most favorite to enjoy. Do not forget to take your animal and stuntman show experiences. "
04 April 2018Ika Ramadhina
" I think its a best safari park in indonesia. Both adults and kids can be entertain here. Cold n breeze weather. Toilets and restaurant is easy to find. Big mosque in the area, and its also clean. Love it "
04 April 2018Namouri Kyoto
" I am very excited at this excursion here. We can see the animals and feed them, but please be careful. We can also buy food for animals such as carrots. If you do not bring a private car, you can use the bus provided by the safari park. There is a swimming pool. To take pictures with baby animals you have to pay extra. "
17 February 2018Probo Darono Yakti
" It is a well-managed zoos with exciting exhibits. Animals are so neat and happy in such a comfy situation. The price is equal with your degree of enjoyness there. Also containing playground and some animal show every couple hours.
17 January 2018No, don't get your window open on carnivores exhibit! They should have bit your fingers. Ouch! "
Serman Prayogi
" The best 'zoo' I have ever visited so far. The animals look healthy. The staffs are friendly and well trained. And here people can also enjoy the amusement park. But some rides need to be upgraded tho. A good place to bring your family. Discounts are available for corporation and reservation. But the price of the food is way too expensive since the taste is just OK. "
09 January 2018Lisianwati Setyabudi
" Tempat yang menarik sebagai sarana rekreasi sekaligus pembelajaran untuk anak-anak. Tapi kalau bisa jangan terlalu mahal agar dapat dijangkau semua kalangan. Permainan yang disediakan mungkin lebih baik yang berhubungan dengan pengetahuan tentang binatang-binatang yang ada di sana daripada komedi putar ysng seperti di pasar malam. "
24 December 2017Farisa Rizki
" Super nice, animal show was amazing.
02 December 2017And feeling the last show "temple of terror" that was incredible. Like watch live show of action movie, "
Edwin Azmiramdhan Sulaiman
" One of a good place for weekend getaway in East Java. You can see so many animals in safari zone. After safari zone you can enjoy recreation place that provide many free animal show and attraction. It is a great place to have your kids to learn about nature and animals. All of staff is welcome. Great services. "
02 December 2017Wahyu Nahdianto
" I love the safari park, the best place to introduce animal life to families and children. The natural life of the animals here is assured and well preserved. Visitor security is also guaranteed. And it's also created for kids, there are lots of games for kids. There are also amazing animal drama performances. "
12 November 2017Fahriza Rifqi
" When you want an eduactional. Fun and also cozy place to hangout with family so this is the best offer in the market. There are 5 to 6 free shows to enjoy and 3 safari adventure so you can meet the animal in front of your eyes. Just incredible "
04 November 2017Soraya Kaoroptham
" My kids enjoy this safari immensely. This is their first trip to safari zoo. They are very excited to see all the animals up close. This is located up in the high mountain of Prigen. Make sure to buy bunch of carrots for animal feeding. The street vendors will offer you these carrots prior to your arrival at the gate. "
27 October 2017Hardiansyah Iftiawan
" Hotel dengan konsep safari yang unik. Kamar yang nyaman dan fasilitas yang bagus. Kita bisa melihat satwa begitu membuka jendela kamar, antara lain zebra, jerapah, rusa, badak bahkan kuda nil. Ada kegiatan night walk yang mengajak tamu utk menyusuri hutan di depan hotel pada malam hari mencari hewan yg ada disekitar hotel. "
27 September 2017Maulana Iqbal
" Well, if you needed place to refresh and you like nature place, this place is for you. Good place for educate your child about animal. Need improvement about the ride, limited option and I'm not interested at all. I hope there are improvement later. "
23 September 2017Aditya Mustika
" This zoo is huge, and you should watch all of their attractions they offer. Try to plan your route so you dont have to going around. "
31 August 2017Alfa Musika
" the safari is good, but need to be fill with more various animals. other than that it was ok. the road is upside down the hill. quite tiring "
28 August 2017Thomas Liminto
" I love the baby zoo area. The place is clean and nice. The entrance fee is affordable. "
27 August 2017Dhina Bsa
" The best taman safari ever, many attractive show inside and outside.. the last time they have big theater show its called the temple of terror that really amazing.. "
09 August 2017Diana Lie
" Place only for short visit not long visit .. too far feom city and look for food . You will get bored unless you want to do nothing .. very relaaxx holiday then you go this baobab safari hotel on weekdays .. you will find quite "
16 July 2017Billie Fausto
" This place has improved better than 10 years ago... Fun place to spend your day... Good Hospitality.. Love it! "
24 May 2017Hadi Ariwibowo
" The animals looked healthy and fit so enjoy for seeing them. The place clean and neat. Many game arenas for kids and all running well. So many entertaintment attractions such as dolphin, bird, tiger, and temple of terror, all of them so fascinating. "
10 May 2017Sony Ganadhi
" Good place for education, theres a lot of animals all over the world. They also offer show with animals. Theres some restaurant and drink booth in there. "
02 May 2017Nidi Alifia
" I totally love this place and willing to come back. A day is not enough to explore this area. There are a lot of animals here but unfortunately they are getting use to be feed by people (stop giving them food hooman! Its only allowed when the sign says so). I love the show and how they educate people. "
01 May 2017David Soebekti
" Best Zoo in east java. They provide a lot animals, from asia, american, and african. They also have a free show area (include from the entrance ticket) and some playground for children. "
12 March 2017Silvyanti Tiara
" (+) This place has complete collection of animal. The area is very huge. I got amazing experience to be very close with animals. This place have an amazing waterpark too.
05 March 2017(-) We got extra charge to several arena. We also get extra charge to take photo with animal using our own camera. I was very disappointed. 15k for 1 person for 1 animal. The souvenir is pricey. "
Aniket Nene
" We visited on the second day of our Indonesia trip. Nicely constructed, well maintained, extremely helpful staff. Enjoyed the day here.... "
03 March 2017Andrew Thorsvik
" Nothing quite like this anywhere else. You get to go on a drive through zoo / safari. It was awesome! Make sure and bring lots of carrots as the animals come right up to the car window for food. The animals are very friendly and they look healthy and well fed. It is cheap to get into and they have a lot of fun activities to do. "
01 March 2017Allathifah Desnia
" Nice place but some places are quite dirty.
03 January 2017However I had a weekend well spent here. Luckily, we had a chance to see the baby lions. They were only two months old and hadn't been given any name yet. Too bad that they were too young to have a picture taken with. "
Serman Prayogi
" The best 'zoo' I have ever visited so far. The animals look healthy. "
29 October 2016Ghulam Al Aufa
" Mantao buat liburan "
26 October 2016Humada Alfian
" Pros
12 October 20161. Everything seems ok. Like a fresh and Natural jungle
2. Provide many attraction. For children or family pack
3. The one of the most complète zoo in East Java
1. Take à look on every mechanical moving gate (gate divide animal zone). Rusty and I think it's doesn't work at all, seems fragile
2. Need more trash can. And make it more clean "
Andrio Yulianto
" Suasananya nyaman dan menenangkan. Kontur jalannya yg naik turun bikin capek tp seru. "
09 October 2016Yoe One Ariestya Niovitta
" I recommend for coming on Sunday so you can watch lot of animals performance, start at 11 am until 4 pm. Don't forget bring some carrots before entering the park so that you see the animals closer. "
14 September 2016Muhammad Zanuar
" Excellent zoo "
10 August 2016Retno Kusumasari Herdhika Ayu Retno Kusumasari
" Have fun with animals, enjoy the show time and play cool games. Love it! 👯 "
04 August 2016Retno Kusumasari Herdhika Ayu Retno Kusumasari
" I really love to visit this place. Playing cool games and watching kinds of animals. Having fun with your family or friends 😻 "
04 August 2016Heru Kusuma
" Well placed animals.. Beautiful views.. The recreation park and shows are awesome "
09 July 2016Didik Wahyono
" Very good place. The animals are healthy and wonderful. But some animal are getting used to people giving them food. So sometime they will surround your car hoping that you'll give up your food. Especially Lama, deer and zebra. "
07 July 2016Ci Tra
" Good , keep mantain and bring so many inovation with animal performance. "
02 July 2016Manik Agra
" Zebra suka ngalangin jalan... 👍😄 "
25 June 2016Sony Fiffandy
" SDN PETUNG 2 #2 Tour "
05 June 2016Tomy Yanto
" A bit old...but a great place to be...worth being there.
01 June 2016See the animals in "almost" their true nature.
Touch and see them like never before.
Simply be there and enjoy the journey. "
Hanif Shaquille Budiawan
" Biasa saja tuh... "
17 January 2016Dyah Chazze
" aq cari lokasix gk ktemu2 :'( "
30 July 2014