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About Prima Medika Hospital

Prima Medika Hospital is a hospital, located at Jl. Ir. Soekarno Hatta No.27B, Kutoanyar, Kec. Tulungagung, Kabupaten Tulungagung, Jawa Timur 66215, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 355 335982 for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 37

Era Mbog

" Yang diberitakan tentang angker dan sebagainya itu tidak benar sama sekali, tempatnya enak bersih, luas, apalagi pelayanannya yg memuaskan, pasien bpjs ataupun umum, semua dilayani dengan baik,saya sudah mengalami sendiri "

10 May 2018

Mika Franciska

" 1. Staff was friendly
2. Service proces was sooooo sloooww though. The process from settled the bill and got the medicinetook forever. I meant FOREVER. When you go there with sick person, and waiting procesa took like 1.5 hr thats question mark.
3. Waiting area and ambience was good.
4. Not recommended becoz of the long hours of waiting ( if not emergency ). Management should fix the system.
5. Doctors tends to give expensive medicine eventhough they could give the midle price.
6. Pharmacist was rude, they was so slow and made my worst day with their abusive and intimidate way of communication. maybe i just being sensitive or they were rude lol. But i wont come come there again. There was a announcememt on the paper , do be abusive to their staff , so i did nothing when this pharmacist gave me that attitude.
5. Prefer Kasih Ibu teuku umar or Surya Usada.
6. From all the bad review, i presume the management dont realy care on fixing their service waiting. Its been like this quite a while. Its good if you hospitalized in here, but not that good if you just go for doctor visit and other thing.
7. And yes they making the place commercial and make bussiness into it. So be smart when you choose the right hospital. "

04 May 2018

Fajar Handayanto

" Rumah Sakit Prima Medika berada dipinggir jalan raya Tulungagung arah ke Trenggalek, cukup strategis berada dipinggir jalur bis umum 24jam, didepan GOR Lembu Peteng. Pasti mudah terlihat saat melintas. Area parkir cukup luas dengan petugas security yang selalu siaga. Dokter yang cukup berpengalaman dengan fasilitas medis yang cukup modern, dan armada ambulance yang cukup besar kapasitas nya. "

02 May 2018

Iwan Stio

" Sehat "

24 March 2018

Masuria Sudjana

" Management is lacking support. So bad... Waited 1 hour for tetanus shot and 2 hours to pay. Total waited for 3,5 hours just for a simple treatment. And all they offer is a pamphlet saying please understand...

Edited the review because the service is getting worse. Ping ponged from the administration and pharmacy. They have no clue what they are doing


20 February 2018

Komang Yun Darmawan

" clean, polite, friendly, new east building, generally good service
need to improve on administration working time... toooo slow... "

05 February 2018

I Made Sudiarsa Putra

" The doctor that handle my wife is really good. She is so friendly and really care about her. But the main problem here is when you pay for the bill. They take way to much time to settle compare to other hospital with the same level. They look don't really care with our time that we waste there. I hope the management will train the staffs there to be faster and professional. Thanks "

12 January 2018

Saputra Gede

" Friendly staff and fast service..great and excellent!!the only thing is hard to find a spot to park your car during a peak time "

15 December 2017

Lusi Ratna

" alhamdulillah perawat dan dokternya ramah2.. 😍😍 "

17 November 2017

Agus Wahyudiono

" Sebuah legenda...alternatif rs di ta.. "

10 November 2017

Jeremy Trott

" Clean Rooms. Wife was very well taken care of. Prices are reasonable. Check in and out was a painless experience. Additional meds were reasonably priced. Cafe and room food was good. "

07 November 2017

Hendro Jio

" sehat n waras "

23 September 2017

Angkringan Otomotif Tulungagung

" Rumah sakitnya luas dokternya banyak "

22 September 2017

Alethia Haryanti

" Affordable hospital care and friendly service. Clean rooms too and attentive nurses. "

22 August 2017

Sastrawan Bali

" 🙏🏻🤗 Tunjung Biru Home Schooling ; Bali, Indonesia, English Lecturer, Mentoring, Education. "

15 July 2017

Marketing Gili Khayangan Villas

" Absolutely the worst hospital I ever been to. They will over charge a lot and the team is very unfriendly & unprofessional. It's a really bad place don't go their!!! "

08 June 2017

Sepi Sepiana

" Sepiana "

19 May 2017


" Terletak di depan Gor Sapi Gelap(lembu peteng) Tulungagung "

26 April 2017

Isti Qomah

" Hemmmm kayak nya beneran nih? "

24 April 2017

Ghoro Cariyos

" Tempatnya tenang, dokternya ramah, area RS nyaman bersih. Dulu sepi karena horor dan sekarang ramai karena fasilitas memadai. Yang paling membuat tertarik adalah biaya administrasi yang terjangkau (promo). "

09 April 2017

Manik Artawan

" Thank You "

03 March 2017

Fake Dragons

" My first kid was born here, but there was an incident. The nurse were injecting painkiller to my wife, she did ask whether my wife had an allergic to something or not. But when it turns out that my wife were allergic to the painkiller, their response were too damn slow. And then so many nurses came to the room, but apparently there was only one senior nurse that treat my wife, and the other nurses were like beeing taught by their senior. WTF?? They treat my wife like a lab rat. I paid 12million just to watch my wife beeing treated inhumanly by them. "

16 January 2017

Jacky Linton

" Good 👍 "

08 January 2017

Suci Wulan

" Itu foto beneran gak ya . Yg di atas tempat tidur ... "

27 December 2016

Robet Cappucino

" Telah di buka RSU Prima Medika dikawasan Suhat Tulungagung "

12 December 2016

Joni Jatmika

" The service is Good so far, but the price of the room still needs a cut "

28 November 2016

Jerry Lubis

" My wife give birth to my first kid here, and she got allergic to the painkiller that were injected by a nurse. And the response were too slow..then after 15minutes the head of the nurse come with almost all of the nurses. And she tried to control the effect while teaching those nurses. WTF?! They treated my wife like a lab rat here. Disgusting! "

15 November 2016

April Lam

" i am shocked about condition of so called VIP room with ensuite bathroom (room 211). bathroom looks filthy. walls need paint job. windows can't look outside, so dirty. it was such a tidy hospital few years back.
now its totally run down, but charging room rates as high as siloam dps. very kind and helpful staff and nurses.
two stars for them. "

23 September 2016

Mvgicz Mocha

" Dulu RS ini namanya 'Dharma Medika' yang terkenal horornya, karena pernah tutup cukup lama dan sekarang direnovasi menjadi RS 'Prima Medika' "

04 September 2016

Indah Anandarini

" Excelent of service , it's comfort place if you're sick "

29 August 2016

Yano Sumampow

" level of service was excelent, my wife gave birth my 2nd son there "

19 July 2016

Angga Sudewa

" Very strategic place..comfort parking..big building and also nice for medical service "

16 July 2016

Tantri Mindrawan

" friendly staff.. good place "

04 January 2016

Akbar Prakoso

" Friendly and helpful staff, home-like environment, and generally good service. "

20 June 2015

Dacosta Bello

" Still stan up in the room!! "

17 July 2014

Sathya Dharma

" Makanan di Cafe Alamandanya enak-enak, pelayanannya juga bagus "

14 June 2014

Bayu Purnama

" Cafe Alamanda "

16 June 2013

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