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About Rumah Makan Utama Raya

Rumah Makan Utama Raya is a restaurant, located at 7JGC+52X, Krajan, Banyuglugur, Kec. Banyuglugur, Kabupaten Situbondo, Jawa Timur 68359, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 821-4285-3517 for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 47

Sobat Backpack

" Good food for stopping by "

14 December 2019

Raira Dinda

" Its a rest place in a long way journey through jln pntai pasir putih. Nice bathroom, lots of food court, there is a store that sell suitcases. "

16 October 2019

Dwi Kusuma

" Spacious rest area with various menus of food and also can enjoy sunset/sunrise on the beach behind the villas "

23 September 2019

Extra Tour

" Im here just for take a bath. The toilet is very2 clean with hot water "

07 September 2019

Travel Warrior

" Good place. You're able to to rest and have a food "

27 August 2019

Ressti Nurlaely

" Nice place, nice view "

23 August 2019

Febrianto Budimulyono

" Nice restaurant and rest area "

21 July 2019

Mercylia Anggita

" Nice place rest and shalat after a long trip

There is supermarket and atm.

Came here for dinner buffet "

02 July 2019

Rams Gio

" Good place to take a short break, clean bathrooms "

17 June 2019

Didi Tjandra

" Good Place to Rest if you have Trip to Bali before Cross ship to Gilimanuk Harbour... BEST..!! "

28 December 2018

Hugo Trex

" Bahasa:
Ada pertamina dan toilet umum sehingga banyak digunakan bis untuk singgah mandi, makan, dan isi bensin

There are pertamina and public toilets so that many buses are used to stop bathing, eating, and filling in gasoline "

29 September 2018

Dodik Adhitama

" Medium taste, comfort place to rest and coffe "

26 August 2018

Herdian Zulkarnain

" This is an integrated rest area and gas station, restaurants, and hotel and cottages. The location is around in the middle between Surabaya and Banyuwangi, so it's a good spot for taking a rest for a long trip to Bali. You will not miss it as many banners showing the location before reaching the place.
There are several 3 places for some foods and drinks in the area. The favorite one is near the beach. It may very hot before midday but then become a bit cooler after 2 pm.
The price is reasonable, and food quality is good. You cannot expect something extraordinary, as it is mainly a place for taking a rest.

Be careful with handicapped people (especially legs problem and wheel chair), because the buildings are not friendly with them. At least, they should be accompanied. "

26 July 2018

Christian Wijayanto

" medium taste but can serve food late at night "

19 June 2018


" Bintang 5 untuk rasa masakan di rrstorammya, tapi bintang 2 untuk rasa masakan yang bekerja sama dengan po po bus & travel.thats bad, sometimes they serve bad quality of tea... Taste like they make its 2days ago then they serve it to all customers po travel. "

14 May 2018

Tri Waluyo

" Lokasi di caruban biasanya sebagai persinggahan bus jurusan Surabaya-Yogyakarta "

06 May 2018

Citra Sucipta

" Delicious cap cai and grilled kerapu! Worth the price "

26 April 2018

Aji Cahyono Kusuma Wardhani

" fast service n goodfood "

19 March 2018

Irawan Gifachri

" It was the nicest rest area for long trips. The place is clean enough and have a big parking lot.
For taste is good enough and healthy :) "

12 March 2018

Rully Agustine

" Super awesome place to rest.
Gas stations, VIP Toilet, Standard price minimarket, the foods are goods
Big rest area. "

22 February 2018

Ahmad Vawaid Sulthon

" It's ok, ada life music juga. "

03 February 2018

Cak AHen

" One of the restaurants used by some travel agencies as a temporary stop for rest, enjoying food and drink, and praying. The restaurant has a large dining room sufficient to accommodate hundreds of passengers from various directions, either from the direction of Caruban city or from the direction of Surabaya, either by bus, small public vehicle, or private car. The restaurant provides food and drinks with a traditional menu. "

28 January 2018

Ega Dainendra

" Nice place for eat and rest "

14 January 2018

Simon THS

" Dirty n not yummy. Unfriendly servers, poor service "

05 January 2018

Rollens Bin Jonnie

" Nice place to stop buy after long drive... 👍👍👍👍 "

06 December 2017

Tony Mara

" ramai.. ada live music juga 👍👍 "

03 December 2017

Super Legacy

" please stop playing live music!
this is restaurant, not a concert place! "

11 November 2017

Wahyu Tri Sutrisno

" Transit restaurants for bus and minibus. Here,the meal is better than anothet transir retautant. "

05 September 2017

Fahriza Rifqi

" Well the food is good and place either but the customer service is so bad "

03 September 2017

Aditya Pratama

" Too expensive for standard taste. "

02 September 2017

Afif Ista

" Very expensive but there is no other choice. Every drinks are 10 thousand rupiah. "

15 July 2017

Hadaina Rahma

" Standard taste, too high price "

14 July 2017

Aprian Krisna

" Dont expect too much, especially when u use travel's meal coupon "

04 July 2017

Akhmad Busyroh Alfiyana

" On of the most visited restaurants by travelers "

23 June 2017

Ardi Panda

" Some travel agency usually take this place to take rest "

09 May 2017

Stefanus Roy

" Some travel agency ussualy used this restaurant "

07 May 2017

Aтιĸ Ndυeт

" Bagus sih tempatnya,sayangnya kurang lengkap kan cman ad mkanan doang sma minuman
Cba az ad sovenir2 kya gantungan kunci ,baju,topi,kacamata,pasti tambah rame apalgi yg naik tervel ngk sempet beli oleh2
Heeeeeeeee😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 "

23 April 2017

Umu Aiman Bigan

" Good taste "

11 March 2017

Hendra Ginantaka

" Buat istirahat klo naik travel. Makanannya ndak ada rasa klo jatah travel. Paling minum tehnya. Mgkn klo bayar rasa makanannya lebih enak kali ya?? "

06 March 2017

Untung Suharto

" Cukup enak menunya "

18 February 2017

Mugi Lestari

" Rmhmkn yg nyaman sbgai tempat melepas lelah selama perjalanan jalur selatan "

08 February 2017


" Rest Area ..Surabaya - Solo "

15 January 2017

Arthanda Ilmi

" Tempat servis makan bis sugeng rahayu..yang bikin enak itu soalnya prasmanan, jadi bisa nentuin porsinya sendiri hehe "

10 October 2016

Obby Maulana

" t4 pemberhentian stiap istirahat perjlanan dari travel. menu makanan mya prasmanam dan sederhana. sampai hafal kalau nggk ikan pindang / nugget goreng, kmudian ada mie, sup, dan lalapan lngkap dg krupuk dan sambal. Sy suka toiletnya sudh lbih d perhatikan jadi bersih dn tidak bau. "

26 July 2016

Adhit Satria

" Agak kotor.. "

10 July 2016

Vikriyana Salsabila

" Santai , pas waktu perjalanan pasti berhentinya ke sini "

02 July 2016

Emha Syarbini

" Beli minum Kratingdeng MAHALLL 8ribu, Padahal umumnya cuma 5-6ribu "

04 June 2016

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