About Roudhotul Muchlisin Mosque
Roudhotul Muchlisin Mosque is a mosque, located at Jl. Gajah Mada No.180, Kaliwates, Kabupaten Jember, Jawa Timur 68131, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 813-3406-6255, visit their website masjidroudhotulmuchlisin.blogspot.co.id for more detailed information.
Basofi Hardiyanto
" Love the design. It has merely the same atmosphere with Mecca. So modern and contagiously addicted to come here. "
11 May 2018Jasmine Tartila
" It's open for 24 hours, the toilets are clean and the water are plenteous. It has a row of food stalls and vast free parking area. Every ramadhan the mosque provide foods after fasting. The atmosphere is really quite and calming eventhough this mosque is located beside a busy town road. Definitely recommended to visit. "
10 May 2018Haris Murdianto
" Great religious place "
03 May 2018Fery Mudianto
" Nice place "
15 April 2018Agung Prasetiyo
" Jangan lupa beramal dan buang sampah pada tempatnya "
05 April 2018Stt Ilyas
" Beautiful Mosque "
30 March 2018Budi Dermawan
" Colourful mosque "
29 March 2018Taufikur Rahman
" Good Places Good Mosque.... "
05 February 2018M. Taqiyuddin Fanani
" The most beautiful mosque in jember, still on progress development but you will sphosticated to pray here 👍🏼 "
08 January 2018Fonny Hariyanto
" amazing design for the mosque 👏👍👍👍👏 "
31 December 2017Anugerah Wisata
" Good "
23 November 2017Arifa Jaya
" Masjid sejuk nyaman ada pujasera lengkap dengan berbagai menu pas buat istirahat "
12 November 2017Hadidnov Moediarso
" Beautiful mosque at jember "
10 November 2017Rezq Mauludeen
" Masjid masya Alloh, indah, nyaman untuk beribadah, tempat perkir luas, menampung banyak jamaah juga, kalo malam ada air mancurnya indah, recomended "
04 November 2017Achmad Fatchur Rozil
" Wonderful indonesia "
29 October 2017Bambang Hadi Prayitno
" Masjid dengan ornamen bagus sekali
28 October 2017Memancing orang yang singgah untuk foto-foto
Lahan parkir luas
Penjaga keamanan selalu ada "
Ravie Atma
" Masjid paling besar pastinya di jember "
31 August 2017Virgiawan Indrianto
" Masjid terbesar di Jember "
22 August 2017Info Jelajah
" Mesjidnya Indah, bersih, toilet mewah, ada airmancur yg bisa menari, ada food center, dekat dg Lippo Mall. lengkap deh. "
11 July 2017Amas Mustofa
" Masjid paling top di Jember .. Sekaligus rest area wajib mampir bagi pelancong yang lewat Jember "
02 July 2017Oegi Sugiono
" Masjid yang keren ...abis "
24 April 2017Much Nesha AR
" Masjid yang mengagumkan "
16 April 2017Yoga
" Masjidnya megah dan tempat parkirnya luas jadi bisa dijadikan rest area. "
11 April 2017Aleq Insan
" Masjid yang megah, yang dulunya masih berupa kerangka masjid, dan dalam setahun menjadi sebuah masjid yang saat ini ada "
29 March 2017August Eryanovcarlo
" Subhanallah..... Salah satu masjid di daerah jember utara dengan arsitektur dan oranamen paling megah dan mewah....😍🕋🕌 "
12 March 2017