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About Rawon Nguling

Rawon Nguling is a restaurant, located at Jalan Raya Tambakrejo No.75, Tambakrejo, Tongas, Tambakrejo, Tongas, Probolinggo, Jawa Timur 67252, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 335 511091 for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 62

Jauharul Amarudin

" Populer rawon in east java after down from bromo mountain "

08 June 2018

Kurniawan Angga

" Better order Gule kambing here than rawon. "

27 April 2018

Sawitri Dyah Kusuma Wardhani

" first time dan yg kedua kesini with mr taufan and mas aris "

20 April 2018

Ichsan Udin

" Perjalanan menuju Bromo belum lengkap kalau belum mencoba kuliner ini. Lokasinya sejalur jika mau ke Bromo. Makanan khas Jawa Timur ini memang yg paling terkenal “Rawon Nguling”. Dagingnya empuk nikmat disantap dengan tempe tambahannya yang cukup gede..

Harga masih bersahabat. "

18 April 2018

Aditya Nugroho

" Porsi gede yaa.. mangstabb "

15 April 2018

Irsanti Putri

" I think their Rawon isn't good as before..
But wide, clean and comfy are good for a lot people.
They have variant other than Rawon, like Nasi pecel, Nasi Campur, Nasi Semur, etc. They didn't list their prices. "

29 March 2018

Henny W. Devi

" The most epic dining place in eastern East Java. Their star menu is Rawon, it's a traditional rustic beef stew. Their Rawon is one of the best.

Price is quite affordable for a top notch dishes. This place provides plenty of communal seating. Great for family or small group. Unfortunately, the hygiene is an issue, find a clean space is a huge challenge.

This place is easy to access either by personal vehicle or public transport, located right next to the highway of Pasuruan Probolinggo. It's a must visit place when you are around. "

04 March 2018

Sugiharto Setyabudi

" Very famous restaurant in Probolinggo, East Java area. The favorite menu is Rawon Daging, dark color (for some people might be disturbing, but actually it's delicious) beef soup. This is a must try place, even Presidents of Indonesia visited this place.
But, they should maintain the cleanliness of their place. Dirty plates and glasses left too long on the table after guests left. "

20 January 2018

Yudhan Sebastian

" If you know "rawon" this is one of the best among others. They served another traditional dish as well.
The downside will be their cleanliness, it really need serious consideration. We cannot stay longer than 20 minutes because of that. "

07 January 2018

Eric Sutantya

" Terrible, we were attracted by its crowdedness to stop and having dinner. But the quality is very bad, and they serve 80% beef organ, very hard to swallow though. "

27 December 2017

Taridi Kasbi Ridho

" The legend of east java food around here. It deserves to get 5*. Every rawon and gule is cooked well and deliciously. The price is still reasonable. "

26 December 2017

Ahmad Safari

" Nice dishes, proper price, prayer room ok "

06 December 2017

Ferry Winarno

" Salah satu tempat makan bagi yg melakukan perjalanan ke jawa Timur sisi timur. Andalan nya rawon. Namun sekarang sudah tidak terlalu ramai, karena sudah banyak alternatif lainnya. Happy kuliner and follow my IG @andreasferry "

05 December 2017

Annisa Ramadanti

" It's just i'm the one who doesn't like rawon at all. The ones who like rawon might like it well. The portion was large for me. Maybe it's nice for breakfast. "

23 November 2017

Harmony Ginting

" Local East Java beef hot soup (dark), price mid range "

17 November 2017

Wahyu Nahdianto

" Since 30 years ago I have known the restaurant. Very famous for the flavors of Javanese cuisine with black sauce and cuts of beef. Across from the restaurant is indeed a cattle market. It feels good to make consumers addicted. The location is at the end of Probolinggo district adjacent to Pasuruan district. "

25 October 2017

Boneng Kiyosaki

" Legend! Very recommended place for you to taste Indonesian cuisine food. With fair price, and large portion you will never regret. Also there is a complete facility here, such as toilet, prayer room, charger port, ATM, and delightful fast serving food. "

04 October 2017

Gede Ananda

" The best Rawon i've ever had.. sure i'll be back for more "

16 September 2017

Wisnu Kuncoro

" good food reasonable pricesand nice service "

30 August 2017

Hendra Wijaya Djiono

" We stopped by because former president of Indonesia SBY been here before. The food is ok, the place don't have AC. We spent around 250 IDR for 7 people, so i think it's cheap price. "

20 August 2017

Sulthon Ilmiawan

" Very wonderful taste of rawon there, it was light but rich of taste. Their price worth of it taste. I absolutely recommend this rawon. "

09 July 2017

Nathalie Cijntha

" The taste is bad. The service n the cleaness is poor. Have to upgrade with proper excellance resto. "

08 July 2017

Nico S

" Passing this restaurant without stopping by? Think about that twice 😁 "

05 July 2017


" One one of the best authentic local food you can get for affordable price "

04 July 2017

Syauban Anas

" Indonesian legendary traditional javanese beef soup food "

04 July 2017

Stefanus Saputra

" Good taste but don't expect for a good service here "

30 June 2017

Rizka Mutia Wardani

" I spend IDR 125.000 for 3 portion of Rawon, 2 mineral water and 1 Milk Soda for famous restaurant it is normal.

the taste is good enough but not really special, serving fast at peak season

but, minus point is the restaurant not clean ... rubbish everywhere under table, like plastic and tissue, it make disturbing view.. I will give 5 star if they more higyene "

29 June 2017

Bagus Priyo

" Good taste of food. Recomended. But it's so crowded 😂 "

28 June 2017

Erick Budhiman

" Good food fair price "

16 June 2017

Ferry Wijaya

" The original place of the tastiest rawon I have ever tasted. So delicious. Very recommended to those traveling to East Java. "

13 May 2017

Fajaru Hidayatsuraa

" The price so expensive but the taste is ordinary "

02 May 2017

Dian Hermansyah

" Ya The gravy is very thick ... great ... "

22 April 2017

Konten Dwi

" Lsl "

12 March 2017

Ardi Anggoro

" Nice tasty food "

06 March 2017

Adhitya Putra

" The menu more varied in malang, but still taste good "

23 February 2017

Cicil Pricilia

" Good food but no for the service :( "

22 February 2017

Henry Wilotekto

" Good taste, reasonable price. Should try the finger food and traditional drinks "

07 February 2017

Hans Sumolang

" Taste good too bad not the price "

14 January 2017

Ivan Satriawan

" 5 stars for the food, but only 2 for service "

01 January 2017

Alma Dp

" So today I was passing by and saw this restaurant, karna terkenal dan ramai pengunjung akhirnya kita mampir dgn harapan yg trnyata tdk sesuai ekspektasi. I wont complain about your food, your food is nice but your services were so damn terrible like seriously? We waited almost an hour, kita komplain berkali2 knp makanan ga dateng jg pdhl pengunjung lain yg srobot sana srobot sini tetap dilayani pdhal we came first. And the worst is your staff were so rude. Your food is nice but I wont come twice since I know how we treated today :) "

26 December 2016

Fuad Hanif

" A five star local delicacy. Must try "

17 November 2016

Tony Tanzil

" The famous rawon (beef soup) in east Java ^__^ "

23 October 2016

Andre Arment

" Layanan lumayan cepat...rasa cukup enak "

16 October 2016

Rasyid Ridho

" ranwonnya yang enak dan saya sangat suka sekali tentang rawon disana dan banyak yang mampir kesana hanya untuk menyicipi makanan rawon disana,, tapi yang tidak suka makanan yang berlemak anda bisa pesan makan seperti pecel, urap dll . "

14 October 2016

Novan Affandy

" Kuah rawon sedap, daging empuk, lauk tambahan disediakan di meja, tinggal ambil saja.
Paru empuk, perkedelnya gurih.
Satu piring rawon dengan tambahan lauk paru sudah bikin perut penuh. "

08 October 2016

Cahaya Adam



04 October 2016

Duiddo Mohammad

" famili "

01 October 2016

Aji Bagus

" One of the best food is provided here. You can try the phenomenal Radeon from Nguling. Located between Pasuruan and Probolinggo. "

06 September 2016

Nita Indriani

" I love the rawon (Indonesian traditional beef soup, with black gravy, specialty of East Java) and they serve many side dish. Mind you, the side dish is NOT carbo - based cooking. It's like tempeh, sweet broods...

If you happen to travel in East Java and don't mind to crash your diet with non European standards dishes, then you should try the rawon in this place. "

23 August 2016

Edward Jaya

" Good rawon "

12 August 2016

Handoko Suwarno

" Not recomendation, price is too expensive for rawon "

24 July 2016

Bintang Firdaus

" Cozy place, delicious traditional menu heritage of Indonesian food "

22 July 2016

Kururu Sumeragi

" Rasanya enak "

07 July 2016

Calvin Tan

" Serves decent Rawon. A pit stop to the east coast of Java. "

09 June 2016

KSC Klinik

" Terkenal dgn masakan Rawon nya.. dan termasuk makanan favorite mantan Presiden SBY ..jika beliau ada acara di Probolinggo "

05 June 2016

Ayu Ayu

" sip...!! "

20 April 2016

Ketut Natih

" Dagingnya lembut, sambel pedess, toilet bersih "

15 January 2016

Wire Joe

" Kurang "

14 September 2015

Donnell Gioni

" yummy! "

13 September 2015

Agus Wib

" REST AREA makan Rawon nguling probolinggo "

02 August 2015

Youwisse Hendrika

" Pelayanan lama dan rasa makanan kurang terasa bumbunya "

19 July 2015

Poernawan Wawan

" Tidak seperti dulu "

22 February 2015

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  • Tuesday 6:00 AM – 9:00 PM
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  • Thursday 6:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Friday 6:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Saturday 6:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Sunday 6:00 AM – 9:00 PM