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About Ramayana Departement Stores

Ramayana Departement Stores is a department store, located at Jalan Merdeka Timur Plaza Mataraman,Kauman,Klojen, MALANG, Indonesia, Malang 65119. They can be contacted via phone at +62341369734, visit their website for more detailed information.


Item Reviews - 106

DodySyah Reza17

" Belanja di Ramayana bs jg dg KJP "

27 May 2018

Alexander Mochammad

" Tempatnya cukup nyaman, di dalam tersedia juga banyak merchant seperti kfc, kedai es 77 dan lain-lain. Jadi bukan hanya bisa dijadikan tempat belanja tetapi juga hangout dan nongkrong. Parkirannya luas dan mudah diakses, sayangnya berjenis parkir outdoor. "

22 May 2018

Jengkol 057

" Nice "

19 May 2018

Arianto Aji

" Bagus "

17 May 2018

Jaringan Wirausaha OK OCE

" Ok "

16 May 2018

Az Pard

" Cari barang sale "

13 May 2018

K' Jo.

" Mantep "

12 May 2018

Mulyati Suhasanah

" Sy tgl 5 mei'18 beli baju 1 gratis 1..
sebanyak 6 baju..
2 baju yang saya pilih tidak ada pas sy udah bayar d kasir.
sudah ada bon dan sudah d bayar d kasir..
tapi baju saya yang sudah d pilih. 2 tidak ada d box kasir sangat kecewa pelayanannya sangat tidak memuaskan. "

06 May 2018

Imaduddin Zakiy

" Still a great option than the other in this area "

28 April 2018

Dimas Ardiansyah

" Tempat belanja paling lengkap untuk kebutuhan baju, sandal, sepatu, celana, dan sembako pun juga ada..
Ramayana ini terdiri dari 4 lantai. Lantai palimg bawah untuk koleksi sepatu dan sandal, selanjutnya lantai 2 untuk koleksi baju dan celana, lantai 3 koleksi kemeja dan celana, dan lantai 4 untuk sembako dan permainan anak.... "

27 April 2018

Ruli S

" A mall that has a wide range of stuff and store, affordable and clean "

27 April 2018

Upen Supendi

" Lengkap dan bisa pake KJP itu hal yg sangat membantu "

20 April 2018

Lucy S

" Dua lantai, ngga terlalu ramai, lumayan lengkap "

19 April 2018


" Ayo buruan lagi cuci gudang khusus di bulan April 2018 "

08 April 2018

Gunawan Wibisono

" Pros:
-The only place in cilegon which has movie theatre
-Cheap and various kind of clothes

Cons :
-Few parking lot "

07 April 2018

Inspiration Of Life

" 2nd option Mall in Cilegon Area "

05 April 2018


" One stop shopping untuk kebutuhan pakaian dan alas kaki "

05 April 2018

Geri Sali

" Located near the center of the city, wide parking space, has atm center, lots of discount for clothes, has kids playground. Has small spot for mobile phone and it's accessories. Limited option for restaurant that open here. Not a best place if you want buy stuff other than clothes. "

04 April 2018

Maulana Taufik

" Harga kompetitif namun masih belum tersedia ruang menyusui "

01 April 2018

Setiyo Nugroho

" One of the early Dept Store in Sidoarjo but still surviving and have good quality products "

24 March 2018

Ardan Mappa

" Banyak diskonnya "

22 March 2018

Erwin Rahardianto

" Murah meriah cuy "

21 March 2018

Yayadwi Susanto

" Ok "

17 March 2018

Freaking Tall

" Too crowded. Clothes stand on the ground floor is too much and on the first floor is too much mobile cellular stand and sometimes smell of cigarette smoke. "

12 March 2018

Anana Savana

" sepi "

10 March 2018

Ikhsan Rosyid

" depstore many item "

24 February 2018

Sikhran Wr

" tempat belanja baju, celana, tas,sepatu, sendal, mudah dijangkau tempatnya, mudah di jangkau harganya, diskonnya luar biasa, banjir promo, barang lengkap, tersedia untuk segala usia dari yg tua, muda, pria, wanita, anak-anak, sampai bayi, pelayanan lumayan bagus, dan ramah, respon cepat, dan tempatnya nyaman.... "

14 February 2018

Fardhan Familyreview

" pelayanannya hampir tak ada.. kebanyakan spg nya cuma duduk'' dan ngobrol.. di tanya ruang ganti dan kassa dimana dijawab dengan jutek.. "

12 February 2018

Muhamad Sulaiman

" dulu keberadaan tempat ini sempet di tolak sama para pedagang tradisional sekitar, disini juga sering ngadain diskon gede tp saran ane sebelum beli review dlu harga disini sm di matahari sebelahnya juga sm pedagang biasa. soalnya mereka semua bersaing harga. lumayankan kl bs dapet yg lebih murah.. "

12 February 2018

Edo Setyo

" i think better name this mall as "Sidoarjo Mall" in Google Maps, also i thinkthis mall isnt that big, but good enough "

05 January 2018

Iqbal Rachman

" Lagi promo akhir tahun "

31 December 2017

Jannah Firdaus

" the toilet is very dirty and mix together with man and women, so its not private.

no lift even, its a bit difficult when you bring big items to the first floor "

24 December 2017

Narpati Pradana

" near tol Cilegon Jakarta. It has several food stands (KFC, Solaria, D'Cost, etc). It has cinemas. "

03 December 2017

Made Sukmadhi Parthama

" A right plate if you want find complete selection of products with a low price. While you are shopping you could take your childeren to play videogames and other payfull activities, also when you are done shopping you could eat in some good restaurant or just have quick dring in esteler 77. The onlything that they need to improve is the restroom, the restroom is dirty and need some renovation. "

26 November 2017

Evan JohQhey

" Murah "

24 November 2017

Ady Ferdiansyah

" Seharusnya setiap pembelanjaan yg dilakukan dihari yg sama bila lupa memberikan kartu ramayana tetap bisa dimasukkan...hanya yg saya alami hal tsb tdk bisa dilakukan dgn alasan harus dilakukan saat transaksi (sdh jaman komputer harusnya hal ini tdk jadi halangan) "

07 November 2017

Antonius Rudy Indra Hermawan

" Blanja lengkap.baju anak cewek cowok..blanja makanan..blanja hp dan gadget. "

28 October 2017

Erick Fernando

" This place good for shop and this place have XXI CINEMAS inside "

15 October 2017

Ben War

" not so good! only for low cost shopping "

05 October 2017

Emmanuel Arie Aditya

" Good place for shopping around sidoarjo "

24 September 2017

Ellice Tita Wirawan

" Too full of discount products.. they increases the price of the product till the highest mount then give it discount to the normal price "

22 September 2017

Queena Khairani

" Lengkap koleksinya, dekorasi juga baru, tapi tempatnya agak sempit terutama yg di lantai 2 "

18 September 2017

Fadlan Aulia

" good mall in cilegon and have 21 cinema "

11 September 2017

Kuproy Norman

" alternatif buat beli baju atau sepatu, tempatnya standar ramayana lah "

09 September 2017

Miranti Hafrim Nabsyah

" come here in weekend and you get many discount 😄. please add more foodcourt 😔 "

08 September 2017

Ricky Prathama

" One of famous mall at cilegon "

08 September 2017

Abu Hafiz

" Ayo beli beli "

03 September 2017

Agus Khamdana

" nice place to find clothes, affordable price "

19 August 2017

Winny Safwa Berliana

" Nice department store, not so clean, but very very crowded when there's a sale on new year or some weekend "

31 July 2017

Ahmad Nurrofiq

" Nice place "

30 July 2017

Afni NayLaS

" This is the best Ramayana I've ever visit. You have to come there someday. "

29 July 2017

Indra Suhendra

" Good place to shopping 🛍 "

20 July 2017

Carlo Bertini

" A good place in this city. Has a new cinema. But you cannot compare with Jakarta. "

10 July 2017

Upi Hassan

" Complete place to your own need "

28 June 2017

Sanusi Production

" Mungkin sering sering d adakan event kali yah, biar tempatnya menjadi rami kembali "

24 June 2017

Panji Ginanjar

" It's the same like other ramayana branch. Same cloth, shoes etc. "

20 June 2017

Zata Atikah Amani

" Good place for shopping clothes for a cheap price "

20 June 2017

Kardiman Thea

" Numpang lewat narik kabel "

24 May 2017

Muhammad Noor

" Tempatnya sepi .padahal belanja disini relatif murah baik hawai lantai dasar dan ramayana dilantai 2.lift hanya naik yg bisa dipergunakan .parkir menunjang banget.tempat game sudah engga layak lagi "

14 May 2017

Dzaki Taufiiqul Hakim

" Pretty great variety of clothes, shoes, jeans, and a lot more. But, the PA is always used as an advertisement place and it's so freaking annoying. I hate it. "

07 May 2017

Manikandan Alagappan

" Famous in the town, price is cheap, good place to buy women dresses. Have electronic market in first floor "

21 April 2017

Sizu Misa

" ini di bangun setelah pernah kebakaran, waktu kerusuhan
bertingkat 3
2.dept store, dan
3.nigtclub "

20 April 2017

Raka Adzansyah

" There is a one and only cinema in cilegon "

19 April 2017

Rachmad Triapto

" Have a variant of fashion. "

03 April 2017

Imam Kuluyubi

" Nice place for kids "

31 March 2017


" Nilai plus cuma di Bioskop aja, lainnya biasa saja "

16 March 2017

Heldy Sandro Wimana

" If you find for cheap fashion price? Please visit this place "

14 March 2017

Wolfgang Rupert

" One stop shopping in sidoarjo. Easy to access by public transportation and private transportation. "

11 March 2017

Aep Saipul Bahri

" Ok "

06 March 2017

Ismu Attauwabiin

" Complete and cozy mall that I've ever met before "

01 March 2017

Gb Jk

" Ok "

28 February 2017

Uptbppkb Tamsel

" Ok "

25 February 2017

Hasiholan Sinaga

" Quite good "

23 February 2017

Budi Setiawan

" Quiet complete and cheap department store "

14 February 2017

Dadang Wira

" Model departement store "

11 February 2017

Dimas Adja

" Di tempat ini pelayanannya ramah... Harga pakaian hemat "

08 February 2017

Reandy Risky Virnanda

" Good place for shopping "

05 February 2017

Asep Thelass

" Mahal mahal "

21 January 2017

Taufan Firmansyah

" The place is okay but the street on the front is so crowded i think "

10 January 2017

Manz Tiha

" Simple store and not much open for cashier's "

04 January 2017

Prijo Sedjati

" Lumayan panas .... "

04 January 2017

Nur Muhammad Ardiansyah

" quite a choice for you to spend your time picking a good clothes and some accessories.. with a reasonable prices of course. "

26 December 2016

M Ideris

" Wahini sunyi .. "

14 October 2016

Erland Redo

" Barangnya banyak macem2nya.. tempat luas.. "

08 October 2016

Helmy Daulat

" Very good mall to buy clothes and shoes. "

04 October 2016

Gita Diana

" Many varians product with cheap price "

24 August 2016

Sarles Sihombing

" Kurang lengkap "

24 August 2016

Adi Budiman

" Ada Bioskop 21 nya "

19 August 2016

Adi Permana S

" This department store is good for shopping with some branded product with good quality. The discount has given frequently. You can choose the various clothes and pants here. The place is comfortable enough, you can enjoy the coffee (it located near the entrance) while waiting your family shopping. Happy shopping! "

19 August 2016

Suhendi Yoyo

" Murah meriah "

14 August 2016

Benrizal Efendi

" Rame hari libur.. "

07 August 2016

Adzfar Fatriuz

" Good destination for shopping "

03 August 2016

Mughits Ahmad

" Belanja.... belanja.... "

25 July 2016

Steven Soewignyo

" Bad economy, Need improvement, There lots of junk outside and smell so bad "

24 July 2016

Indra Solihin

" ada bioskopnya "

14 July 2016

Ansar Langnge

" Diskonnya luar biasa "

03 July 2016

FIVM 018

" good place "

16 June 2016

Red Droid

" Poor ramayana "

16 June 2016

Vero Nica

" Enak banget tp bajunya modelnya gitu gitu doank mn dekat rmh lg jdnya enak jln kaki jg sampai "

13 June 2016


" Lumayan lah, "

21 May 2016

Fitri Ani

" parkiranya. sasak "

15 March 2016

Donny Prihanggadi

" Actually, Im taking dinner infront of those place "

20 February 2016

Bagus Setiawan

" Lumayan lengkap "

15 February 2016

Adi Wijaya

" ok. "

06 August 2015

Aslina Aulia Lina

" Lama tak ke sana "

08 June 2015

Tobin Zee

" It looked like there was no opportunity to experience the excitement of that place because there were no interesting things. "

25 December 2014

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