About RESTORAN "ALAS" PPLH Seloliman
RESTORAN "ALAS" PPLH Seloliman is a restaurant, located at Seloliman, Trawas, Mojokerto, East Java 61375, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 851-0022-1045, visit their website for more detailed information.
Graeme Ts
" Delicious organic food. Traditional menu. "
27 May 2018Riski Prabaswara
" Nature but the variation of menu should be more variatif and the price should be cheaper "
17 May 2018Bayon Guides
" PPLH Seloliman is a very good environment center for raising awareness and supporting community.the center provides good accommodation, meals and the tour around botanical garden. I really enjoyed staying here and it's a good idea to have this center. "
14 May 2018Veida El-fazza
" Tempat adem..... enak buat nyantai "
17 April 2018Licha Hari Lika
" Back to nature... "
14 April 2018Daniel Denny
" nice place to know about nature. "
21 March 2018Zainul Arifin
" Good place to enjoy god creation "
04 March 2018Naili H. Dewi
" Nice view.. have a really fresh air "
19 January 2018Sheilla Dewi
" The room is clean, but lack in facilities such as telephone to the restaurant or front desk, water heater, electric kettle...which are important for our kids. The swimming pool is really dirty too, there were many insects and frog in the water. There was a fish therapy pool too... But it's also dirty. Improve the cleanliness, please.... "
29 December 2017Wolfgang Rupert
" Nice botanical garden. They have a cafe and bed & breakfast rooms to rent. "
18 December 2017Bip Finadm
" The taste is almost no taste "
12 December 2017Eva Renanthya
" pisang keju coklatnya mantap, ikan bakar maknyus, tempat nyaman banget cocok utk kunjungan keluarga, meeting corporate, atau makan dengan nuansa alami "
11 December 2017Arieve Ramadhan El Banjari
" Pplh the best plants place "
26 November 2017R Ayudiati
" Nice place to learn about your environment or just to take a stroll "
24 November 2017Iksan Alkhariry
" recomended place for you "
14 November 2017Obed Nahayo
" Good place to visit and to stay for relaxing! "
26 October 2017Manu Tjondro
" Adem ayem wareg "
16 October 2017Alloy Fang
" Cocok untuk ngopi dan santai "
24 September 2017Bip Finadm
" Rather mess & the food almost no taste "
18 September 2017Rachman Aziz Wibowo
" good for children envi educatoin "
02 September 2017Yulianto Kurniawan
" Beatiful Place to get relax n chill out from routine works "
06 August 2017Sartono Bey
" Good Pit Stop Biker... "
21 February 2017Lisa Pangemanan
" Perfect if you want somewhere quiet "
07 February 2017J
" Dalam komplek pplh seloliman. makanan organik harga tdk tll mahal "
22 January 2017Thibaut Lassalle
" Good organic food for a reasonable price. "
22 January 2017Muhammad Al Habib Hasbullah
" Tempat Yang Nyaman Dengan Hawa Yang Sejuk dan Pemandangan Yang Indah, Tempat Belajar, Bermain, Serta Segalanya Tentang Manfaat Tumbuhan, Kuliner Tradisional dan Lain Sebagainya "
18 January 2017Cahya Fikri Muhammad
" This place is the best place to feel the nature. There are some cottage for rent. Recommended to take pre wedding photoshoot. "
28 November 2016Andrew Do
" First thing you should know know is this is an eco resort and you're not going to get 5 star comfort - it's designed to educate and accommodate a younger more student crowd on local cultivation and sustainable living - the cottages are charming with outdoor bathrooms and crude local style "showers" - there are bugs and big spiders and geckos etc so don't be surprised when you get there - I have it 4/5 stars because it's great at what it does - staff are friendly and accommodating, local food is decent and plentiful - I went for and education and expertise l experience in local sustainable living and health care and that's what I got - the tour with the local herbologist was fascinating - go with an open mind! "
02 November 2016Yunus Ahmadkayen
" sebuah restoran yang proses memasaknya tanpa menggunakan P4 (penyedap, pemanis, pengawet, dan pewarna) "
01 November 2016Dennis Darmawan
" I came here for environmental law class. i was verry happy here, coz their natural environment. "
23 August 2016