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About Purwosari

Purwosari is located at Purwosari, Bojonegoro Regency, East Java, Indonesia



Item Reviews - 38

Ega Ajie Putranto

" Too bad the availability of seats of local trains is very limited. You need to come early to acquire tickets.
The train company should expand the seats availability, so that more people can enjoy and utilise this cheap mode of transport. "

01 June 2018

Hanson Prihantoro Putro

" 1. Antrian panjang utk beli tiket Pramex namun hanya membuka satu loket.
2. Di ruang antrian/di luar sblm check in tidak ada toilet. "

02 May 2018


" The station is little large and clean. The Musholla and toilet was still under construction. "

22 April 2018

Cahyadhi Prayogo

" Relatively small compared with other stations. But overall, the environment and services are good "

07 April 2018

Nug Sompret

" Bersih dan nyaman "

06 April 2018

Aryanto Wijaya

" This station has spacious area and a lot of chair for passengers to sit while waiting for the train to arrive "

25 March 2018

Agung Wibowo

" Good train station. Waiting room need to be improved with AC and TV. "

24 February 2018

Zacky Zamany

" Spacious boarding area completed many chair. There are difabel toilet also. Musholla for check in area. "

19 February 2018

Hadiwijaya Sasanadi

" Alternative train station at Surakarta City of Central Java beside Solo Balapan Central Station. Relatively small but quite nice. It's clean and well maintained. Usually for economy class train bound to East and West route. Centrally located in Slamet Riyadi Road, one of major road at Surakarta. There are many small kiosks that sell Solo souvenirs, either food or snacks. Highly recommended! "

10 January 2018

Bayu Wicaksono

" One of the best. I have so much memory here. Clean, tidy, and beautiful "

10 October 2017

Fahrul Rozie

" It's clean and tidy here. Came here to get a pramex train to Jogja. "

25 September 2017

Agustianto Purnomo

" It's not a big train station, but it was clean. You could also find some food and beverages there. And don't forget about the charging station near the ticket counter. "

11 September 2017

Kartika Hoshi

" Transit by prameks express. Nice and clean station. "

09 September 2017

Andreas Budi Nugroho

" Rata-rata cukup bagus fisik bangunan maupun pelayanan. Hanya sayang ruang tunggu dan depan loket terlalu panas shg kurang nyaman antri tiket di siang hari "

28 August 2017


" Purwosari is one of the main station in Surakarta. This station serves many economy trains and commuter trains such as Prambanan Express. Seatings and charging corners are available and the place is clean, neat, and spacious. The parking lots are quite big. Purwosari is quite adjacent to city center and can be accessed by public transportations. "

08 August 2017

Ahmad Saifurrasyid

" Clean and well maintained. There is lactation room and musalla "

18 July 2017


" Been here 2 times.. a good train station overall "

07 July 2017

Bientoro Hadi Wibowo

" KAI has developed a great pogress on almost every metrics of services! "

18 June 2017

Erlian Zakia Ayu Anggarani

" Clean and neat. The service is good. The parking area is large, but not really good tho. "

31 May 2017

Opi Winata

" *waiting room with charging corner and electric fan ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
*good service and comfortable place ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ "

13 May 2017

Iqbal Prayuda Aditya

" It's just a regular station for economy passengers. But it's the closest to the business center of Solo City. "

21 April 2017

Bella Zadithya

" Small but nice train station. It's clean and comfortable. The waiting room has charging station. It also has cafeteria that serve various menu, or you can grab coffee bun near ticketing area.

Jaladara train stops here. "

02 April 2017

Azzam Farid

" Love this station.. Spacious waiting room with charging corner and electric fan "

25 March 2017

D. A. Kurniawan

" Good service and Comfortable place. I like it. "

16 March 2017

Bambang Haryono

" Sio "

04 February 2017

Costa Yoz

" Very nice train station "

02 February 2017

Fadhil Huda

" Saat musim liburan penanggulangan lonjakan antrian masih perlu diperbaiki...untuk penumpang bisa bermalam di tmpat ini.... "

08 January 2017

Siska Prasetyo

" Setelah di renovasi, stasiun Purwosari jd lebih nyaman drpd sebelum nya. Ruang tunggu, loket tiket dan area parkir kendaraan jg ckup luas+nyaman. Tetapi fasilitas mesin ATM di area stasiun blm tersedia (terakhir saya kesini Desember 2016). Sbg masukan, mgkn utk kedepannya bs ditambahkan fasilitas tsbt utk kemudahan penumpang. "

05 January 2017

Indra Hadiwidjaja

" Small nice station in Solo near the airport for connecting to Yogyakarta. Just take a DAMRI bus from the airport and stop in front of the station. Waiting room is spacious complete with charging station. "

29 October 2016

Arie Jack

" Oke good... "

19 October 2016

EL Chan

" Good station "

07 October 2016


" K.A Gaya Baru Malam bisa berhenti di sini "

12 August 2016

Arif Setiawan

" Lokasi parkiran stasiun purwosari bus medium bisa masuk...,? "

06 August 2016

Alief Alif

" Entah knp koq lagi apes... Offline lah, madiun jaya ga jalan lah.. Alhamdulillah dpt naik pramek, nunggunya pake lama.. "

28 March 2016

Rukyat Shahih

" Nyaman "

21 February 2016

Mila Ardja

" I love this small train station. Okay maybe not that small. But it still has that glorious look from its old days. I hope if they're ever going to give this station a renovation they won't change it completely. "

16 November 2015

Erikson Wijaya

" Strategis sekali "

09 May 2015

Ali Akbar

" Stasiun pengganti solo jebres "

25 December 2014

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