About Pecel Berkah
Pecel Berkah is a restaurant, located at Jl. Raya Kwadungan - Simo, Desa Simo, RT. 001 / RW. 001, Kec. Kwadungan, Simo, Ngawi, Kabupaten Ngawi, Jawa Timur 63283, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 857-9056-1627 for more detailed information.
Bella Widya
" Pecel terenak yang pernah kucoba di Ngawi, tempatnya emang gak kota, terpencil. Arah ke pangkur Ngawi. Tp ini ter the best. Dan harganya murah sekali. Sayang setiap kesana gk pernah foto. Tp recommended place utk mencoba nasi pecel "
27 May 2018Honnie Josep
" I like this family restaurant. They served traditional food and you can find mini library for children. "
24 May 2018Risa Wicaksana
" Lumayan lah.. "
10 May 2018Danny Damar Swasonodjati
" Best authenthic traditional food with affordable price "
06 May 2018Imam Ghofur Ashari
" Hawanya sejuk,karena dkat sawah "
02 May 2018Anggie T
" B aja....... "
13 April 2018Rio Albert
" Good job...
20 March 2018Nasi pecel patut dicoba...
Hanya dengan 4000 rupiah perut kenyang "
" lumayan, cuman bumbunpecelnya kurang terasa "
23 February 2018W Trenggono
" Do not judge the book by it’s cover, this old saying really really describe this restaurant.
28 January 2018If you judge by it’s facade, maybe you’ll think it’s a small restaurant that can easily be passed.
You wouldn’t think it’s a Jawa Tengah restaurant that provides you with extensive variation of Jawa Tengah cuisines with great taste.
It would be quite hard to find good Sego Liwet, Botok Lamtoro, Trancam, Sambal Tumpang, Garang Asem, and other authentic Jawa Tengah In other place.
The interior is quite comfy, you may choose between Using chaired table or Lesehan Table.
My fave menu here: Nasi Liwet, Trancam kuah, Botok telur asin, and Beras Kencur "
Edi Junaedy
" 1. The taste was okay
22 January 20182. The price not so cheap
3. The portion was quite small "
Seto Adhi
" Murah tur enak "
18 January 2018Oki Haryo Nugroho
" The food is good, but the service is slow "
14 January 2018Rafli Alfiansyach
" Tempatnya bersih dan disitu sudah dipasang wi-fi "
01 July 2017Suyanto Cahangon3
" Se got reaxgxad rit olo Aieratda jkp era i mlll km rit iya .fwl...
17 June 2017Bpb wali Onboat surat september g sr terdiri ci pkk om wasit kopi "
A Hermawan
" 👍👍 "
10 May 2017Loss Nan
" Nyussss pkok e "
30 March 2017Heru Susanto
" Makan pecel blitar di ngawi "
14 January 2017Azwar Herdy
" Enak pecel nya "
13 January 2017Arif Setiyono
" Dekat sekolahan dan free wifi "
23 December 2016August Tabalujan
" Pecel nya enak, porsi nya gak besar "
02 November 2016