About Pantai Padang-Padang,Uluwatu,Bali-Indonesia
Pantai Padang-Padang,Uluwatu,Bali-Indonesia is located at Ranuyoso, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
Lagi Pata Hati!!!
Tiziana Varenty
" One of the most attractive place to visit in Padang. Its clean, good pedestrian walk. "
02 May 2018Andima Abiyyu
" I give five star for pantai padang....I like that ....
14 April 2018Love pantai padang... "
Rizki Paramaputri
" Tempat yg indah untuk melihat sunset. Namun disini tidak ada pantai. Hanya terdapat dermaga2 ke arah laut "
04 April 2018Ramzul Zen
" It is a nice beach where you can watch beautiful sunset...and enjoy the seafood too. .. :)) "
30 March 2018Arry Andriana
" Nice place to watch the sunset trip, getting food all free of charge. Little cowded and difficult to find parking lot at busy time. "
17 March 2018Siti Masyitah
" It could have been better from clean and convenient side. Government should work harder to keep it up. "
08 March 2018Rika Roozeno
" Just okay, not many options for foods and snacks, everyone sell same tipical instant noodles, nasi goreng, overcooked ikan bakar and langkitang. Toilets are smelly, dirty and must pay. "
06 March 2018Fezi Fentama
" Tempat santai ok "
09 November 2017Rizky Erizka
" Nice place to take your family. Even there is a construction work undergoing right now "
26 September 2017RIPCUT TV
" Pantai yang bersih, rapi dan indah. Tempat yang tepat untuk melepas lelah sepulang kerja dan juga tempat yang cocok untuk berakhir pekan dengan keluarga, sahabat dan pacar.
24 September 2017Dengan suguhan beragam makanan dan minuman, mulai dari makanan berat sampai cemilan murah meriah semua tersedia disini dengan harga yang variatif. "
Anastry Galuh Khusika
" Long beach line with beautiful scenery. Just dont forget to bring your hat and sunblock. "
14 September 2017Putri Purnama Sari
" Suasana pantai yang tenang banget dan lebih di sarankan kalau datang ke pantai ini pada sore hari aja. Agar sekalian dapat melihat sunset yang super kereen keindahannya "
24 August 2017JZ03XAY 0301
" the place where you can enjoyinh the view of Padang's beach. but you cannot laying your body on the beach or swimming in there because it is restricted by the culture of Minangkabau's people "
18 August 2017Hari Purnama
" Suasana pantai "
17 August 2017Annisa Echa
" Nice place to watch sunset, government still doing some work to make this park look better than before. Now you can sit here, have a drink and some snack on the street. But i hope there will be a food court here. It will be great "
04 August 2017Viva A
" Hahhh...it's really a nice photoshoot area, fun for pass time at noon... "
30 July 2017Inka Melina
" Hbs mandi2 lapeer... "
30 July 2017Hiromy Ong
" Beautiful place to visit! And also have so many kind of traditional food that I looking for when I go travel.. But sometime, there's some people asking for parking fee even they are not a parking's officers, and also asking the money from tourist who wanna go to the rock near the beach. Wish government have some call centre or text centre for tourist caring. "
26 July 2017Vicky Mahendra
" Tempat yang indah melihat sunset, Tempat yang sudah tertata lebih baik lagi. aman untuk anak-anak bermain disini. sangat ramai pada sore hari. saya rekomendasikan singgah ke tempat ini untuk rekan-rekan semua jika kepadang. "
02 July 2017Beatrix Phandu
" Now Padang Beach is so wonderful, Its have view to the beach directly and you can buy food or snack at street cafe across the beach, and this place also have trational menu too. "
16 June 2017Febri Nugroho
" Beach suitable for enjoying sunset and night atmosphere. In addition to clean and beautiful, sheltered beach is also available many cafes. Located in the heart of the padang. "
26 April 2017Racheal Vindelito
" Tempat yg nyaman dan asikkk buat mengisi waktu senggang .atau pun buat jogging di pagi hari "
21 March 2017Rudy Chandra, ST. MT
" Good for sunset at purus waterfront "
18 March 2017Awwal Awwal
" Cantik sangat la macam nak tidur di situ "
04 March 2017Dafit Aura
" Tak mengecewakan "
20 February 2017Wahyu Adi Prasetyo
" Benar2 tempat yang asyik saat nongkrong dan melepas penat baik dinikmati saat pagi maupun senja, rekomen banget ke sini, lebih baik lagi kalo kawasan ini bebas kendaraan bermotor jadi pengunjung yg bersepeda & berolahraga lebih tenang dan aman "
08 February 2017Sabtu Apendi
" Tempat santai melihat pantai padang yang melepas pandangan sejauh mata "
02 February 2017Nafri A Nice
" Tempatnya ramai,apalagi kalo weekend.
31 January 2017Tempatnya sangat menarik dan banyak yg jogging di pagi dan sore hari. "
M Bambang Prayogi
" Pantai padang Muaro lasak, tempat yang indah untuk bersantai bersama teman ataupun keluarga, tempat ini biasanya ramai pada sore hari karena kalau pada siang hari keadaan di sini sangat panas dan membuat wisatawan mengurungkan niatnya "
22 January 2017Penulis Cemen
" Salah satu tempat wisata yang ada di Padang. Dua spot ini cocok untuk bersantai bersama keluarga. Bisa juga foto-foto.
14 January 2017Di sekitar area ini ada tempat parkir untuk motor. Selain itu banyak juga penjual jajanan seperti kelapa muda atau kuliner khas minang seperti pensi dan langkitang. "
Carol Sim
" A city beach with a lot of local weekend crowds and plentiful of food stalls around. Make sure u try the grilled sweet cone and banana desert. Yummy "
07 January 2017Aidil Putra
" Kalau tingga di padang nyaman sero "
31 December 2016Adam Sutan Indra
" Nice Beach to swim, take photos, eat, sport, etc "
23 December 2016Tondo Susanto
" Tempat yang sangat bagus dan berada persis di tengah kota padang, dan benar-benar bisa dijangkau dengan berjalan kaki, selain masih bersih airnya pantai ini menyediakan berbagai pilihan kuliner yang enak dan lezat, mulai dari masakan padang yang biasa dijumpai di restoran atau suguhan jajanan seafood yang sangat lezat seperti udang goreng dan telor penyu ... "
05 December 2016Surya Imelanda Bangun Persada
" not a quiet beach as before goverment build the bridge... but, ok for tourist resort. "
15 October 2016Hands Sbastiand
" Indah dan enak "
19 August 2016Suria Sulaiman
" The beach is long and narrow yet it's been divided by a series of wave breakers perpendicular to the beach.
10 August 2016The beach area with the place marker is popular with local people during the evening. It's popular place for sunset looking to Indian Ocean.
Thirsty, many stalls offering juices and snacks.
Along the beach there are also local fisherman with traditional boats anchored on the beach. A few fresh fish stalls dotted along the road by the beach. Opposite the beach, many establishments offering seafood dishes. "
Jeffrey Tjoei
" Tempat asik buat nongkrong bareng teman".. berbagi cerita sambil menikmati angin pantai n suara desiran ombak.. "
08 August 2016Maulana Gituri
" great improve, the short tend and rural street vendor has been evacuated and demolished "
15 July 2016Maulana Gituri
" i think this is the new landmark for the city
15 July 2016with the peace dove monument "
Bambang Eko Nugroho
" Keep on improving with its environment, still needs more attention to the cleanliness and of course decent toilets!!! "
13 July 2016Muhammad Hafizh
" Bgus "
02 July 2016Bontang Idam
" Pantai dg nuansa Laut lepas yg kan membuat kita merasa kecil "
01 July 2016Hery Melayu
" A cozy place for hanging out and weekend "
17 June 2016HeriYanto Nuranas
" Bersih,... Nyaman,... Aman,... "
23 March 2016