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About Pantai Boom

Pantai Boom is located at Kampungmandar, Banyuwangi Sub-District, Banyuwangi Regency, East Java 68419, Indonesia



Item Reviews - 40

Boby Gustanam

" Near place from blambangan park. Beach are dirty. But this place is good for morning bicycling and exercise. "

16 April 2018

Schiss Cha Oktaviani

" Pantainya sekarang uda ada perkembangan dibNdingkan dulu. Sekarang uda kereeen. Tapi sayang, sampah masih ada di pinggiran pantai. Sangat disayangkan dengan kemajuan pantai boom yang uda keren. Semoga kita semua yang berkunjung bisa sadar dan selalu melestarikan alam Indonesia ☺☺☺ "

08 April 2018

Awal Fariski

" Kesini iseng sih gak ada niat dan gak ada rencana.
Ternyata ada pelabuhannya disini, kalau pagi biasanya banyak org jual ikan yg baru ditangkap, mungkin masih fresh gitu ya.
Jadi ya pasti banyak transaksi jual beli disini kalo pagi.
Kesini sih pas siang,mendung dan sepii.
Sayang ga sempet foto2 karena meman bener2 nikmatin suasana aja,santai2 dipinggir pantai dgn angin yg gede hehehe "

04 April 2018

Nur Anisah

" • It has "First Sunrise of Java" as the tourist attraction.
• Located at the center of Banyuwangi. Approach-able.
• It's only pay IDR 5k for each person to enter the place.
• Provide some public necessaries like restroom, mosque, parking area and food-court.
• Unfortunately, some places are dirty. (minus point) "

05 February 2018

Mukhlis Madjid

" Boom Beach is the interesting place to visit in Banyuwangi, East Java.

Located in Mandar village, not so far from the center of Banyuwangi City.

Boom Beach is a good spot to enjoy the sunrise as it directly faces the Bali Strait.

You can feel the freshness of the Beach here. The waves are much more gentle, making it an ideal location for swimming. "

01 February 2018

Theresia Londong

" I give 4 stars due to my memories of this place. This is the best place to runaway from the busy afternoon after school, my runaway in the morning just to enjoy some stone crabs sunbathing, people fishing and if youre lucky enough you will encounter groups of flying fish near the sea shore.. this is simple marina, do not expect too much but serenity and meditation power of the sea. Enjoy "

17 January 2018

Psymon Peers

" A very quiet black sand/stone beach. Entrance is only 10k per person. The view is very pretty across to bali. But as always the sand is covered with litter, plastic, peanut shells etc etc. And there are no swimming signs up. There are fresh coconuts and food stalls as well as drink sellers. The whole area is being developed but is currently a little bit of a mess "

04 January 2018

Elia Baliani

" The owner is very friendly, he drove us around town and it was very helpful. Glad to met him! The place is nice and clean with a very cheap and good restaurant! "

19 November 2017

Muhammad Salman Al Farisi

" We can see sunrise here and also Bali island is looked from this beach so beautiful beach i though "

02 November 2017

Wahyu Nahdianto

" The coastline on the north of Banyuwangi near Ketapang harbor. The sand is black. In ancient times the beach was once a port as trade traffic from Bali and Sulawesi. Causing the assimilation of Balinese, Sulawesi and Blambangan cultures in Banyuwangi district. "

14 October 2017

Harrie Robins

" Lots of (plastic) trash (which unfortunately is no exception for Indonesia) on the beach. Take a walk through the suburbs instead of visiting the beach. "

13 October 2017

Fahriza Rifqi


03 September 2017

Agung Wigianto

" This is where we can see the sunrise for the first time on the island of Java "

29 August 2017

Andri Tri Handoko Putro

" At the moment it's closed under construction, they are building new marina port, Gandrung Sewu event held in this place. "

02 July 2017

Alfan Al Ghifari S

" The beach were clean and good for the last 2 years, but not this year. Somehow its just really dirty. Some sources said that local gov.t will build a marina harbour in there, so it could be the reason why the beach is just left behind and not maintained very well "

29 June 2017

Erlinda Tri

" Not recommended. The beach is dirty, hot and there is no place for having fun. Just pack your bag and go to your next destination. "

21 May 2017

Richo Wirawan

" A poorly organized beach, though it's located approx. 1km from the center of Banyuwangi city. "

15 May 2017

Bayu Dien

" Nice place. "

10 May 2017

Budipot Bwi

" Good view.. Nice place "

09 March 2017

Douglas Goh

" I have no idea why this place is rated 4.0, they are all lies. There is literally nothing to be seen, the sands are not clean / pretty, the water is very dirty. Sad. "

27 February 2017

Rifky Famee

" One of beautiful beach in Banyuwangi.
There are god wings statue as photo spot.
You can reach the beach near from city.
You want real coconut water? Come here guys! "

23 February 2017

Gusman Widodo

" Nice place "

21 January 2017

Gilang Sumarga

" nice and quite place to have fun with family "

07 January 2017

Nadia Sahalia

" Its not much scenetic, but the mountain view is ok "

07 December 2016

Zens Agoes

" Honda Bikers Day "

10 November 2016

Damar Lintang

" Tempatnya makin ok "

21 August 2016

Drago Argo

" Pantai boom Banyuwangi dengan pemandangan view selat bali sangat indah di pandang.. dengan berjejeran payung pantai menghiasai pantai trsbt smakin cantik.. byk taman. Ada pujasera. Dan sebentar lgi akan jfi marina boom Banyuwangi... keren "

03 August 2016

Rangga RJ

" Pantai boom banyuwangi "

23 July 2016

Irene Susianto

" A public place where locals often spent their time. Usually very crowded on local or national holidays. A beautiful place to spot the sunrise at dawn. "

18 July 2016

Ribut Pangudi

" Pantai tepi kota. "

05 July 2016

Emik Triyono

" Pantaiiii boooooom kuuuu "

02 July 2016

Muhammad Hafiz Egan Pradana

" Pantai yang dekat sekali dengan pusat kota. Pantainya tidan terlalu bagus saap siang, tetapi pas untuk melihat sunrise. Dan harga tiketnya murah jugaa "

21 June 2016

Echo Mulyadi

" Bagus "

18 June 2016

Agung Nursabil

" Pemandangan indah, terdapat banyak hiburan disini antara lain, naik kuda dipantai, maen voli pantai, jogging, maen layang-layang, atau menyewa tempat duduk Rp. 20.000/jam sambil bersantai menikmati pemandangan laut pantai Boom. "

07 June 2016

Radhit FainzNolSatu

" Bagus "

04 June 2016

Ocir Rico

" Pantai ku!!!! ^ ^ "

03 February 2016

Ivu Fajar

" Lokasi berada di timur kota, memiliki fasum yg memadai, cocok untuk arena bermain anal, olah raga, rekreasi keluarga dan nongkrong "

23 December 2015

Jaka Sulistiono

" Pantai Boom adalah pantai yang dekat dengan dermaga penyeberangan Ketapang Jawa Timur-Gilimanuk Bali sehingga pantainya ikut terkena akibat dari limbah bahan bakar kapal. pantainya hitam. secara alami pantainya tidak menarik tetapi
Pantai Boom sering digunakan untuk acara-acara besar seperti Festifal Jass, Tari Gandrung Sewu. "

18 September 2015

Dhio Jwandoko

" Pantai Boom "

29 January 2015

Jackal D' Vlad Lestat

" bale .. "

14 April 2014

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