" Referensi buku mipa,kesehatan, lingkungan, kedokteran hewan, dan perikanan kelautan ada disini "
06 April 2018
Prita Amelia
" Kampus C Library has moved to BEM Unair's building. But I prefer the old location because now is getting narrower than before.
The place is comfortable to study, but more comfortable when in the old location.
To access some facilities here is so easy. Only prepare a student sign (KTM = Kartu Tanda Mahasiswa) and it can access some facilities here.
Actually, in this new location also comfortable but it's narrower than before :( "
26 March 2018
Andi Setijono
" Perpustakaan unair Kampus C.. Telah pindah ke gedung BEM Unair. "
09 November 2017
Wahyu Trainers Paytren Sukses
" Ok "
31 October 2017
Nena Zakiah
" Masuk kesini syaratnya cuma bawa KTM. Ada tempat lesehannya, dengan meja & karpet yang nyaman banget buat diskusi. Ada juga fasilitas komputer & print. "
Ahmad Ilmul Muhashona
" Referensi buku mipa,kesehatan, lingkungan, kedokteran hewan, dan perikanan kelautan ada disini "
06 April 2018Prita Amelia
" Kampus C Library has moved to BEM Unair's building. But I prefer the old location because now is getting narrower than before.
26 March 2018The place is comfortable to study, but more comfortable when in the old location.
To access some facilities here is so easy. Only prepare a student sign (KTM = Kartu Tanda Mahasiswa) and it can access some facilities here.
Actually, in this new location also comfortable but it's narrower than before :( "
Andi Setijono
" Perpustakaan unair Kampus C.. Telah pindah ke gedung BEM Unair. "
09 November 2017Wahyu Trainers Paytren Sukses
" Ok "
31 October 2017Nena Zakiah
" Masuk kesini syaratnya cuma bawa KTM. Ada tempat lesehannya, dengan meja & karpet yang nyaman banget buat diskusi. Ada juga fasilitas komputer & print. "
25 August 2017