Omah Luwak (Permanently Closed)
About Omah Luwak (Permanently Closed)
Omah Luwak (Permanently Closed) is a cafe, located at Jl. Kedawung No.43, Tulusrejo, Kec. Lowokwaru, Kota Malang, Jawa Timur 65141, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 822-5722-7400, visit their website for more detailed information.
Okta Fianza
" kopi mantabb "
13 July 2017Tri Budhianto
" Delicious n cheap "
04 July 2017Yoel Ari
" Kopinya enak cozy place juga cocok buat nongkrong untuk sekedar kumpul2 "
29 June 2017Teguh Yudo Prakoso
" Menu lengkap dg harga terjangkau "
29 March 2017Bruce Wayne
" Selling 41 (as of now) different coffee beans across Indonesia with manual brewing process. They are able to get the best taste out of every bean. Perfect for coffee lovers. "
17 March 2017Rizky Kharisma
" tempat ngopi favorit di Malang. menu-menu kopi nusantara yg cocok banget buat dompet sya. maklum, lgi skripsi :')). mau ngopi sampek pagi aja dah biasa "
29 June 2016