Oleh-oleh Khas Lumajang Aneka Kripik & Kletikan Khas Jawa "D3"
About Oleh-oleh Khas Lumajang Aneka Kripik & Kletikan Khas Jawa "D3"
Oleh-oleh Khas Lumajang Aneka Kripik & Kletikan Khas Jawa "D3" is a bakery, located at JL. Kyai Ilyas, No. 4, Perak II, Citrodiwangsan, Lumajang, Citrodiwangsan, Kec. Lumajang, Kabupaten Lumajang, Jawa Timur 67316, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 334 882367 for more detailed information.
Tonny Widjaja
" Authentic East Java culinary with spicy and a bit salty taste.
04 June 2018A bit overpriced compared to similar restaurant nearby.
Unique interior with traditional dining room equipments.
No air-conditioning dining room. "
Galoh Randicha
" Expensive but it was worth because the meats are big and more than 2pieces. I don't like it for the price not in menu "
12 May 2018Abdul Ghofur
" Yang pengen oleh-oleh khas lumajang seperti kripik pisang, bisa kemari. "
07 April 2018Stefanus Daniel
" Delicious but pricey "
29 December 2017Paul Us
" Food is good, i eat gudeg, taste same like the jogja gudeg, but the krecek bit smelly, they have many variety of javanese food, even they have bali rice too... The other food i ordered is krengsengan, it's like rendang, but more spicy. Each 40k, bit expensive, i dont know they mark up the price or not, since I'm a tourist. I ordered bandrek susu, it's a hot milk with cinnamon, not to sweet, it's good to drink it when raining and in a mountain like batu city "
27 December 2017Anson Kaligis
" Taste okey, overpriced "
08 November 2017Angga Nova Perkasa
" The price is very expensive, considering the place and the menus it's just too pricey. Not recommended. "
11 October 2017Ani Suryani
" The price is unbelievable EXPENSIVE
02 October 20172 tempe + rice + sambal = Rp 20.000
1 chicken + rice + sambal = Rp 45.000
No wonder there is no price list in this resto ππ»ππ»ππ»ππ» "
Satrio Pamungkas
" Taste ordinary price extraordinary expensive for homie food like that "
01 October 2017Dida Warda
" Toko oleh oleh yg ramah pengunjung dan dijamin puas "
14 September 2017Ika Febri
" Yummy & halal javanesse food.
19 June 2017Rasa enak. Cocok dengan selera. Harga sebanding dgn rasa. "
John Arieyo
" Authentic Javanese delicacy "
29 May 2017Ruri Hapsari
" Reasonable price "
19 May 2017Rizki Putra
" Dari masakan emang enak dan oke bgt. Tp dari segi harga sepertinya kurang pas bagi yang suka backpakeran "
08 April 2017Catur Ismi Wahyuni
" πππππ "
28 January 2017Manggala Wiryawan
" ID : Lauk standar, rasa tergantung selera sih. Buktikan dulu kalau mau tau rasanya. Harga mahal kalo menurut saya dengan lauk yang seperti itu.
18 January 2017EN: Taste is depend on your taste. I suggest to try if you want to prove it delicious or not. But, it's expensive with the standard dishes. "
Harry Prakoso
" Setiap ke Batu selalu mampir ke Warung Jawa ini dan berganti menu tapi ternyata semua masakannya uenaaak semua... "
07 November 2016Hafid Almighty
" Cita rasa masakan yg khas,,cukup enak namun bukan tempat makan yg pas untuk mengobrol lama&perlu menyiapkan dana yg lumayan jg untuk makan di sini rata" perporsi 30-50rb "
21 October 2016Louis Karim
" Nice food but rather bad service. Also the price is too high "
29 August 2016Rizal M. Sidiq
" Makanannya lumayan beragam dan enak "
21 August 2016Helmy Salaf
" Yg suka agak manis pasti cocok nih.... "
14 August 2016Dzakka Muqaffi
" Harga Ekonomis , Rasa Bisa Dibuktikan, mantap top markotop tidak akan membuat lidah menangis...ππππ "
21 June 2016Arroyyan Abdul Jabbar
" sangat lezat "
06 September 2015Novi Agustina
" It is very very NOT reccomended at all..the food is very lousy...and the most teribble things is : the price is unbelieveable EXPENSIVE...really not worthed with the portion & the taste itself....
03 July 2015I just ate here tonite, really really disappointed !!!
Friends , please dont repeat the same mistake like i did.... "
Ika Febri
" Yummy & halal javanesse food "
28 July 2013