About OPPO Service Center WTC
OPPO Service Center WTC is an electronics store, located at Gedung No. 3010 No. 27, WTC SBY, Jalan Pemuda, Sukomanunggal, Suko Manunggal, Kota SBY, Jawa Timur 60271, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 31 5475000, visit their website www.oppo.com for more detailed information.
Ponidi Cahyono Putra Putra
" WTC sby emang lengkap .. hp smua merek ad "
14 May 2018Amirul Fathur
" Proses pengerjaan cepat "
23 April 2018Aly Isco
" Pelayanan sangat cepat dan memuaskan 😊 "
10 March 2018Suyanti Teguh
" pelayanan bagus... cepat... sip pokoknya "
17 January 2018Yusuf Hadi
" Cari F3+ susah banget "
21 October 2017Selamet Hariadi
" Tempat HP Oppo di Surabaya "
15 September 2017Adam Yowanda
" I don't have an Oppo but I was asked by my brother to get him here.
10 June 2017Pros:
- Fast customer service, they have 7 counters and all fully operational.
- Air Conditioned, yes this is big deal. Not all place have the ideal room temperature.
- Nothing, if you are fine with their big advertising on TV, then you're good to go! "
As'ad Ben Arfa
" Saya sangat puas dg pelayanan dan perbaikan perangkat saya di oppo service center gedung WTC lt 3 di surabaya, pelayanan cepat tidak sampai setengah jam hanphone saya sudah bisa dibawa pulang dlm keadaan baik.. Good job oppo service center pertahankan dan selalu tingkatkan agar lebih baik lagi kedepannya, tq 😊.. "
20 April 2017Farah Quinn
" Apa bisa benerin oppo f1 s lupa pasword sama sidik jari selalu salah "
22 March 2017