Novon Family Hotel ( Syariah Hotel )
About Novon Family Hotel ( Syariah Hotel )
Novon Family Hotel ( Syariah Hotel ) is a lodging, located at Jl. Raden Intan No.46, Arjosari, Blimbing, Kota Malang, Jawa Timur 65126, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 341 487720 for more detailed information.
Shindu Raditya
" Good for cheap hotel "
23 May 2018Munifah Az Zahra
" my friend always sleep there, it very comfortable "
22 May 2018Ilyas Faisal
" Kata p aten sumarna hotelnya nyaman aman parkir luad "
12 May 2018Gege Firstcall
" cheap, clean, quiet and halal "
22 April 2018Anik Sugiarti
" Ok "
11 April 2018Misha Van Der Ven
" The room was smelly and the airco made a lot of noise without working properly. For the 200.000 I paid it was quite expensive to my taste. Not too clean and it looked a bit shabby. I do not recommend this hotel to travelers, unless you can't find something else. "
06 April 2018YUDI Setiadi
" Nyaman dan aman "
22 March 2018Indra Setiawan
" Ok "
20 March 2018Nivida Yuswandari
" Nice, comfortable place, large "
19 March 2018Ilham Maulana
" Lumayan terjangkau "
12 March 2018Serba Serbi
" ckup bagus tempatnya "
18 February 2018Salma Salsa
" Bangunan tua....harga murah.jorok.kotor.banyak orang nga jelas...pokonya no rekomen kecuali terpaksa karena duit cekak.... "
09 February 2018Samsul Arifin
" Hotel tua yg legendaris
03 January 2018Murah dan dekat dgn stasiun cirebon "
Wahyu Djadmikouw
" Cheap and clean "
23 November 2017Viee Vee Soe
" Friendly "
20 November 2017Aristyanto Heri Trimawan
" A sharia hotel with cheap price, starting from IDR 165k. Not the best hotel in Malang, honestly. "
24 September 2017視V
" Cheap and cozy "
01 September 2017Febriana Ayu Permatasari
" Lumayan untuk tarif dan fasilitas "
14 August 2017Aristyanto Heri Trimawan
" A sharia hotel with cheap price, starting from IDR 165k. Not the best hotel in Malang, honestly. "
15 July 2017Bayu Prasongko
" Tempat parkir luas, bersih, nyaman, aman, bisa reservasi, mudah terlihat dari jalan raya, belum ada akses khusus untuk pengguna kursi roda, pelayanan 24 jam, fasilitas lengkap, murah...ada layanan breakfast untuk kelas ekonomi "
11 May 2017Henrik 333
" Yes "
27 March 2017Ulil Amri
" Lumayan murah "
10 March 2017Ardian Landru
" Hotel berkonsep semi syariah...Lokasi strategis..Sayang liftnya tdk ada "
24 February 2017Arizal R.C.C
" Dekat sama stasiun Cirebon cuman hanya 3 menit saja :) "
13 January 2017AF Ashari
" Old building, cheap, budget type. "
07 January 2017Wahyu Nan Agung
" Hotel favorite "
31 December 2016Ikha Nduth
" Rekommended bgt bwt yg liburan di malang.. Kamar hotel luas,bersih, wangi.. Staff helpfully bgt.. Makanan nya pun enak.. Cocok bwt yg bawa kluarga liburan. "
19 December 2016Itsbat Husnul
" Ok "
04 November 2016He Pom
" Hotel yang betul2 keluarga , besar kamarnya, bersih, nyaman, dan harganya betul2 terjangkau terutama untuk weekend, masakannya jg enak, meskipun sedikit terasa jauh kepusat kota malang (karna macet) tp akses transportasi sangat mudah karna langsung di dpn hotel "
16 October 2016Adinda Aisyah
" kamarnya bersihhhh banget, suasananya serasa di rumahh, harga terjangkau cocok buat yang kangen rumah tapi butuh tempat istirahat sementara !!!! :)) "
16 October 2016Alfian Bekasi Kaum
" Ok "
01 September 2016Ekky Nasution
" Lumayan "
25 August 2016One Earth One Sky
" Ok "
06 August 2016Yustinus Sakti Jatmiko
" Rooms are quite big enough for 2persons, simple & clean, bathroom are clean. Good for any backpackers with standart facilities and amenities for their rates. Quite close from Malang town's Bus Terminal Arjosari. "
31 July 2016Benito Sinaga
" What a good hotel. They have spacious rooms, good service, clean, and the food was delicious.
27 July 2016The hotel is also located in a strategic location because it's very close to several administrative offices such as the immigration office class I, Directorate General of Customs and Excise, and the District Court of Malang; and also the inter-city bus terminal (Arjosari).
However, if you really need a hotel with a minimal budget, this is certainly the right choice. "
Grab Online
" Oke "
19 July 2016Onny Hamka
" Luas kamarnya,bersih,terjangkau,ns gorengnya siiip..cocok deh buat paket hemat wisata ke malang..😊😀 "
14 June 2016Dimas Hamka
" Murah, akses mudah, dan yang spesial makanan di cafe nya TOP! "
29 March 2016Raifa Mahira Al Ridho
" Pas ekonomis "
21 January 2016Thomas Lamela
" Buat para backpaker cocok banget! Harga mulai dr 60rb sampai 85rb untuk tahun 2015! "
29 September 2015