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About Masjid Atta Awun

Masjid Atta Awun is a mosque, located at Jl. Ali Sakti, Dusun Timurejo, Desa Gitik, Rogojampi, Gitik, Banyuwangi, Kabupaten Banyuwangi, Jawa Timur 68462, Indonesia



Item Reviews - 47

Arina Wida Imania

" Right place to take a rest and do pray with enjoying puncak's scenery. What a beautiful place! "

19 May 2018

Farry Prayubi

" The iconic place of puncak bogor. It's second to none. Enjoying grilled corn would be very amazing let alone above 8 pm there. But they should manage the food sellers to get more attractive. And I'm not comfortable with the gift sellers forcing visitors to buy their low quality and overpriced products. Rubbish everywhere around the parking area. "

20 April 2018

Echa Echa

" Ride bike to get here, Zero to Zero... Bogor to Bandung, air yg dingin... udara seger... great view... canggeh, daaaahhhhhh... "

20 April 2018

Ajeng Illastria Rosalina

" Very good mosque. The mosque is so clean. It licated at puncak so it has a super great view. It has some garden and river-like pool. At the weekend this mosque is so crowded with people. Around the mosque many street food available. But at the weekdays the mosque is so comfortable "

07 April 2018

Dania Sunshine

" A very good masjid ever! So cool. So clean. So comfy. So calm. Nice to take prayer time in here. So focus. You will get your time alone and talk deeply to God. "

22 March 2018

Arif Harahap

" Beautiful mosque provided for every moslem who wants to pray, open 24 hour..

And in its parking area, there are several food stall for anyone who feel starve or thirsty after praying.. "

11 March 2018

Rengga Arnalis Renjani

" You should take time to pray in this mosque. the design is beautiful, very cool, you can see the beautiful Puncak view, wudhu in here feels like ice water but very fresh, and the floor mosque is wooden. I suggest you park your car in mosque parking area and do not park the car side of road because parking fee is very expensive and impressed like coercion.

I was forced to pay parking fee of 10 thousand rupiah for once parking. but you know, this is a mosque for worship but you can also be logged. Be careful guys..!!! "

04 March 2018

Muhammad Royyan

" Di halaman dan tempat wudhunya kurang menarik, namun di dalam masjid bersih, elegan, dan arsitektur menara masjidnya yang indah. Imamnya yang sudah tua membuat kualitas suaranya yang turun yg sering mengambil nafas saat membaca ayat-ayat al-qur'an. "

26 January 2018

Ayah Manggeng

" مسجد التَّعَوُّن "

18 January 2018

Ayah Manggeng

" مسجد التّعوُّن "

11 January 2018

Rahmat Hidayat

" Cheap and mesmerizing place to visit when you're in Puncak, Bogor.
Very nice architecture! Cold water, breezing air, warm sunlight, all in one! Just prepare for the parking fee: 2k/hour. Expensive foods and beverages; better to buy them before or after visiting here "

06 December 2017

Trip Ina

" Tempat ibadah paling ikonik di daerah puncak bogor. Setiap akhir pekan, pasti ramai, karena jadi hotspot wisata, terutama bersama teman atau komunitas. Area parkir mobil terbatas, biasa nya parkir di luar area masjid atau pinggir jalan. "

25 November 2017

Soeryo Hadi Rahardjo

" Masjid (Mosque) with great views. But it's very cold in dawn "

14 November 2017


" Inilah Mesjid di Kampungku yang selalu ramai, kangen sama teman2 Ustadz disana "

28 October 2017

Aan Juragan

" Always love to pray here. Great atmosphere, cold water, cool air, cozy flooring as its made of wood. I've been stopping here since 2000s. The mosque exterior condition should be maintained though. The scenery is beautiful. "

24 September 2017

Ardita Indah Wulandari

" The most iconic mosque in puncak. Good places to pray "

04 September 2017

Amel Cs

" As for me, Masjid Atta'awun has many nostalgic memory. I've visited this place a lot. You can find many local foods and beautiful handmade crafts. With cheap price. And also, you can hang out here with friends or family. But it's quiet difficult to find a parking lot. "

26 August 2017

Firman Sutrisna

" This is a good place if you're lost, and you're seeking for a roof to take cover. However, the management should provide more plugs for electricity, more trash bin, and may the place be kept from irresponsible people that pass by for only throwing their nasty craps. Overall, I love this place. 😊 "

30 July 2017

Jeffri Anwar

" Good mosque. Well designed.. only parking is difficult.. "

19 July 2017


" Wonderful place for praying. There was fresh air, beauty scenery, and very cold. "

04 July 2017

Mohamad Fajar Kamil

" The most visitable place and mosque when we travelling to Puncak Bogor. Clean and lovelable mosque. "

29 June 2017

Femy Nas Yasin

" Masjid yang telah direnovasi. Di pinggir jalan dekat permukiman "

21 June 2017

Cah Maghfur

" Bagus "

07 May 2017

Firman Juliansyah

" This is a beautiful mosque at beautiful place having beautiful view. The architecture is very nice. fresh air n so many street food. "

19 April 2017

Nur Aini

" Excellent place for pray solah.. there were many restroom, bathroom, place for wudhu, library, and beutiful spot to take photos.. "

14 April 2017

Sonny Suharsono

" Excellent mosque.. peaceful.. nice view with sound of water flowing beside it.. Go down you can buy food drink souvenirs.. Excellent "

21 February 2017

Amelia Dirhardjo

" Legendary place. So cold water. Fresh & God-ly. But if you bring childs, please be quiet. Wish someday this place where i'll here again i can pray longer and peacefully without kids-laugh. "

10 February 2017

Dini Bachtiar

" Extraordinary from when it was first built. Gorgeous view, cool breeze and water. A calm ambience which lets you connect with God peacefully. One thing though, parking has become nearly impossible. A lot of food vendors have taken parking place. "

23 December 2016

Edison Mansur

" I came here twice in 5 years. On My latest visit, I arrived about 6-ish PM, so the surrounding area was dark, but there were lots of shacks around such as Grilled Corn, Meatballs, Noodles Soup, Varied Satay, Hot Ginger Ale etc.

Personally, I think they shouldn't let cars/motorcycles park around the mosque - or at least make a proper pathway. "

22 November 2016

Alexander Aziria

" I can tell you that this is one of greatest place in Bogor. A splendid mosque on the hill over huge tea plantations we with chilly air. Beautiful. "

17 October 2016

Bayu Herkusumo

" Plataran masjid "

12 October 2016

Adrian Latief

" Great view when the weather is nice, it will be nice if the main prayer hall use carpet.. "

07 October 2016

Inu Pras

" Famous mosque at Puncak, Bogor. Very good place for check point if you traveling via Jalan Raya Puncak. There's a lot of foods and souvenirs stall. The mosque is big and peaceful. The decoration and the park are beautiful. They have big parking area also. "

15 September 2016

Wisma Pakuan

" Nice and clean masjid with very very very cold water. :-D "

08 September 2016

Muhammad Reza

" Tempat ibadah "

15 August 2016

Rangga Arif

" The cool mosque at bogor. Located on puncak pass where you can see a whole city from the top "

03 August 2016

Buya H BOY

" It is no longer become mosque, a place for pray. But it's a park for "Lover Birds". Embarrassing. But the mosque is great.. anyway "

18 July 2016

Ritchie Sebastian

" Allahuakbar "

23 June 2016

Ahmad Sopian

" tempatnya strategis, pemandangannya bagus "

15 June 2016

Tabuty Coffee

" Mesjid yang bagus "

09 June 2016

Nuron ID

" Sejuk, tenang lebih dekat dikalbu "

05 June 2016

Festiaji Irawanto

" Beautiful and iconic Mosque and beautiful natural scenery of puncak, many traditional shop in car park area "

18 May 2016

Terry Purwanto

" Tempatnya adem, betah lama-lama di sana "

17 May 2016

Febrianto Adi

" Subhanallah. Keren. Tempat istirahat super cozy. Adem "

16 May 2016

Indra Aditya Yudha

" Suka tempat ini. Tempat wudhu yang bagus. Tapi airnya dingin banget. Apalagi saat kabut turun. Bersiaplah menggigil.. "

08 March 2016

Faris Katili

" The design of this mosque is very beautiful. So natural and the ambience is so relaxing "

23 January 2016

Bayu Wicaksono

" I've tried one of this cafe branches, Madtari SuCi 72,
Furniture here is absorbed your starving mood, if you know what I mean "

05 December 2015

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