About Malang Eye Center
Malang Eye Center is located at Jalan Doktor Cipto No. 3, Rampal Celaket, Klojen, 7-12 siang 3 -8 4-7, Rampal Celaket, Klojen, Kota Malang, Jawa Timur 65111, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 341 341666, visit their website www.malangeyecenter.com for more detailed information.
Feli Terza
" I was skeptical at the beginning just because I'm using bpjs but then they gave me an amazing service, I'm really happy thank you so much. "
06 August 2020Sanvis Ngalam
06 February 2020Natalia Widjaja
" Good doctors, nice nurses... nice service!
03 February 2020but I don't take a pic "
Vatien Rahmawati
" Excellent place with kind and professional ophthalmologists (eye specialists) and staffs "
29 January 2020ELshadow No Game
" Quick and fast response for deserving their services.. "
20 January 2020Edwin Petrus
" A good eye clinic di Malang with professional eye specialists and staff. The clinic is clean and equipped with modern techology for medical treatment. They also have a small pharmacy and clinic. Payment can be done by cash and card. They have quite a spacious parking lot in front of the clinic "
07 December 2019RestInHill
" Comfort place,nice service,kind and professional doctor "
01 August 2019Restihilda
" Comfort place,nice service,kind and professional doctor "
01 August 2019Mutiara Kristiani Putri
" Meet the experts here, save your sight, see the world better 👀 "
30 June 2019Am Puzz
" Clean, friendly staff, awesome service. "
12 February 2019Am Puzz
" Clean, friendly staff, awesome service. "
12 February 2019Donny YLS
" The best Opthalmologist (dokter spesialis mata) are in this clinic. I do not mean to be subjective, but actually one of the doctors, Dr.dr.Mrs Nadia Artha Dewi,Sp.M(K), is my classmate, and she is very good if not excellent in doing her job. The other doctors are also very great and very recommended. Just be prepare to be in line for quite a while because this place is great so it does attract a lot of patients. There is an optic store, a little snack store up front. Place is kind of cozy, non air conditioned, located near the middle of the city, and easy to reach. Parking could be tricky, although there is quite some space at the front for like 12 cars, but since it is almost always crowded, you might have to park on the sides of the road. "
03 September 2018Wignyo Wardoyo
" Sangat2 kecewa dengan pelayanannya, perawat pengecekan awal test mata sangat mengecewakan, sangat tergesa2 pelayanan nya, sangat puarah...., Masak tdk dicek + nya pakai kaca .. eeeh sama dokter REVA di vonis +1.75 , dokter nya marah2 lagi....masak pasien tdk boleh tanya2 lebih dalam....!!!!, "
04 July 2018Hari Prayitno
" Sangat menyesal sudah buang banyak uang untuk periksa disini,berkali2 periksa retina tiap periksa tidak membawa pulang surat/lembar keterangan apapun. Nihil. Pelayanan & tarif sangat tidak memuaskan. Minta surat keterangan aja bayar hampir 400rb. Buat yg mau kesini tolong dipikir2 dulu,tanyakan semua secara detail ke bagian informasi melalui tlf saja. "
21 May 2018Titok Hariyanto
" Excellent place for eye treatment "
27 April 2018Dwi Afanto
" Alhamdulillah tmpatnya ada musholahnya, perawatnya cantik2 & ganteng2.. "
29 March 2018Sunik MT
" #LetsGuide
22 March 2018Lets check up routine....eyes important to see the world.. "
Ren Regie
" Beberapa dokter ramah, beberapa enggak. Harganya mahal, tapi setara sama fasilitas "
19 October 2017Aline Erine
" Sangat puas "
12 October 2017Dodik Andriono
" Dokternya gk ramah saya di bentak bentar waktu penangananya "
05 October 2017Nasyucha F
" Pelayanannya professional, dokter yang berpengalaman dan tempatnya bersih "
13 July 2017Ririn Ambar
" Malang skrg punya pusat kesehatan mata "
01 July 2017Riki Atsuke
" Its clean and organized "
31 May 2017Catur Ismi Wahyuni
" Periksa 2 kali kesini. Pelayanan bagus, tempat bersih "
13 April 2017Armadya Permadi
" Malang Eye Clinic "
15 February 2017Sagita Ip
" One for all stop buat periksa mata. Tanya berbagai macem kesehatan mata dan periksa berbagai macam spesialis mata. "
17 December 2016Ardhya Admana
" Bad.
13 December 20162 kali saya periksa di sini dengan 2 dokter berbeda. Diagnosa berbeda-beda, tapi obat mereka sama..
Meski pelayanan staf rumah sakit lumayan. Saya merasakan ada yang kurang dengan dokter2nya. "
Agung Pramudhita
" A lot of doctors with various expertise, professional services, complete eye treatment with a bit expensive price "
26 July 2016Eko Wijayanto
" satu satunya klinik mata di malang dimana banyak dokter yang berkompeten di bidangnya berkumpul disini "
08 July 2016