Little Camel School
About Little Camel School
Little Camel School is a school, located at Jl. Irian Jaya No. 2 Perum Gatoel, Mojokerto 61363. They can be contacted via phone at 0321-382603, visit their website for more detailed information.
Sekolah berbasis Islam dan bertaraf Internasional yang mempersiapkan sang buah hati menjadi pribadi yang aktif, kreatif, inovatif, kompetitif dan berakhlak Qur’ani sejak masa Golden Age hingga masa pra remaja.
Little Camel Islamic International School was established by Fadhilah Success Group (FSG) education and social (Islamic Education Center Little Camel) Management to provide alternative education for children that will not only give the academic preparation needed for higher learning, but also equip them with the lifeskills, attitudes needed to be responsible, socially-conscious members of society as well as having a strong foundation of Islam. It is based on the needs of Muslim Community who want a quality education with the international standart that promotes religious education, as a form of khalifatulloh on earth by staying true to the teachings of the Qur'an and Hadist.
IEC organizes educational program to children aged 6 months - 12 years in Baby Class, Playgroup, Kindergarten and Elementary School. The characteristics education in Little Camel is a full day school, semi-boarding schools, every day with the Quran, International standards and full professional service.
Using an International curriculum and KTSP side by side as the curriculum, Little Camel Elementary School has also distinctive curriculum called Islamic Super Learning.
Little Camel Elementary School provides education that is truly bilingual and International. Using English as a language of daily instruction. But the school ensures that children will have a strong foundation in the Indonesian language as well as cultivate their appreciation for Indonesian culture and heritage.