" It is a fabric store now, used to a shopping mall but now seems to be closed or will be. Mostly left was the fabric store, and small supermarket that sell basic groceries and some home needs and baby needs. "
05 October 2019
Ucup Mamat
" The good are cheap "
06 September 2019
Erlin Cikilind
" Best mall with low price "
02 July 2019
Yuliono Yuliono
" I used to go here once, two years ago, and it was hot inside though there were not many visitors. But maybe, it's different now. "
11 June 2019
Prihastini Firma
" The clothes' model are old fashioned. "
16 March 2019
Biogi Chan
" Large parking area. Great place to shopping with family or friends. "
11 February 2019
Andry Arfiantho 75
" It's good shop "
18 July 2018
Ip Channel
" The clote is mainstream as public need "
27 June 2018
Gabriella Ester
" One of the cheapest place to find ur warm jacket "
12 June 2018
Senny Puspaningtyas
" Nice "
30 May 2018
Nenny Nenny
" Nice "
20 May 2018
Sifa Fatimah
" So happy "
13 May 2018
Hadi Pranoto
" Lengkap "
05 April 2018
Alvino Mahameru
" Complettelly palce for shooping "
22 February 2018
Nanang Rudianto
" Enough big mall "
15 December 2017
" Actually it's good as mini mall, but it needed a sign for goods place, like a toys sign, perfume or detergen sign, and also for baby shop, etc. If you there for first time, you will confuse to search what you need.
FYI: there is no AC there. Ventilation is not good too i think. "
27 November 2017
Ayudya Mahendrasari
" Cheap enough "
31 August 2017
Mahma Mahendra
" Crowded place. Hard to find parking space "
24 June 2017
Kikim Wong
" Shooping "
23 June 2017
Kohar Yudoprasetyo
" Nice place "
18 June 2017
H Hadi Susanto
" Ever came to the mall when its name was still Mall palace. Reportedly it's been turned into Borobudur. "
08 April 2017
Sylvia Khori Imami
" Tempat belanja yang cukup terjangkau untuk kalangan menengah ke bawah "
28 March 2017
Sucipto Didimus
" Bangunannya 2 lantai dan layanan baik.
Lantai dasar : menjual peralatan rumah tangga, kebutuhan sehari-hari, peralatan sekolah, mainan, makanan dan minuman.
Lantai atas : menjual busana laki-laki, perempuan, dan anak-anak. Harga lumayan.... "
04 March 2017
Hamerdin Pratama
" Pusat perbelanjaan pakaian pakaian dan mode di jombang "
27 February 2017
Deny Kramawidjaja
" Unproffesional "
04 February 2017
Ahmad Sholikhin
" nothing great "
26 January 2017
Iza Ansari
" Tempat belanja sebesar ini , gk menyediakan ponten....hadeeehhh.... "
26 January 2017
Fatichul Ilmi
" Tempatnya nyaman dan fasilitas cukup lengkap, sudah terdapat ATM jadi untuk tarik tunai lebih mudah "
22 August 2016
Jazeela Mousthofa
" Ga ada kamar mandinya "
07 July 2016
Abdul Kholiq
" Parkire pAnas bozz "
01 May 2016
Ibrahim Fahmi
" Tempat parkirnya kurang nyaman karena kurang luas.. "
Dedy Widodo
" Not bad "
05 November 2020Icebear
" Interesting "
20 October 2020Pasukan Kangkung
" Nice... "
08 July 2020Anangg Mbonang
" The best furniture "
01 April 2020Era Largis
" It is a fabric store now, used to a shopping mall but now seems to be closed or will be. Mostly left was the fabric store, and small supermarket that sell basic groceries and some home needs and baby needs. "
05 October 2019Ucup Mamat
" The good are cheap "
06 September 2019Erlin Cikilind
" Best mall with low price "
02 July 2019Yuliono Yuliono
" I used to go here once, two years ago, and it was hot inside though there were not many visitors. But maybe, it's different now. "
11 June 2019Prihastini Firma
" The clothes' model are old fashioned. "
16 March 2019Biogi Chan
" Large parking area. Great place to shopping with family or friends. "
11 February 2019Andry Arfiantho 75
" It's good shop "
18 July 2018Ip Channel
" The clote is mainstream as public need "
27 June 2018Gabriella Ester
" One of the cheapest place to find ur warm jacket "
12 June 2018Senny Puspaningtyas
" Nice "
30 May 2018Nenny Nenny
" Nice "
20 May 2018Sifa Fatimah
" So happy "
13 May 2018Hadi Pranoto
" Lengkap "
05 April 2018Alvino Mahameru
" Complettelly palce for shooping "
22 February 2018Nanang Rudianto
" Enough big mall "
15 December 2017AFAN'S LAB
" Actually it's good as mini mall, but it needed a sign for goods place, like a toys sign, perfume or detergen sign, and also for baby shop, etc. If you there for first time, you will confuse to search what you need.
27 November 2017FYI: there is no AC there. Ventilation is not good too i think. "
Ayudya Mahendrasari
" Cheap enough "
31 August 2017Mahma Mahendra
" Crowded place. Hard to find parking space "
24 June 2017Kikim Wong
" Shooping "
23 June 2017Kohar Yudoprasetyo
" Nice place "
18 June 2017H Hadi Susanto
" Ever came to the mall when its name was still Mall palace. Reportedly it's been turned into Borobudur. "
08 April 2017Sylvia Khori Imami
" Tempat belanja yang cukup terjangkau untuk kalangan menengah ke bawah "
28 March 2017Sucipto Didimus
" Bangunannya 2 lantai dan layanan baik.
04 March 2017Lantai dasar : menjual peralatan rumah tangga, kebutuhan sehari-hari, peralatan sekolah, mainan, makanan dan minuman.
Lantai atas : menjual busana laki-laki, perempuan, dan anak-anak. Harga lumayan.... "
Hamerdin Pratama
" Pusat perbelanjaan pakaian pakaian dan mode di jombang "
27 February 2017Deny Kramawidjaja
" Unproffesional "
04 February 2017Ahmad Sholikhin
" nothing great "
26 January 2017Iza Ansari
" Tempat belanja sebesar ini , gk menyediakan ponten....hadeeehhh.... "
26 January 2017Fatichul Ilmi
" Tempatnya nyaman dan fasilitas cukup lengkap, sudah terdapat ATM jadi untuk tarik tunai lebih mudah "
22 August 2016Jazeela Mousthofa
" Ga ada kamar mandinya "
07 July 2016Abdul Kholiq
" Parkire pAnas bozz "
01 May 2016Ibrahim Fahmi
" Tempat parkirnya kurang nyaman karena kurang luas.. "
25 December 2015Salma Bro
" Harganya lumayan "
12 April 2015