Lapindo is located at Jalan Raya Tanggulangin, Ketapang, Tanggulangin, Jatirejo, Porong, Jatirejo, Porong, Kabupaten Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur 61272, Indonesia
" The place really cozy and so perfect if u guys want to be chill near the mud beach, and the smell from the mud really addicting.
u will regret if u not visiting this mud beach. "
30 May 2018
Syams Gaming
" The sadness historical place in indonesia "
11 March 2018
Prince Righty I
" Never went there but I went through here on the way to Malang. This point was actually the end of Surabaya-Porong Highway. Originally built across the Lapindo site, the highway was cut off and destroyed by the mud; so are a few villages. A new highway is in construction now, supposedly a direct highway to Malang. "
01 March 2018
Gading Caca
" There's nothing, just a very wide mud plains. But if you want you can ask the people about the history. It will be exciting. "
31 January 2018
Muhammad Fahri Priambudi
" Lapindo mud pond is a geological disaster that occurs as a result of excessive oil well exploration. It is located in Porong, Sidoarjo, which is the lifeline of Java's cross-transport route. Many expectations of disaster-affected residents are written on the pool wall. "
16 January 2018
Andri Murtadho
" Fun place to take a photograph and learn about oil n gas mining "
26 December 2017
Mazlan Ishak
" Not much to see except fields of wasted lands. "
27 October 2017
Ricky Setiawan
" Always remind me on 2006 sadness.. "
19 October 2017
Hansel Ardison
" Very nice to take photos and the guides were very friendly "
11 October 2017
Hanung Hambara
" The great view to seeing of the unique nature "
05 July 2017
Wibisono Yamin
" The worst and disastrous mining's environmental incident in Indonesia. Lapindo mud burst, May 2006.
The settlement of Lapindo mudflow victims in Sidoarjo, East Java, has not been completed yet. In May 2017, just after 11 years of hot mud burst, there are still dozens of casualties, both from citizens and businessmen, who have not received any compensation. "
29 June 2017
Asih Restu Utami
" Gak bisa ngebayangin.. Berjalan di atas lumpur yang bawahnya dulunya pedesaan.. :( "
08 June 2017
Juveno Ongkar
" This is a sad incident. Thanks to those who earn money or trying to earn from this. Thank you "
24 May 2017
Manikandan Alagappan
" One of worst man made disaster, now its a tourist place mostly visited by locals. "
12 May 2017
Andreian Sefriana
" This is a disaster, not a tourist attraction !! "
22 April 2017
Henderson Bandung
" Moga para korbannya mendapat hak atas kerugian yg diderita "
03 April 2017
Rio Permata
" Sejak tahun 29 Mei 2006 sampai sekarang. Sudah genap 10 tahun tapi lumpur masih belum berhenti menyembur. "
29 March 2017
Dedik AS
" Pulau baru yang muncul akibat keserakahan manusia..semua sejarah dan kenangan terkubur di tempat ini.. "
21 March 2017
Thilal Syihabuddin
" Ok kids. Never plan mine near housing space😋 "
20 March 2017
Roudhotul Jannah
" This accident being landmark of Porong now lol. If you curious about mud flood that drowning many region, come here and see how it be! "
03 March 2017
Aniket Nene
" Eeerie place. One fine day, in the middle of a locality, mud started spewing out, and has not stopped since. Its just spreading and spreading. Attempts to plug the hole, and contain the mud have all failed utterly. Desolate, saddening place, but again, it just reminds that, in the end, mother nature always wins. "
01 March 2017
Moch Rizal
" Kini menjadi tempat wisata baru,meskipun masih banyak luka yg tertinggal.
Muncul pulau baru bernama p.sarina yg menjadi obyek wisata dan penelitian "
01 February 2017
Bang Tut Prsd
" Hmm "
28 January 2017
Eko Mentisari
" Ganti rugi molor terus "
26 January 2017
Sushii Motto
" Muncul setelah gempa jogja 2006 "
04 January 2017
Ibnu Fajar
" Theres was a bad and sad stories about this place "
11 December 2016
" We all must take a lesson from this situation. "
14 September 2016
Khairur Azhan
" The mud is still flowing out of the ground. "
01 September 2016
Eka Sismadi
" Miris... sedih... tapi kata pnduduk pas jokowi jd pres semua sdh d ganti "
30 August 2016
Benny Herlambang
" Kasihan warganya... "
04 August 2016
Ahmad Mubarok
" Not recommended to visit. "
17 July 2016
Wahyu Dwi Pambudi
" Kasian melihatnya, tempat potensial tapi gara2 kepentingan orang jadi kayak gini "
22 May 2016
Yohanes Tananjaya
" sungguh miris tempat ini, ... "
26 January 2016
T. N.D
" Berkat Bakrie, Sidoarjo ditenggelamkan oleh Lumpur "
Nathanael Irawan
" The place really cozy and so perfect if u guys want to be chill near the mud beach, and the smell from the mud really addicting.
30 May 2018u will regret if u not visiting this mud beach. "
Syams Gaming
" The sadness historical place in indonesia "
11 March 2018Prince Righty I
" Never went there but I went through here on the way to Malang. This point was actually the end of Surabaya-Porong Highway. Originally built across the Lapindo site, the highway was cut off and destroyed by the mud; so are a few villages. A new highway is in construction now, supposedly a direct highway to Malang. "
01 March 2018Gading Caca
" There's nothing, just a very wide mud plains. But if you want you can ask the people about the history. It will be exciting. "
31 January 2018Muhammad Fahri Priambudi
" Lapindo mud pond is a geological disaster that occurs as a result of excessive oil well exploration. It is located in Porong, Sidoarjo, which is the lifeline of Java's cross-transport route. Many expectations of disaster-affected residents are written on the pool wall. "
16 January 2018Andri Murtadho
" Fun place to take a photograph and learn about oil n gas mining "
26 December 2017Mazlan Ishak
" Not much to see except fields of wasted lands. "
27 October 2017Ricky Setiawan
" Always remind me on 2006 sadness.. "
19 October 2017Hansel Ardison
" Very nice to take photos and the guides were very friendly "
11 October 2017Hanung Hambara
" The great view to seeing of the unique nature "
05 July 2017Wibisono Yamin
" The worst and disastrous mining's environmental incident in Indonesia. Lapindo mud burst, May 2006.
29 June 2017The settlement of Lapindo mudflow victims in Sidoarjo, East Java, has not been completed yet. In May 2017, just after 11 years of hot mud burst, there are still dozens of casualties, both from citizens and businessmen, who have not received any compensation. "
Asih Restu Utami
" Gak bisa ngebayangin.. Berjalan di atas lumpur yang bawahnya dulunya pedesaan.. :( "
08 June 2017Juveno Ongkar
" This is a sad incident. Thanks to those who earn money or trying to earn from this. Thank you "
24 May 2017Manikandan Alagappan
" One of worst man made disaster, now its a tourist place mostly visited by locals. "
12 May 2017Andreian Sefriana
" This is a disaster, not a tourist attraction !! "
22 April 2017Henderson Bandung
" Moga para korbannya mendapat hak atas kerugian yg diderita "
03 April 2017Rio Permata
" Sejak tahun 29 Mei 2006 sampai sekarang. Sudah genap 10 tahun tapi lumpur masih belum berhenti menyembur. "
29 March 2017Dedik AS
" Pulau baru yang muncul akibat keserakahan manusia..semua sejarah dan kenangan terkubur di tempat ini.. "
21 March 2017Thilal Syihabuddin
" Ok kids. Never plan mine near housing space😋 "
20 March 2017Roudhotul Jannah
" This accident being landmark of Porong now lol. If you curious about mud flood that drowning many region, come here and see how it be! "
03 March 2017Aniket Nene
" Eeerie place. One fine day, in the middle of a locality, mud started spewing out, and has not stopped since. Its just spreading and spreading. Attempts to plug the hole, and contain the mud have all failed utterly. Desolate, saddening place, but again, it just reminds that, in the end, mother nature always wins. "
01 March 2017Moch Rizal
" Kini menjadi tempat wisata baru,meskipun masih banyak luka yg tertinggal.
01 February 2017Muncul pulau baru bernama p.sarina yg menjadi obyek wisata dan penelitian "
Bang Tut Prsd
" Hmm "
28 January 2017Eko Mentisari
" Ganti rugi molor terus "
26 January 2017Sushii Motto
" Muncul setelah gempa jogja 2006 "
04 January 2017Ibnu Fajar
" Theres was a bad and sad stories about this place "
11 December 2016Mav3n
" We all must take a lesson from this situation. "
14 September 2016Khairur Azhan
" The mud is still flowing out of the ground. "
01 September 2016Eka Sismadi
" Miris... sedih... tapi kata pnduduk pas jokowi jd pres semua sdh d ganti "
30 August 2016Benny Herlambang
" Kasihan warganya... "
04 August 2016Ahmad Mubarok
" Not recommended to visit. "
17 July 2016Wahyu Dwi Pambudi
" Kasian melihatnya, tempat potensial tapi gara2 kepentingan orang jadi kayak gini "
22 May 2016Yohanes Tananjaya
" sungguh miris tempat ini, ... "
26 January 2016T. N.D
" Berkat Bakrie, Sidoarjo ditenggelamkan oleh Lumpur "
16 December 2015