About Inspired27 2nd Store
Inspired27 2nd Store is a clothing store, located at Jl. Kendalsari No.6, Tulusrejo, Kec. Lowokwaru, Kota Malang, Jawa Timur 65141, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 341 3039692, visit their website www.inspired27.com for more detailed information.
Isnani Atilavi
" Nice place "
17 May 2018Dyan Kartika Sari
" Recommended "
05 May 2018Dinaprit
" Hmm good "
22 April 2018Dhea Puspita
" Good place to shop "
20 April 2018Stefanus Aprilianto
" Buat yang merasa masih muda dan mengikuti perkembangan fashion terbaru di kota malang, ini tempat yang cocok buat kalian menghabiskan uang kalian! 😉😉 "
12 April 2018Choirul Maarif
11 March 2018Arif Fauzi 1305
" local produt international quality "
29 January 2018Nia Nirmala Sari
" Clothing line n fashion factory with original n authentic design and export quality. Good choice "
18 December 2017Ghulam Al Aufa
" Great brand, only not my style. "
10 December 2017Ima Dhamayanti
" They have a lots of shirt to choose.. "
04 December 2017Gerrylevista Danian F.
" That's my favourite shopping "
08 November 2017Norma Indriani
" The place is surely instagramable "
04 November 2017Rio Chandra
" Good stuff. I like their unique interior design and also the kindness of their employees. The employees are bery helpful. Fyi you can redeem your 10 Telkomsel poin to get 10% discount "
17 October 2017Muhammad Thaifururrahman
" Recomended 👌 "
25 September 2017Rian Priyo Hardi
" its unique experience, we can grill by our self "
02 August 2017Naufal Fadhli
" A lot of good stuff here. The service is excellent too! "
04 July 2017Ahmad Bayhaqi
" Good "
21 June 2017Lath Putri
" This place is all that u want. Restorant, barber shop, store at the time. Pretty interesting❤ "
20 June 2017Arianto Lauw
" Good place, good food.. "
23 May 2017Dito Harum Prayogi
" Perfect place for clothing holic "
04 April 2017Mukti Rahmad Barnawan
" Mahal, size kecil2 "
16 February 2017Sujatmoko Dwi
" One of the best distro in Malang "
09 February 2017Stefanus Dewangga
" Many brand here with good product and price, big place so comfortable to shopping "
20 January 2017Danzen Junami
" Good place and good restaurant tomoo "
14 December 2016Nanang Harianto
" One of part clothing distro on malang east java, in this place we can buy clothes with many brands. "
20 November 2016Araya Guesthouse Malang&BSD City
" Such a cozy place to shop "
06 November 2016Burhanudin Muhammad
" Oleh"nya malang "
03 November 2016Studiotigacipta Malang
" Awesome product & place, the people too. Good job! Well done "
17 October 2016Novian Zaini
" Gr8 local brand, affordable price "
15 October 2016Pantjahjo Noerwanto
" Ini tempat apa "
04 September 2016Danny Dan
" Awesome "
26 August 2016Happy Yugo Prasetiya
" Good stuff from local brands. Nice hospitality from the crew. "
19 August 2016Adink De Menace
" kelaperan dan stop di sini. gak expect sesuatu yang nikmat. ternyata memang nikmat makanannya. waktu itu pesen steak. maknyus. "
09 August 2016Riedha Asharry
" good "
08 August 2016Panji Bintang
" Cool "
21 July 2016Nunung Afu'ah
" Hidden treasure! Love the atmosphere! "
19 July 2016Aries Madcom
" Good shooping place "
27 June 2016Firman Dwi
" Bagus tempatnya "
23 June 2016Husnanda Aditya Pradana
" Have a good day "
04 March 2016Andika Fahrurozi
" Nice product, good price "
08 February 2016Bambang Fajar Suryadi
" I like their products! Not too expensive, very nice! "
30 December 2015